Showing posts with label Cllr Alf Dewis. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Cllr Alf Dewis. Show all posts

Thursday, May 21, 2015

Cllr Alf Dewis ,The Chairman on his own has no power to make decisions without the Resolution of Oakham Town Council

The Chairman on his own has no power to make decisions without the Resolution of the Council

A legal requirement the Chairman of Oakham Town Council Alf Dewis finds a little
difficult to understand and implement.

The law is very clear and easy to understand, No individual Councillor can run the

Local Government Association Guidance states a good parish council is made up
of a team.

So when Cllr Alf Dewis decides through a informal meetings of past Councillors that all
Councillors are banned from entering the Town Councils Office that is
unlawful because the decision was made without any Resolution of the Council.

Also Cllr Alf Dewis spent over £1000 on employment and HR Legal
Advice when doing this he also broke the law because that expenditure  was made without the
Resolution of the council.

Also when Cllr Alf Dewis makes employment decisions relating to the
Clerk he breaches the law because no Councillor can receive delegated power
of make decisions without the Resolution of the Council.

Below is a simple lawful guide which Cllr Alf Dewis might find useful:

The Chairman,

Is a member of the Council and is elected annually
Has the authority at meetings and must be obeyed
Is the interface between the public and the Council
The one to welcome speakers and make them ‘feel at home’
Is to make sure the decision is clear for the clerk to act upon

Note: The Chairman on his own has no power to make decisions without the Resolution of the Council

It is illegal for a clerk to take the chair at a meeting.

What does a good chairman do?
Plan the meeting with the clerk and ensure that everything on the agenda is legal.
Brief themselves and prepare fully – study all relevant information and anticipate the needs and interests of the members.  The Chairman can then answer questions or deal with requests for information.

Be punctual – the Chairman should set a good example by arriving early to check the arrangements and welcome members, the public and any visiting speakers.

Conduct the meeting  -

Check there is a quorum (minimum number of members needed to make the meeting legal)
Call the meeting to order and declare it open
Welcome members, the public and visiting speakers to the meeting
Introduce the standard items on the agenda – apologies; declarations of interest; confirmation of minutes of previous meeting
Introduce the agenda items and ensure that all members know what they have to achieve and how they might do it encourage participation
Stimulate an exchange of ideas and experience
Ensure that all have a chance to express their views freely
Keep the members aware of objectives
Maintain focus
Guide and progress discussion towards achieving the objectives
Manage conflict
Be fair and balanced
Preserve order
Enforce rules of procedure

Rule on disputed matters.

Friday, October 17, 2014

Cllr Alf Dewis, Oakham Deputy Mayor, Inept Rutland County Council Plan, Aldi

Cllr Alf Dewis, Oakham Deputy Mayor, Inept Rutland County Council Plan, Aldi

Cllr Dewis writes to the local paper as one of the town council
biggest inept bullies.

Writing he describes Rutland County Councils plan for Oakham
as inept.

When Rutland County Council consulted with the public and
all parish councils. The parish councillor of Oakham could not
be bothered to comment on the document. The council decided
it would let individual members comment away from the meeting.

A senior local Conservative surprised me this week by saying
"We have Aldi coming to Oakham no thank's to the town council
that once again lets us down"

They then referred to the Town Council's failure to produce
a local plan.

I once pointed out the lack of the local plan to Cllr Alf Dewis
I mentioned the apparent success of Uppingham, he responded
they will regret it. He could not say why.


Video: Cllr Alf Dewis

Wednesday, July 09, 2014

Cllr Alf Dewis, Oakham Deputy Mayor, You Tube Video, Town Council Meeting Abandoned.

Cllr Alf Dewis, Oakham Deputy Mayor, Chairman of Oakham Town Partnership , You Tube Video, Town Council Meeting Abandoned.

Cllr Alf Dewis, Oakham Deputy Mayor, Chairman of Oakham Town Partnership , You Tube Video, Town Council Meeting Abandoned.

I always said video recording of Oakham Town Councillors would make fun viewing.

Oakham's Former Mayor, Now Deputy Mayor and self appointed chairman of the no democratic town partnership, chaired Oakham Town Councils meeting.

First he sat sneering at Cllr Joyce Lucas's report, then it came to public deputations, he told me I had three minutes I pleaded to his good side to extend as according to new standing orders, where the chairman has discretion to extend, I thanked him at the end of the nine minutes he went on and on explaining how good he had been to allow me three times the time allowed and it would not happen again.

