Monday, February 14, 2011

Rutland County Council Meeting 14th February 2011

Tonight Rutland County Council met. all the following councillors were present with Mr Pook and Mrs Briggs

Mr Edward Baines (Conservative) - MARTINSTHORPE WARD (Chairman of the Council)

Mr Roger B Begy (Conservative) - GREETHAM WARD  (Leader of the Council)

Mr Kenneth A Bool (Conservative) - UPPINGHAM WARD (Vice-Chairman of the Council)
Mr Jeffrey T Dale (Independent) - OAKHAM NORTH EAST WARD

Cpt Vijay Dighe (Conservative) - OAKHAM NORTH EAST WARD

Mr L John Duckham (Conservative) - BRAUNSTON AND BELTON WARD

Mr Trevor C Ellis (Conservative) - NORMANTON WARD

Mr Richard J Gale (Independent) - OAKHAM NORTH WEST WARD

Mr Peter J W Golden (Lib/Dem)- NORMANTON WARD
was reading an email from me on his laptop

Miss Charlotte L Jones (Conservative) - RYHALL AND CASTERTON WARD

Mr Peter W Jones (Conservative) - OAKHAM SOUTH WEST WARD

Mr Terry C King (Conservative) - EXTON WARD (Deputy Leader of the Council)
with his box of tissues and Tesco carrier bag, I don't think he was well as his coughed into bag on arrival, looking like a glue sniffer.

Mr Trevor Lovell (Independent) - OAKHAM NORTH WEST WARD

Mr Brian A Montgomery (Independent) - WHISSENDINE WARD

Mr Marc A Oxley (Lib/Dem) - UPPINGHAM WARD

Mr Chris A Parsons (Conservative) - RYHALL AND CASTERTON WARD
and his can of Coca Cola Zero
Mr Hugh E G Rees (Conservative) - KETTON WARD

Mrs Janine Rodger (Conservative) - COTTESMORE WARD

Mr Barrie W Roper (Conservative) - KETTON WARD

Mrs Deborah Stuart (Conservative) - LYDDINGTON WARD

Mr Nicholas Mark Wainwright (Conservative) - LANGHAM WARD

Mrs Heather Wells (Conservative) - OAKHAM SOUTH WEST WARD

Mr Mark Wells (Conservative) - OAKHAM SOUTH EAST WARD

The following sent there apologies

Mr Peter D Ind (Independent) - UPPINGHAM WARD

Mr Gene Plews (Conservative) - OAKHAM SOUTH EAST WARD

3 members of the public were present.

The Chairman started with a Prayer I observed many councillors find this very uncomfortable. I do because if there is a God I don't think he would be to pleased with the behaviour of some our Councillors.

Chairman's notices were given to members on paper. The chairman then said if you can see around our leader you will notice (he retracted his comment and left the subject of obesity to Mr Begy to mention later in the meeting) a new addition on the wall. An Original painting of a Rutland Crest had been gifted to the Council.

Declarations of interests were received from:

Mr Peter J W Golden (Lib/Dem)- NORMANTON WARD item 8

Mrs Heather Wells (Conservative) - OAKHAM SOUTH WEST WARD item 14

Mr Mark Wells (Conservative) - OAKHAM SOUTH EAST WARD item 14

Mr Edward Baines (Conservative) - MARTINSTHORPE WARD (Chairman of the Council) item 6
Minutes of the previous meeting were accepted.

There were no petitions, Deputations and Questions from Members of the public.

Questions from member of the Council.

Mr Peter J W Golden (Lib/Dem)- NORMANTON WARD asked a question about a right of way issue.

The question was answered by
Mr Mark Wells (Conservative) - OAKHAM SOUTH EAST WARD

various other issues were dealt with.

The meeting was closed