Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Planning Application made regarding the Proposed Sainsburys Oakham Development, Development Control & Licensing Committee (Special)

Development Control & Licensing Committee
Tuesday 22 February 2011 6:00pm - 9:00pm
Council Chamber, Oakham

Rutland County Council released details of a special meeting of the Development Control & Licensing Committee that has been convened to consider the Planning Application made regarding the Sainsburys Development.




DC&L Special - Report No. 36/2011 (22.02.11) 


The application proposes a town-centre use within an out-of-centre
location. The required Sequential Test submitted by the applicant does
not establish that this site is the best available location for such retail
development, particularly given that it does not provide sufficient evidence
that other sites closer to the Town Centre aren’t suitable, available and
viable for such development. Given this, the current application is
contrary to saved Policies EN1, RE1B, and RE1C of the adopted Rutland
Local Plan, and to central government guidance in Policies EC15, EC16
and EC17 of PPS4.

Does this mean the Council has taken Waitrose's threat seriously?

Oakham Town Council voted to approve Sainsbury.

Waitrose told the Council if they approve Sainsbury's application, they will not consider opening a store on council land,  the proposed Waitrose Store site, Rutland College of Barleythorpe Road.

It will be interesting to see how this goes.

I wonder who is offering more 106 cash?

At the last Council meeting we learnt Rutland County Council is holding over £1,000,000 of unspent 106 payments.

Money given for local projects by developers for the good of the community.

For those who don't know what 106 payments are,  they are legal planning bribes given by large developers.

Rutland County Council continually say these payment offers, do not and can not effect a planning decision.

I recently sat and listened to the planning meeting for Hawksmead and Councillor Baines (Conservative) said we must decide today! because if this goes to appeal we loose control of 106 payments.

At the Tesco planning meeting, All Councillors were given confidential details of Tesco 106 payment offers on a yellow A4 paper. before they voted. 

Please don't tell me this tempting Tesco carrot did not influence the outcome, along with senior Conservative members publicly stating, the council could not afford the appeal!

Every little thing helps!