He felt my deputation about co-option was just a complaint and it would not be minuted!

This annoyed me, I kept calm and went on to make comments from the back the room he got annoyed
and abandoned the meeting saying he was going to report me to the police in the morning.

The members attempted to hold the meeting in the Clerks office, so I thought I would film, Cllr Dewis to my surprise performed to my camera, very odd.

He and members returned to the chamber and he officially abandoned the meeting.

I thanked him for the video and said his funny face pulling was going to look fun on You Tube.
He responded by insulting me, saying his face was not as ugly mine!

Its hard to believe people like Cllr Dewis can hold responsible public position within our community. 

Cllr Alf Dewis, Oakham Deputy Mayor, Chairman of Oakham Town Partnership , You Tube Video, Town Council Meeting Abandoned.

Cllr Alf Dewis, Oakham Deputy Mayor, Chairman of Oakham Town Partnership , You Tube Video, Town Council Meeting Abandoned.

I always said video recording of Oakham Town Councillors would make fun viewing.

Oakham's Former Mayor, Now Deputy Mayor and self appointed chairman of the no democratic town partnership, chaired Oakham Town Councils meeting.

First he sat sneering at Cllr Joyce Lucas's report, then it came to public deputations, he told me I had three minutes I pleaded to his good side to extend as according to new standing orders, where the chairman has discretion to extend, I thanked him at the end of the nine minutes he went on and on explaining how good he had been to allow me three times the time allowed and it would not happen again.

He felt my deputation about co-option was just a complaint and it would not be minuted!

This annoyed me, I kept calm and went on to make comments from the back the room he got annoyed
and abandoned the meeting saying he was going to report me to the police in the morning.

The members attempted to hold the meeting in the Clerks office, so I thought I would film, Cllr Dewis to my surprise performed to my camera, very odd.

He and members returned to the chamber and he officially abandoned the meeting.

I thanked him for the video and said his funny face pulling was going to look fun on You Tube.
He responded by insulting me, saying his face was not as ugly mine!

Its hard to believe people like Cllr Dewis can hold responsible public position within our community. 

Thursday, May 15, 2014

Cllr Jane Woodcock, New Oakham Mayor, Cllr Alf Dewis, Deputy Mayor, Cllr Adam Lowe, Former Mayor, Photographs

Cllr Jane Woodcock, New Oakham Mayor, Cllr Alf Dewis, Deputy Mayor, Cllr Adam Lowe, Former Mayor, Photographs

Former Mayor Adam Lowe and The new Mayor and Chairman
of Oakham Town Council Cllr Jayne Woodcock.

The new Mayor presents a past Mayors badge to Cllr Adam Lowe
in a old box loaned by Cllr Joyce Lucas.

Oakham Mayor with her new deputy Cllr Alf Dewis
not red with his normal anger, he had just returned
from holiday.

Video of the legal process of appointing a Mayor of Oakham

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Cllr Alf Dewis, Rutland County Council need reminding about their failings A letter will be sent To Helen Briggs

Cllr Alf Dewis, Rutland County Council need reminding about their failings A letter will be sent To Helen Briggs

At tonights Council meeting Cllr Alf Dewis suggested Rutland County Council  should be reminded
of their failing and their repsonsibilties of public services.

He went onto list their continued failings, the big parking issues, the play grounds they don't maintain and the state of Oakham Cemetery.

It was suggested and agreed a letter is sent to Conservative Chief Executive Helen Briggs raising all
the councils concerns. Oh and it must be signed by the Mayor! If you could see his face it was a picture
the funny clown of our council votes Conservative because Lady Thatcher permitted him to buy his council
home. He is also a Tory Party Worker who has helped at past conferences. Will he or won't he sign the
letter attacking his Tory chums? Something tells me that might fall to his deputy who is independent.

What amazes me is how quickly these councils seem to turn against each other.
Rutland County Council led by Briggs has given Oakham Town Council a lot of support
with assisting them harrassing me and assisting the police. She met many times with them
to work out a strategy to remove me from the council and then their was the court case.
If she had not spent so  much time she with them she may not have neglected all those
places and services they listed this evening.

