Wednesday, July 06, 2011

Oakham Town Council Co-option charade

Oakham Town Council Co-option Charade

Oakham Town Council members put three members of the public through a charade of an interview this evening.

They went onto to co-opt the three new Councillors. There was one serious flaw in the process the Chairman Cllr Lucas forgot to ask the candidates if they wanted to be co-opted onto the Council after their interviews.

So far it appears that two of the candidates have agreed to accept the co-option, whilst another is not sure, I have spoken to them and they told me this evening they thought they were only attending a informal chat to get to know the Councillors before they decided what to go ahead and ask to be co-opted?

I am not sure what they legal process is to reverse the decision to co-opt, I wonder if they have to resign?