Thursday, September 15, 2011

Christmas Lights, Oakham, Rutland

Last night the Mayor Cllr Lucas complimented the Clerk for his hard work for obtaining 3 quote for new Christmas lights and thanked him for his 20 page report and asked for her thanks to be minuted. It was only 14 pages. The Clerk then said only four pages were his work! Such a waste of expensive red paper. around 154 sheets of paper in total were distributed.

I say a waste because no one had originally asked the Clerk to go out and seek quotes for the new lights.
This was later agreed. I raised this with members previously this is why the Mayor was determined to thank him for his efforts.

At the last nights meeting the Clerk presented a fourth option thankfully verbally "we don't do anything this year"

The council agreed what a waste of time and money.

The Council then went onto agree further quotes and a plan should be obtained for new lights for Christmas 2012.