Wednesday, February 05, 2014

Cllr Alf Dewis, Former Oakham Mayors, Oakham Town Partnership ,Jubilee Oak Donation, Costs Tax Payer More than Donation

Cllr Alf Dewis, Former Oakham Mayors, Jubilee Oak Donation,
Costs Tax Payer More than Donation

Oakham's Boss Cllr Alf Dewis Former Mayor and unelected chairman
of another non democratic club The Oakham Town Partnership.
He once dressed in a ATC uniform not sure what happened there
He was once a CAB volunteer and he became the first Mayor
not to take his place on their committee. It's believed they may
have asked him to leave?

In 2012 his Town Partnership decided to launch the Jubilee Oaks Scheme
for Rutland. A town partnership is not restricted by the local government 
act which say a parish council can only fund things within their parish.

The Town Partnership can use public money as it pleases.

The partnership asked members of the public to sponsor 60 Oaks
at £60 a tree.


Planting trees in my book is a good thing

Accept when its the former Oakham Mayors and costs the tax payer a lot more 
than his sponsorship to plant the tree.

Cllr Lockett raised the issue of the high cost of planting six tree's in Cutts Close
one donated by Cllr Dewis. Cllr Lucas respond by saying "The cost was high because
the trees were big and needed a big hole"

Each tree costing around £150 each to plant.

Why is the Town Council sponsoring and paying for these trees to be planted in

Is this a Oakham Town Partnership Stock Clearance?

I am sure this is a blatant misuse of public money,
This sort of personal expenditure by the Oakham Boss could even
be criminal if localism act is applied.

It won't because this is Rutland....

Is this why Cllr Joyce Lucas suddenly resigned as tree warden?

Lets hope Cllr Dewis gets his fat cheque out and repays the
tax payer his share of the cost of planting his families tree.

Wednesday, December 04, 2013

Cllr Alf Dewis, Oakham Town Councillor, £11,000 of Public Money, "Chicken Feed"

Cllr Alf Dewis, Oakham Town Councillor, £11,000 of Public Money, "Chicken Feed"

Cllr Alf Dewis is an example of the many things that are wrong
with Oakham Town Council.

He has no understanding of the value of money or is it because
it's just public money?

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Oakham Mayor Cllr Alf Dewis Says Rutland County Council are in a pickle over Council Tax 2013

Oakham Mayor Cllr Alf Dewis Says Rutland County Council are in a pickle over Council Tax 2013

That means he is in the slurry...

at the last meeting of 2012 at Oakham Town Council the Mayor during discussions about their
own budget for 2013 - 2014 said Rutland County council  "in a pickle with their finances"

It surprise me a man who has his head so far up the Chief Executives Rear End keeps saying such things
in public.

We all know how upset she and the Tory Mob and supporters are with him, after his council voted against
Sainsburys.Rutland County Council desperately need Tresham to sell the college site to some one so they can get their hands on the cash they will be due from the sale and  its not a gift as described by the Rutland Times which I guess prompted  Waitrose to pull out?

Oakham Town Council can not set their  budget for fear of capping and the new council tax changes that will
come into effect next year.

Dr Guthrie one of the few Town Councillors with a brain, suggested they could ask the County Council  for a deadline delay, this is the date the budget must be set and the precept demand present to RCC.
Dr Guthrie is currently doing a job unpaid, that the Clerk is currently overpaid to do.

Cllr Dewis explained to members the new complicated way council tax will be calculated. It did not make much sense.

The members were asked for suggestion to be included in the budget. A slight improvement on other years when they Clerk would just pick figures out of the sky and say it does not matter what heading the amounts go under because they can be moved around through out the year and that is what the council does. So the Budget is pointless.

Through out the evening Cllr  Joyce Lucas who is know locally by her own introduction as the ex Mayor concentrated on giving me the evil eye, not sure why might have been something to do with my protest
banner. Describing the Mayor and his supporters which includes her.

Cllr Charles Haworth,  suggested £3,500 to be used to electrify the storage hut in Cutts Close. He said £3,500 was not a lot of money.

Dr Guthrie said he objects to his suggestion and people could use generators.

Cllr Haworth has said when people use Cutts Close the tax payer should pay for the electricity, it does not
cost much. Well some one who lives at home with mum and does not pay bills would think that. He even manages to stretch his JSA to run a fast car.

Cllr Lucas had a good point not everything can be powered by a generator, such as a defibrillator.
They can also be mounted on lamp post and their are many in Cutts Close.

