Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Appeal Hearing Jeakins Weir v Rutland County Council

This morning was the first day of the hearing by the Inspector, who will decide whether the land to the west of Uppingham Road Oakham will be built on.

Today there were introductions from of all parties i.e. Jeakins Weir ‘s QC Mr Jerry Cahill, Rutland CC’s QC  Mr Brian Ash and Oakham Action’s QC Mr Satnam Choong.
Over the next couple of days they will be presenting their evidence and witnesses and questioning other parties’ witnesses.   

The Inspector has the chance to pose questions and clarify answers as the hearing goes along. 

Today the Rutland County Council presented their case and called witnesses mainly on the subject of the 5 year housing supply and the other reasons why the Full Council  had indicated that they would refuse planning consent.

Wednesday morning at 10 a.m. the Oakham Action case will be presented, both on the housing supply question, and more importantly on the Landscape Visual Impact.

In the time which is left on Wednesday,  Mr Cahill will commence the Jeakins Weir case, which will be sure to go on into Thursday.

On Friday morning members of the public who have requested it, will have a chance to speak and then there will be a short summing up.

If you wish to attend please ensure you are there before the time as the Inspector is very prompt.  

In the afternoon it can start before 2 pm if the morning session stops before 1 pm.   There is a 1 hour break !  The outside door is closed when the session starts,  so please be there early.  The session closes between 4.30 and 5.00.

You can leave earlier if you wish.