Monday, February 14, 2011

Rutland County Council say Oakham Fire Station is Safe Regional Fire Control Centre May still go Ahead

Rutland County Council say Oakham Fire Station is Safe

Mr Roger B Begy (Conservative) - GREETHAM WARD  (Leader of the Council) asked if Oakham Fire Station would remain open.
Mr Kenneth A Bool (Conservative) - UPPINGHAM WARD (Vice-Chairman of the Council) reported the Fire Authority has said Oakham and Uppingham Fire stations are safe. There is a strong possibility of future reinvestment into Oakham Fire Station.

He also said the previous government had planned 8 regional control centres. The cost of this had proved to costly so most had been scrapped.

The planned new control centre to include Rutland may still go ahead although it is likely Northamptonshire Council wont be included as it seems they are opting for partnership with Milton Keynes