Sunday, February 06, 2011

Mr David Burton, Oaky Taxi Driver, Twitter, Oakham, Rutland

If Oakham Taxi Driver David Burton's twitter is to be believed then he does not work for Berridge Taxis. The public gave me wrong info, I do know he is a taxi driver. because PC Icke said he would deal with him last year. I guess he bought him a pint of beer?

If this is true I am sorry for any embarrassment this may have caused Berridge Taxi

Mr Burton has been conducting a campaign in support of ex Councillors and former Mayor Jim Harrison who like people to believe they are respectable.

The send me things in the post, Mr Harrison states falsely I am a risk to children on his blog.

Mr Burton tweets in support. I don't know why? its clear he knows me, but I don't know him.

I have reported the matter to the police once again, I don't expect Leicestershire Police will do anything.
They seem happy to allow this sort of behaviour to continue?

These are Mr Burton's recent Tweets. (I wonder why he thinks this hatred and harrasment is acceptable.)

  1. don't know why the police let pedophiles near computers
  2. Somebody tell that wanker Brookes we have nothing to do with Berridges