Monday, January 03, 2011

Question Time - Wednesday 19th January 2011 Rutland County Council

Question Time - Wednesday 19th January 2011
Rutland County Council is pleased to announce that residents will once again have the chance to put forward their views in person at a special 'question time'.

The ‘Rutland Question Time’ event is taking place on Wednesday 19 January (7.00pm – 9.00pm) at Rutland County Museum in Oakham.

The event will include a brief overview of the challenges faced by the council (including discussion around the proposed savings) followed by a Q&A session.

Reserve your place

Contact Rutland County Council on 01572 722 577 or email communications@rutland.gov.uk.

Places are allocated on first come first served with 166 spaces available for each event.

Priority will be given to questions submitted in advance to enable a more detailed/informed answer to be provided.

The deadline for questions is Tuesday 18 January 2010.

You Choose 2011

You Choose 2011Rutland County Council has some tough choices to make after huge cuts in the amount of funding the county receives from central government.

The county is in the process of making £3 million of savings this financial year with further cuts to follow of at least £2.1 million over the next two financial years.

All of this has prompted a thorough review of all council services and local residents are now being asked to give their views on a series of cost-saving measures.

Details of proposed savings will appear on councils webpage from Monday 10 January as part of a two week countywide consultation (until 23 January 2011) including an online survey, roadshows, and meetings with specific groups (e.g. youth council).

Public Meeting - Register your details

Registration is also now OPEN for a public question time taking place on Wednesday 19 January 2011 at Rutland County Museum between 7pm and 9pm.

Please email communications@rutland.gov.uk if you wish to reserve a space or have any questions about the event.