Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Conservative Rutland County Councillors stepping down.

At the end of the last full Rutland County Council meeting before May's Election Mr Roger B Begy (Conservative) - GREETHAM WARD  (Leader of the Council) thanked all members for their contribution.

He also thanked those Councillors who are stepping down.

These included:

Mrs Janine Rodger (Conservative) - COTTESMORE WARD

Mrs Heather Wells (Conservative) - OAKHAM SOUTH WEST WARD

Mr Mark Wells (Conservative) - OAKHAM SOUTH EAST WARD

Mr Hugh E G Rees (Conservative) - KETTON WARD

Mr L John Duckham (Conservative) - BRAUNSTON AND BELTON WARD

Mr Trevor C Ellis (Conservative) - NORMANTON WARD

Mr Duckham was absent, but Mr Begy gave him a special mention for his length of service.
He has been a Councillor since the days  Rutland was Leicestershire.

Mr Edward Baines (Conservative) - MARTINSTHORPE WARD (Chairman of the Council) said he echoed the words of the leader.

Some of the worst are still hanging on... the ballot box on May 5th may help...........