Friday, July 08, 2011

It was all Rubbish! at Rutland County Council

It was all Rubbish! at Rutland County Council

Last night we received an update from Rutland County Council regarding the Rubbish.

Or as Rutland County Council would prefer to say

An update on the Refuse and Recycling Collection Scheme.

Emily Frikha Waste Projects Officer present us with a the following update.

Rutland's kerbside recycling commenced in April 2008
most households now have three wheelie bins.

Black bins collected one week and the green the next
this is all soon going to change.

But first I am sure Rutland County Council will be pleased if I
share some success and achievements with you.

in 2007 recycling was 28.8% following the introduction of
the scheme this figure nearly doubled to 52.9% in 2009/10

in 2009/10 this increased yet again to 55.8%

In fact in 2009/10 Rutland had the 9th highest recycling rate in
the country and was the highest achieving unitary council.

During 2010/11 the recycling rate increased to an estimated 57.2%

So it seems Rutland County Council are good with Rubbish

Rutland County Council has tendered for new contracts and saved

From the 1st April 2011 - 31st March 2013 all the landfill waste
thats the mucky stuff in the black bins will be finding its way to
landfill sites in Stainby, Lincolnshire and Weldon, Northamptonshire

From the 1st of April 2013 - 2021 it will be taken to a waste
transfer station in Rutland WRG's Eastcroft waste to energy
facility in Nottingham.

The transfer site is planned to be located behind Cottesmore
CA site Burley Road (B688) which will be built and run by WRG

From 1st April 2011 to 31st March 2013 all grey bin waste
recyclables are dealt with at a new state of the art  facility being
built in Leicester run and owned by Casepack Ltd. This site will
house a educational visitors centre.

The green bins garden waste will be composted to 31st March 2016
at a farm composting facility in North Luthenham Rutland, run by
J&B Ellis Ltd.

The Council will soon be sending out new information
many household have already been informed of the
many new items that can now be placed in the Grey Recycle Bin.

From October 2011 most household  will find their collection
days changed. Some resident will have to put out the green
bin with the black bin instead of with the grey bin.

All bins will now be emptied Monday - Friday so those
who like a layin on a Saturday won't be woke up early
by the noise anymore.

If you want further information please visit