Then poor old Cllr  Dodds woke up, this caused quite a laugh amongst members as she asked
why do we need a light in the hut what goes on their at night?

It was good to hear Cllr Dodds admitting she takes her role as  councillor seriously, at various points
through out the meeting she admitted she had not read anything before the meeting. She abstained
from voting for this reason. If she was my councillor I would be asking a few questions about her
ability to continue. It is nice she has started to be honest as I have in the past been criticised for
pointing out she only opens the envelope and agenda at the start of the meeting.

Cycle  Bollards were mentioned £2,500 this was approved years ago the Clerk has never
bothered to order them despite Cllr Joyce nagging constantly about them.

The Clerk added £1,500 for the fence to be given to the New Gym that has already benefited from
a quarter of this years council tax.

Cllr Haworth then spoke for the Tourism Group.

He wants £400 for more pencils

£1000 for the late night Christmas Shopping 2013

£750 for display boards

£2000 for new heritage leaflet

£420 to attend with gazebos and hand out free pencils and stickers
at the bird fair. He did say they might not have room for them.
I say if Cllr Lucas and Cllr Haworth want to attend the Bird Fair
for free they should register to volunteer as stewards would save the
tax payer some cash. And who goes to the Bird fair to get a free
pencil from a nearby parish council.

£20 for Rutland day to do the same

£25 for Stamford Meadows fun day (why Stamford? poor Stamford what have they done wrong?)

£120 for the County Show (does Joyce no longer get invited freebie vip tent any more?)

He asked for £4,000 for 8 summer band concerts in Cutts Close.

At this point Cllr Haworth proved he could not add up. He said if you take away the £4000 for
band concert you were left with about £1,500 for the Tourism Work. He kept repeating the
wrong figure and then Clerk shut him up by saying its about £5,000 you need.

Then Cllr Lowe Deputy Mayor bravely suggested more money for Christmas Lights, also highlighting
once again how poor they are this year  it was pointed out £3000 had been added to this years figure of £16,000. He then said maybe we need more! No i say we need value for money and the responsibility needs
to be taken away from the Clerk. No one at the Town Council will explain how the same company used by
Stamford and when the same amount is spent the town ends up with a rubbish display.

that concluded the budget item

Saturday, November 24, 2012

Cllr Alf Dewis, Oakham Mayor, Sainsbury's Planning, Rutland Times, Letters

Another letter in the Rutland Times this week from our unelected Mayor
and Town Councillor Alf Dewis regarding Sainsbury

He keeps turning to the paper and radio and claims to speak for all
Town Councillors.

I like the reporter from the Rutland Times sat in at the meeting and reported
more than one reason why the Town Council rejected the application.

He keeps harping on about traffic issues as if that was just one reason for the

The town Council does not represent the people of Oakham as he claims
in his letter it represents itself and a few of the respectful old guard. (thugs)

The Sainsbury decision has upset them.

Like the leader of Rutland County Council, Cllr Dewis is very good at
getting his friends to write letters of support for him. All pretending to
be independent members of our community. For example last weeks
letter of support came from Carol Beech the wife of former Mayor
Paul Beech who has just been fined £80 for his dignified conduct on
Remembrance Sunday.

The Rutland Times suffers from loss of readers due to the endless
contributions from this mob.

I wonder what the Mayor means when he invites someone to attend
all the meetings who is interested in the town and to listen to the debate.

I attend every meeting, as for debate the council does not know the
meaning of debate. If they do then that is conducted behind closed
doors in what they call a pre meeting briefing.

I spoke this week to members of the public asking if they read the local
paper, they all replied no, because it appears to provide sole entertainment
to those connected to the council, it was also interesting to hear people still
thinking the town and county council are one of the same.

People said they are fed up with their letters and press releases and
like me they want to see real news content and not turn every one
of the few pages to see a contributions or connections to the councils.

Monday, September 10, 2012

Oakham Fun Day What a load of Rubbish Rutland Times and Cllr Alf Dewis

Reading today's report in the Rutland Times about  Sundays Fun Day here in Oakham, you would
think the paper was writing about another town.

Once again we are treated to a page of non journalistic propaganda provided by Cllr Alf Dewis, Chairman of Oakham Town Partnership and Oakham Mayor.

Cllr Dewis would have trouble giving the correct time if you were to ask him such a simple question.

