Saturday, November 20, 2010

Water Aid St Peter & St Paul's Church Uppingham Christmas Tree Festival

Water Aid St Peter & St Paul's Church Uppingham Christmas Tree Festival.

50 decorated Christmas trees to view and raise money for Anglian Waters Charity Water Aid.

The event start Thursday 9th December the evening of Uppinghams Christmas Shopping Event.

The Festival continues on Friday 10th December

The Festival will be open from 9am - 5pm

A donation of £2.50 admits an adult children can look for free.

Friday evening is the Water Aid Gala Reception mulled wine, and canapes will be served. (its all very posh up there mince pie anyone? That reminded me of my first Parish Forum when Cllr Joyce Lucas said oh you don't sit at that table its for Uppingham there posh!) the evening will be filled with Christmas music.

From 7-9pm entry by donation £10

The festival continues on Saturday 11th December from 10am - 4pm
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