Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Local firm severs ties with Oakham Town Council.

Local firm severs ties with Oakham Town Council.

I would like to think the Clerks name is also mentioned and there is no defamation associated with my name. I would have been nice to see the letter before it was sent out to the whole town.

----- Original Message -----
From: Richard White
Sent: 06/15/11 09:13 AM
To: Cllr Martin Brookes
Subject: Re: ############

OTC received a letter yesterday stating that ########### were no longer able to take instructions from the Council. You are named in it.
Invoices have been received for ###### received up to that point and will be reported to the Council in the normal way. 
A copy of the letter will be posted out today to everyone although the Chairman is already aware of the fact.