Rutland Times: A range of activities were held at Cutts Close and about 20 shops in Oakham extended their opening hours as part of a trial scheme to attract more people to the town on Sundays.

There were 9 additional shop openings.

You don't have to look far from the Rutland Times to find the truth about the day.

The traders have their own Facebook page and here is an example of their view of the day.and Twitter was not much better.

There were only 3 shops open along the high street and the two in Gaol Street closed at 1.00pm

So come of it Rutland Times and Cllr Dewis who are you trying to fool?

How was trading yesterday? Who opened up?
 ·  · 6 hours ago

    • Visit Oakham It was very quiet! Shame there weren`t more shops open.....On mill Street, there was Lynett, Swans Antiques & Swans Kids....High st there was Walkers, Fat Face and Sally Holmes, Church Street there was Hirst & Hirst, Gaol Street / Knights Yard did well as did Northgate. Next time, hopefully we can do better though
      4 hours ago · 

Friday, September 07, 2012

Cllr Alf Dewis, Oakham Mayor, Civic Reception, 2012

Cllr Alf Dewis, Oakham Mayor, Civic Reception, 2012

at next weeks town council meeting Cllr Dewis is to raise the issue of the Mayors civic reception.

11. CIVIC RECEPTION 2012– Cllr Alf Dewis (Appendix D)
To receive a report from the Chairman

I am looking forward to see what Cllr Dewis has to say about this, in the past this has not been 
an agenda item and often used by Mayors like Cllr Joyce Lucas to hold a private booze fuelled 
party paid for by the tax payer.


Friday, October 21, 2011

Oakham Town Council, NO Objectives, Cllr Alf Dewis

 Cllr Alfred Dewis and Ex Rutland Commander Inspector J Monks
OTC terrible 4 do miss him so much.....

This morning I received the following email from Cllr Dewis, I don't often receive e-mails from this thug and it seems he often blocks mine as spam, strange when you consider nearly all his standards complaints against me relate to my e-mail and my blog he also says he does not read. It must have caused him and the other terrible three great pain to include me in council business

What I particularly like about this email is the admission the council lack objectives or as I previously stated no strategic plan.

----- Original Message -----
From: Alf Dewis
Sent: 10/21/11 09:53 AM
To: LucasHackGreen@aol.com, 'Charles Haworth', 'Adam Lowe', 'Robert Guthrie', 'John Nowell', jayne6@btinternet.com, 'Peter Lockett', 'Maureen Dodds', chris_hopkin@o2.co.uk, 'Cllr Martin Brookes'
Subject: Council Objectives

When, at the last Council meeting, we started to discuss the budget we came across the age old problem of not having Council objectives on which to base our considerations.  At the moment we set the budget based on the previous year’s figures. 

After discussion with the Chairman it was decided that the Policy and Procedures Working Group undertakes work on this topic and bring a report forward to a meeting of the Council on 14Th December 2011, so that all members can debate the recommendations.  It would be useful to have input from all on what you consider the priorities should be (together with estimated costs).  Please let me have your views of the objectives the Council should pursue categorised in –

  1. Short term ( by end of financial year 2012/13)
  2. Medium term (by end of the present Council 2014/2015), and
  3. Long term (2015 +)
This needs to be completed fairly quickly to allow us to use the information in this year’s budget process so please let me have your views by 31st October 2011.


I have removed the spam filter from your address so that you can reply.  Following receipt of your next email it will go back on again so I hope it contains your proposals.

I look forward to receiving the views of you all.



Sunday, January 30, 2011

Cllr Alf Dewis Oakham Town Councillors Bedside Reading

Cllr Alf Dewis Oakham Town Councillors Bedside Reading Laura Wilson A Thousand Lies

Monday, January 24, 2011

Oakham Town Councillor Alf Dewis, liar and bully to stand for Rutland County Council Election

Tonight a respectable Rutland County Councillor told me Oakham Town Councillor Alf Dewis, is to stand for Rutland County Council Election in May.

A liar and bully for Rutland County Council. No Thanks! 

Before Mr Dewis runs to his solicitor, I hope he takes a look at his statement he gave to Standards for England and then compare against the Town Clerks.Richard White.

You are a liar and a bully, many people will recall your smirk, when you tried to provoke me. I know you were not expecting them to look in your direction.

Also lets not forget the assault, you put down to me walking into your hand.

We need decent selfless people as our county councillors and you are most certainly not that.

