Thursday, November 25, 2010

Meeting With Inspector Monks and Chris Dickson Leicestershire Police

Would it not be convenient for everyone to believe I am mad?!

Well Inspector did not say I was mad, but he said he was concerned for my well being and safety. Due to recent events and complaints.

He feels I put my self at risk by photographing at public events! here we go again same old story we don't want Brookes as you call me taking photographs, well get over it a lot of people do!
Mr Tyers behaviour the other Sunday spoilt this because I had been asked by two mothers to photograph their sons, I completely lost track of who had asked so they were let down. Mr Tyers and his small band of friends can not bare the thought a lot of people do like what I do.

Inspector Monks has decided he is going to ask the Oakham medical practice to offer me some assistance?

He said I am not suggesting you are mad and we don't bundle people into vans anymore and take them away.
Interesting thought, I am sure this is something Mr Harrison, Mr Carey or Mr Tyers may have wished for.

So it appears a Daily Mail reader who is a man can telephone companies and order me goods and services including gravestones and this is not mad behaviour?  When I complain about this I am possibly unwell? I have an example of their handwriting sent back to me by a furniture company and the police do nothing.

They don't like me saying this, I am sorry I don't see any evidence you have done anything to stop these people behaving in such a terrible manner.

I won't be visiting the police station again Oakham police are a waste of time. Politicts and Police don't mix but it is acceptable at Oakham.

That will please the person who comments my visits are a waste of tax payers money.
I was warned not to say anything bad about Cllr Barrie Roper because hes in charge of the police authority.
I don't understand why, I can't undrstand what I could say bad about him, apart from he is addicted to his i phone, surely that wont get me locked up.

I will continue to Blog the good and bad about Oakham Town Council hopefully more good than bad.

I don't think it is fair for Oakham Town Council to have control of what is published by the Rutland Times / Mercury because they can not afford to send a reporter along.

I do not record the meetings I use pen and ink so your suggestion I do is wrong.

PC Lloyd told me the Blog is the bane of him because people like Mr Tyers always complain and he cannot find anything wrong.

I mentioned the complete obsession one of you has with the notice board incident, Chris Dickson and Inspector Monks both agree this matter is finished and dealt. So stop harassing me by suggesting I pay up with interest.

In conclusion I will not stop blogging or photographing, why should I Mr Harrison has never removed his lies from his blog. So your past threats this will end when you stop blogging will be ignored. I hope when I am out with my camera at events also photograph I  add also photographed by the local press, the police will protect me from thugs like Mr Tyers.

I am off to enjoy a evening with some friends please do comment away, oh yes! I am so mad friends of Lesley, Mr Duncan's PA let me into their home!