Sunday, September 11, 2011

Oakham Town Council Change

We could do with out the Town Council. 

Localism could be the start of it. I am assuming this is why Uppingham Town Council are putting the County Town to shame, leading the way by securing government funding to start the ball rolling. 

Oakham Town Council leaders, Cllr Joyce Lucas and Cllr Charles Haworth and the remainder of the old guard Cllr Dewis still put most of their efforts into excluding me from the Council?

It says saving the Barleythorpe Road field is a project to big for them to take on?
I hope the local people succeed where the Town Council has let them down.

The Clerk can be included amongst the list of names above. 

I learnt from him a few days ago he considers Roger Begy Leader of Rutland County County Council a good friend of his. That begins to explain a lot of issues. 

At least Roger Begy has not directed the F Word at me yet! unlike the Clerk.
Roger Begy simply calls me an idiot in public. I am no Idiot Mr Begy and I think you know that, I think you say it in an attempt to intimidate and bully like your deputy and Chief Executive.

Only on Friday a member of the public approached me and asked where can I go? where can I turn? is there is no where a member of the public can seek help when they are subjected to the bullying by your council? Sadly I said my experience tells me there is know where to seek help.

If they go to the CAB for anything it is leaked to the Council or press by a Town Councillor who works at the CAB.

Not only has the person who spoke to me experienced breaches of Confidentiality after visiting the CAB in Oakham. I have also I visited last year and spoke confidentially about money issues and my difficulty in getting to the job centre that week and then a comment was posted on my blog sorry to hear you have money problems. I now refrain from using the Oakham branch of the CAB and suggest others are cautious.

If you are complaining about either council beware of the Town Councillor who sucks up to Rutland County Council.

Listening to new members comments, In an attempt to improve Oakham Town Council I have sent the following e-mail. Of course the new members need to start speaking up for themselves they do now out number the old guard!

Sent to: Oakham Town Council

Dear All,

Yesterday a new Councillor told me they feel excluded and not part of the team, at Oakham Town Council.

Another is said to have said "they are taking the piss out of us"!

Cllr Adam Lowe confirmed what I had for known some time now, Cllr Lucas was excluding me from Coucil business.

Most members will know I nominated Cllr Lucas and Cllr Haworth as our Chairman and Deputy.
As an attempt to make peace. This has clearly failed.

Cllr Haworth contnues to assist with the attempted exclusion of myself. He continues to lie. He told me he does not speak to an ex Cllr. Only to spend a long time talking to them this weekend. If he spent as much time speaking to new members as he does the old guard then maybe they would feel like they were part of the team Oakham Town Council should be.

On Wednesday I would like to make the followiing proposals at the start of the Town Council meeting and I like this minuted.

5. To consider a vote of no confidence in the Chairman Cllr Joyce Lucas and Vice Chairman Cllr Charles Haworth of Oaham Town Council  to be moved by Cllr. Martin Brookes

Cllr. Martin Brookes asks that this matter is considered as Cllrs. we need to stop bickering and get on with
the job. This can only be achieved if we have good strong leadership, who involve all in the proccess of conducting the Councils business.

If the proposal is accepted and passed I would like to propose Cllr John Nowell and Dr Guthrie for either role of Chairman and Vice Chairman.

The way in which Cllr Nowell conducted his first planning meeting as Chairman was a fine example of how a meeting should be chaired. Cllr Lucas telling me to shut my mouth is not a fine example of how a chairman should conduct a meeting.

Members will know by now there is an agenda item Regarding a staff complaint.

I would like to request along with myself, Cllr Dewis and the Clerk, the following Councillor are not involved with any descision making.

Cllr Charles Haworth, because of the many times he has told me I am insane and said he will see me removed from he Council.

Cllr Joyce Lucas because of her efforts to exclude me from the Council.

It is hoped I will receive a written apology from the member of staff for the past swearing I have been subjected to.


Cllr Martin Brookes