Oakham Town Council Staffing Committee

26 January 2011 Committees – Planning Parks, Staffing

The Councils Published Diary states this Wednesday's Town Council meeting are as above. 

The Planning and Parks appears to have been cancelled?

The Staffing Committee meeting on its own is hardly worth attending.
The Agenda suggests the public will be excluded after public deputations.

Members will discuss the Clerks absence last year.

This was clearly orchestrated by Cllr Alf Dewis. Who lies when he says he and others saw me behaving in a threatening manner towards Richard White. 

Surprisingly Richard White has not lied about this serious allegation and clearly states it is not true.

Cllr Alf Dewis bullied Richard White into submitting a grievance against his employer. 

Miraculously after I resigned from the Council the Clerk was cured and able to return to normal work.
There was one problem the outstanding grievance. Cllr Alf Dewis asked Richard White to withdraw the complaint against his employers. He promptly did this.
It is amazing how stress related illness can vanish within 24hrs. 

The Town Clerk is a member of a union, at no point did he consult with them. It is clear why, Union's don't support liars.

Who are supported by a bunch of poorly behaved Councillors and ex Councillors.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Catmose College to receive visit from Oakham Town Councillor

Oakham Town Councillor Alf Dewis is going to visit Catmose College to talk to some students about the role of the council.

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Standards Descision Notice SBE-10896-DR2XV Oakham Town Council

Standards for England

Subject member Cllr Alf Dewis

Member's Authority Oakham Town Council

Complainant Cllr Martin Brookes

Standards committee authority Rutland County Council


On 28th May 2010, the assessment sub-committee of Rutland County Councils standards committee decided to refer the above allegation to Standards for England. It was received by Standards for England on 17 June 2010.

The allegation is summarised in the authority's decision notice.


When a standards committee refers an allegation to Standards for England, it must make one of three decisions.

refer the case to one of its ethical standards officers;

refer the allegation back to the standards committee of the relevent authority; or

take no further action.

Having carefully considered the information provided to it, Standards for England has decided, in accordance with section 58(2) of the local government act 2000, as amended, to take no further action.

Reason for decision

The complainant has alledged that the subject member has breached the Code by goading the complainant and accusing him of stealing at a meeting of Oakham Town Council.

No details are provided of the date of the meeting of the Town Council. The subject member is member is alleged to have asked why the complainant sat next to him and, at the end of the meeting, accused the complainant of stealing from the Town Council. No further details are provided of the subject members conduct.

(I provided full details to RCC strange this has gone astray maybe to police officer present can assist  many people saw his conduct and my angry response towards the vile bully)

Whilst an unfounded accusation about "stealing " may constitute disreputable behaviour on behalf of a member, in the absence of any supporting details about the alleged conduct I do not consider that any breach of the code is disclosed on behalf of the subject member

I have decided to take no further action in relation to this allegation.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Rutland Times Standards Letter Writer

In a recent comment on my Blog I was accused of making many standards complaints.

I believe this is unfair. I think you will agree as you read on.

A former councillor attends meetings and has made it known to me there has not been a single meeting where there has not been a serious breach of standing orders.

when one of these incidents was passed to the Town Clerk his response was I wish people would not keep complaining about little things. It is the little things that are meant to keep the big thing running smoothly.

A resident wrote to last weeks Rutland Times, very concerned about the level of complaints aimed at Oakham Town Council.

He may get the feeling they are all from me, wrong information was leaked to Rutland Radio, who broadcast my name until the press office of Rutland County Council asked them to withdraw the news item.

The writer of the letter says he may use the freedom of information act to find details of the complaints. If that works I would like to know.

Complaints are handled in a very secret way. Minutes of Rutland County Councils Standards Committee are available, unfortunately the only contain the basic details with no names.

I would like to see all complaints dealt with publicly I would like to publish all details unfortunately the local government act forbids that. If complaints are investigated by Standard for England the law only allows the publication of the finding and this most likely wont contain the complainants name.

Without intentional breaking the law I publish the following information.

If a person wishes to complain about a councillor in Rutland they write to the monitoring officer at Rutland Council,

Geoff Pook
Head of Legal and Democratic Services and Monitoring Officer
LE15 6HP

If a complaint is made about a councillor, they will not know for some time unless they are in contact with members of the standards committee or if the complainant informs you.

In my case the first I knew anything about the many complaints about me was after a I received a large delivery of letters.

