Friday, October 21, 2011

Oakham Town Council, NO Objectives, Cllr Alf Dewis

 Cllr Alfred Dewis and Ex Rutland Commander Inspector J Monks
OTC terrible 4 do miss him so much.....

This morning I received the following email from Cllr Dewis, I don't often receive e-mails from this thug and it seems he often blocks mine as spam, strange when you consider nearly all his standards complaints against me relate to my e-mail and my blog he also says he does not read. It must have caused him and the other terrible three great pain to include me in council business

What I particularly like about this email is the admission the council lack objectives or as I previously stated no strategic plan.

----- Original Message -----
From: Alf Dewis
Sent: 10/21/11 09:53 AM
To: LucasHackGreen@aol.com, 'Charles Haworth', 'Adam Lowe', 'Robert Guthrie', 'John Nowell', jayne6@btinternet.com, 'Peter Lockett', 'Maureen Dodds', chris_hopkin@o2.co.uk, 'Cllr Martin Brookes'
Subject: Council Objectives

When, at the last Council meeting, we started to discuss the budget we came across the age old problem of not having Council objectives on which to base our considerations.  At the moment we set the budget based on the previous year’s figures. 

After discussion with the Chairman it was decided that the Policy and Procedures Working Group undertakes work on this topic and bring a report forward to a meeting of the Council on 14Th December 2011, so that all members can debate the recommendations.  It would be useful to have input from all on what you consider the priorities should be (together with estimated costs).  Please let me have your views of the objectives the Council should pursue categorised in –

  1. Short term ( by end of financial year 2012/13)
  2. Medium term (by end of the present Council 2014/2015), and
  3. Long term (2015 +)
This needs to be completed fairly quickly to allow us to use the information in this year’s budget process so please let me have your views by 31st October 2011.


I have removed the spam filter from your address so that you can reply.  Following receipt of your next email it will go back on again so I hope it contains your proposals.

I look forward to receiving the views of you all.

