Thursday, January 20, 2011

Where were the other Rutland County Councillors Question Time?

 I received the following  e-mails  for publication, questioning where were the true independents and Liberals? At last nights question time, it is known at least one of the Lib/Dem Councillor present is really a Tory and chose not to stand as a Tory for fear of non election 

Mr Peter J W Golden (Lib/Dem)- NORMANTON WARD

I agree the presentation was not clear, one gentleman who turns around failing companies highlighted, his concerns.

After Quetion Time another gentleman who works with Rutland County Council, said the main problem last night was the big man.

I like the suggestion for debate and it was clear this is what the public wanted last night, I understand debate needs to be controlled, but not in the way the Tory members of Rutland County Council would want to control it. I am very sure they would do everything in their power to stop independent public debate in Rutland.

Dear Martin

Attached Power point  (I only included Rutland Council Logo) as I had thought they might like to be involved.  It would be helpful if others would get involved with the idea and keep money circulating in Rutland. The sample vouchers show Alice's Taxi but could equally be Rutland Taxi Association Voucher and  get other taxi drivers to join in.

 I also have included my letter to Jeremy Prescott. You may forward this to your friend or post it on your blog. Let me know your thoughts about SPIRAL.



From: josie2112@hotmail.com
To: jeremy.prescott@ntlworld.com
Subject: Public Meeting 19th January RCC
Date: Thu, 20 Jan 2011 09:54:48 +0000

Dear Jeremy

If I strayed off the point I apologise.  However, same difference the RCC cut your funds at a vital time.  Not aware that you are trying to do something with Rutland buildings, Halls etc.  I have a barn that needs refurbishing.  I would like to carry out a social enterprise idea at my premises.  

The power point presentation was designed to confuse with figures.  Why were the other councillors not there i.e Richard Gale Nick Wainwright notably the ones who are independent and not conservative.

I am about to spearhead  SPIRAL  as a debating forum.  SPEAK PUBLICLY IN RUTLAND ABOUT LEGISLATION! I will seek to ask Rob of Rutland Radio to put the idea to Rutland Audience.

Please let your feelings on the matter be spoken loud and clear.