Headed, Allegation of Breach of Conduct. quite a shock.

3 Allegations from Cllr Charles Haworth

1 Allegation from Cllr Alf Dewis

4 Allegations from Ex Cllr Jim Harrison

5 Allegations from Doris Cook Community Street Warden, Melton

11 Allegations from the Town Clerk of Oakham Town Council Richard White

2 Allegations from Ex Concillor Alan Kelly

Rutland County Councils Assessment Sub-Committee of the Standards Committee considered these allegations most from vile bullies, there maybe more I don't know.

Most Decisions I have received notice of state the following:

In accordance with Section 57A(2) of the Local government Act 2000, as amended, the Standards Committee Assessment Sub-Committee resolved to refer the allegation(s) to Standards for England for the following reasons:

This case taken together with other assessed cases involving many members of Oakham Town Council indicates  an inter-relationship of cases so serious or complex that they could not be handled locally;

Investigating the complaint(s) require substantial amounts of evidence beyond that available from the authority's documents, its members or officers;

There is substantial governance dysfunction in the authority,

In relation to the dysfunction without wishing to attack our chairman, she is trying very hard to bring harmony to our council with the assistance of her deputy.

The job is a difficult one handled with little or no training and hindered in my view by the bullies like Cllr Alf Dewis and Cllr Charles Haworth.

Cllr Dewis is a new Cllr and and for a new boy has risen very quickly within the council. I suggest he is trampling his way to the top.

Cllr Dewis has assaulted me and constantly obstructed me. He tells the police his raised  hand came into contact with me because I walked past him. The police support there committee member and no action is taken.

Cllr Dewis has a image to uphold, quite a false image he continues to use a company email address,  his company that was dissolved early last year,  alf@alfdewisconsultancy.co.uk

Company Details


Registered No.06067398



Type: Private Limited with share capital

Incorporation Date: 25-01-2007

Status: Dissolved

Last Accounts Filed up to: 31-01-2008

Nature of business SIC: 74140 - Business and management consultancy activities

Cllr Alf Dewis (ALFRED ROBINSON DEWIS) claimed the company still existed during his election campaign last September, this was a lie.

Rutland Times


Since 2003 Mr Dewis has been self-employed as a consultant advising local councils across the country on people management.

According to Company records his company was started 25th January 2007

Only three complaints from myself have been referred to standards for England.

These complaints relate to 2 against Cllr Alf Dewis and  1 against Cllr Joyce Lucas

So Before anyone else says the cost is due to me look at the list please.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Leicestershire and Rutland Constabulary.

Leicestershire and Rutland Constabulary.


Inspector Monks is the police commander of Rutland.

He likes to be known as Johnny Monks, I think that is one of his first mistakes, immediately he looses that element of respect afforded to his role.

I often remember to talking to my father about school and referring to my teacher, I said Geoff told me…. My Father asked who is Geoff, I replied my teacher, my father was angry and hit me and I think this is when dumbing down started. I was 13 and could not understand my fathers anger at why my teacher did not want to be known as Mr or Sir. I guess you can say I rebelled and very frequently am I address by my surname.

Many readers may not know Inspector Monks produces a monthly news letter, in his letter he promotes the good work of Rutland’s Police.

He says the main focus of his policing team is keeping Rutland a safe place to work and live.

He says we have a low amount of crime and anti social behaviour.

This not what people are telling me who live in around my ward. Many people just don’t bother reporting incidents due to lack of interest from Oakham Police.

If you live in the path of a local pub, like residents in Finkey Street, you may have fitted a security door to the front of your home because you are fed up repairing your wooden front door.

Cold Overton Road residents suffer the same it could be your pot plants are smashed, you door kicked or a large amount of litter in the streets or gardens.

If you live around Royce Recreation Ground where do I start? Fires, Litter, damage to property and noise (at this weeks council meeting we are expected to approve the purchase of a replacement piece of play equipment after the new swing has been broken twice £14,500 is the quote!)
Residents often write to Oakham Town Council complaining about Anti Social Behaviour. Although this area is the ward I serve, I am never copied those letters.

After the recent installation of play equipment, one letter was read out at a council meeting, with the name and address removed. Although other Councillor knew the name I was not told, the author highlighted concerns.

