Saturday, February 12, 2011

Oakham Town Council MEETINGS ON FEBRUARY 16TH 2011

Oakham Town Council MEETINGS ON FEBRUARY 16TH 2011

Members of the public are asked to note that the meetings on February 16th 2011 will start at 7.30pm. 

(this is to allow for the private meeting to instruct Councillors on how they should act upon matters in the public meeting and others matters the Council does not want reported are dealt with then)

The meetings will be of the Planning and General Purposes Committee followed by a meeting of the Parks and Recreation Committee. 

These will be merely to confirm the minutes of the last meetings of the Committees that took place on November 17th 2010.

Once the Committee meetings have concluded, there will be a meeting of the Council.

Agendas for all meetings can be viewed or downloaded by clicking here

something NEW a little more openness it might make some items a little more understandable. I will ask for my copies.
If you require hard copies of any appendices then please contact the Clerk to the Council who will supply these to you.