Sunday, September 25, 2011

Can you fill the Vacancy on Oakham Town Council?

Oakham Town Council has one current vacancy. 

Possible two by the end of the depending the outcome of my tribunal.

If you are interested in applying to be co-opted here are few words of caution.

You must fully support the Old Guards wishes.
Including the Clerk Richard White and his old mates made up of ex Town Councillors
they know who they are so I don't need to name them.

Do you know how much he is paid? he constantly leaves work early  yes the tax payer pays for that.
The Chair Councillor Lucas said at public staffing committee meeting "I have told him he is not indispensable"
Of course she can't get rid of him because he plays along with the old guard but I guess she has to be seen noting there is an issue.

You should attend a meeting and see how the likes of ex Councillor Kelly just walk into his office at the end of the meeting. totally ignoring the dictatorial rules of access laid down in writing by the Chair Councillor Joyce Lucas* Is he asked to leave? the answer is no.

You must also worship Conservative (bullies) Leader Roger Begy and Deputy Leader Terry King and Chief Executive Helen Briggs up at Rutland County Council.

Roger thinks its fine to publicly call me a idiot. He talks about voter apathy no wonder there is apathy when people behave like they do.

We have a town council made up of no one person elected by the people of Oakham and Terry King Conservative had the cheek to write to me and  blame me for that!

If your not prepared to sit and agree with all they want then be prepared to be insulted, threatened, intimidated and god help you if you just happen to be gay.

Over the last two years I have received threatening communications, many of those vanished when I handed that into Oakham Police Station. Strangely it no no longer vanishes since Inspector Johnny Monks departed to Loughborough.

The comment received below is a mild example of what one should expect if you dare to speak out for the local tax payer.

Of course this no longer offends me as much as it used to but, I don't see why anyone should have to tolerate this kind of cowardly behaviour?

Anonymous said...martin i have a few choice comments for you and not a single one of them is nice but hey ho im really not worried if i offend you in fact thats my intention. it seems to me all you want to do is insert yourself and your opinions into places where they are not needed or required you are nothing more than a sour old queen with out dated opinions, so at this point my first and politest reccomendation is do the residents of rutland a huge favour and leave you obviously dont like being here so find somewhere more suitable to reside maybe the bottom of the mariana trench. secondly it has been brought to my attention that you refuse to use job centres in stamford and melton because you dont like the place or the staff but have your fair to Leicester paid to you, well guess what buddy your not superior to everyone else you are just another person who has failed. reading that Rutland county council have been instructed to ignore you is such a good thing maybe now you will stop wasting there time with your pointless and unhelpful nonsense
so lastly here is my summary:
September 25, 2011 12:31 AM

If you are still interested in Co-option

Contact the Town Clerk Richard White

Please contact us using any of the following methods

By Post:
Oakham Town Council,
Victoria Hall,
39, High Street,
LE15 6AH

By Telephone:
(01572) 723627

I may not be a conventional Councillor but I will never understand the behaviour of these cowards. They must have a lot to hide because surely one little person like me would not been seen as such a threat to the local establishment?

They are also appear blind to how their behaviour looks to the outside world I pity them....

*The Mayor Cllr Joyce Lucas has introduced the following rules after the council paid over £600 to have a stable door fitted to the office.

Members of the public and elected members (Councillor) are no longer welcome in the office.

She has issued all member with the following written rules:

i) It is hoped that as many enquiries as possible can be dealt with through the stable door.
NO member of the public or elected member should expect to gain admittance beyond the
stable door without prior appointment and without good cause.

ii) NO member of the public who is admitted into the office or council chamber is to be left

iii) Documentation relating to plan and planning applications is for the benefit of elected members
only. (Members of the public wishing to inspect planning applications are to be directed to visit
Rutland County Council's offices at Catmose where there are proper facilities provided for the
viewing of plans)

iv) In order to minimise disruption to the work of the clerks, elected members and members of
the public visiting the office for the purpose of making enquiries should expect to wait between a
minimum of 24 hours and up to 5 working days for a reply to their request or query.