The entire council including the other two ward councillors, Lucas and Haworth rejected the complaint and patronised the author by saying they always complain and should not live near recreation ground. Not everyone is fortunate to live in the more affluent areas of Oakham as is the case of many councillors. I suggest we relocate Royce Recreation and all its young people into their neighbourhood.

Inspector Monks reports up to 1st April we have had thirteen burglaries seven less than the previous year. There was a 50% reduction in anti social behaviour.

The force had given £2,500 to local worthy causes and charities, The proceeds of crime act 2002 allows the police to take money from criminals and give it to charities.

I think Inspector Monks is living in a cloud, he needs to come down to earth. I suggest people are not reporting crime because of apathy. My own experienceof the local force is one of we can’t be bothered.

I am especially pleased Mr Hibbert has gone, he was employed as a civilian and posted to the front desk at Oakham Police Station. He often told the public he was a real police officer he forgot to mention he was retired an no longer a serving officer.

Officers often said to me don’t show me the letter or the photograph because I will have to complete a statement. Is that not what one hopes would happen when you visit a police station?

Leicestershire police have a record of not listening to people it stretches back many years.

Most recently the tragic case of the mother who was so taunted she killed herself and her daughter.

Then there was the complaints about Frank Beck who worked for Leicestershire Social Services, he nearly slipped through the net until he moved to Hertfordshire Social Services. People often complained about him this included my own brother who Mr Frank taught to drive whilst preying on him.

Repeated complaints did pay off in the end and Beck was convicted, many other members of the etablishment got away with the help of Leicestershire and Hertfordshire police.

Hertfordshire Police are in my view the same as Leicestershire.

It was good to see Hertfordshire police finally listened to a mother and a Letchworth man has been sent to prison for sending obscene text messages teenage to her teenage daughter. If the mother had not persistently complained this man would have continued.

They keep telling us the police have changed, they never change. The glossy adverts and brochures have changed.

I made a complaint to the IPC and guess what they now ask the same police force to investigate themsleves!
So not much chance of anything ever being resolved here in Oakham.

I dont think the police have every changed they will always support the establishment. It reminds me of one of my early memories of the police not handling things correctly the time a caretaker at Icknield School in Letchworth used to check school records and find mothers telephone numbers and call them for self gratification this was before 0898 numbers when you could dial a disc on 16 for the cost of a local call, no premium rate then. Dozens of mothers complained at Letchworth police station including my own mother before they took action almost a year later, it was rumoured the police only took action because the police sergeants wife became a victim, Back then it was very easy the police to trace callers. The police I feel took no action because North Hertfordshire District Council did not want the police to take any action for fear of adverse publicity.

So in conclusion if you want change just keep complaining, don’t give up, the three clowns from Oakham Town Council, who sit on police committees not going to help bring change because they are not interested in receiving your input.

They are so happy with their involvement with the police Cllr Dewis arranged for their permanent unelected membership of the committee.

Referring to Cllr Alf Dewis in a recent blog, I published he was sacked by Rutland County Council along with another member of staff after a tribunal found in favour of a member of staff who was sacked whilst of sick.

Cllr Alf Dewis did not approach me for a correction instead he raised a complaint with the standards committee.

I have checked Cllr Alf Dewis was not sacked he resigned before he could be sacked.

I am not sure why he sees this as a matter for standards for England to Investigate.

My publication suggesting he was sacked could not do him any harm because his Consultancy Company has been dissolved, his customers made up their own minds before I published anything.

It is very interesting he has not complained about my publications about his bullying.

Councillors like proof. I found a site Alf used to display photographs of me that had been photoshopped, all part of his fun group of Councillors present and past and their friends.

The bully has thankfully deleted the comments and images.

I have registered my details with Google and they send me e-mail notification of any internet posting made about me. It is a wonderful tool will and certainly help in any harassment case. the behaviour conducted by Councillors and their mates is unacceptable, I would prefer they just grew up and stopped!

Here is one Google example.

Funny Alf Pictures - Strange Alf Pics - Photoshop Pix 
Alfred Secret Weapon funny pictures - Sources Full view Please . ... Brookes Oakham: Rutland County Council Councillor Alf Dewis - Martin Brookes Oakham ...
www.freakingnews.com/funny-pictures/alf-pictures-06.asp  - Cached

Cllr Dewis should really consider resigning he is clearly helping to bring Oakham Town Council into direpute.

I suggest too the police the photo shop experts like Dewis and Harrison are responsible for the disgusting images sent to me via email and the post.