Showing posts with label Cllr Joyce Lucas. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Cllr Joyce Lucas. Show all posts

Friday, July 26, 2024

Cllr Joyce Lucas, Oakham Town Council, North West Ward has resigned.

Cllr Joyce Lucas, Oakham Town Council, North West Ward has resigned.

Although there are now two vacancies on Oakham Town Council, Rutland County Council has not published official election notices.

Rutland County Council has not been notified due to, he clerk and assistant clerk being off sick.

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Cllr Joyce Lucas, Oakham Town Council, Tree Warden, Unprofessionally Shares Supporting Information at Planning Meeting

Cllr Joyce Lucas, Oakham Town Council, Tree Warden, How She Unprofessionally Shares Supporting Information at Planning Meeting

I was given a passing second to "criticise" ?

After the Councillor said she was not going to print of photograph at her expense.

A shame she was not so careful with the publics money when she was spending
during her time as Mayor.

I do admire her sense of humour when making her request to defer or extend
"we are on a limb" I am surprised she did not describe Rutland County Council
as another branch of the planning process.

Why is she not asking the office to print her photograph taken as part of her role
as Tree Warden.

I think they stopped printing for her when she used tax payers money to print
her concert posters in the past. Despite this they should be able to notice
the difference between an events poster and a photo of a tree?

Saturday, December 13, 2014

Cllr Joyce Lucas, Small Business Saturday, Gimmick, Oakham Shops Too Dear, Don't Stock What I Want, Video

Cllr Joyce Lucas, Small Business Saturday, Gimmick, Oakham Shops Too Dear, Don't Stock What I Want

Cllr Joyce Lucas objected to tax payers money being spent on free parking for small business

I tend to agree with that because I think people will come to town even if they have to pay.

The video shows Councillor Lucas's public comments about the shops here in Oakham.

After hearing her comments I can see why the promotion of Oakham working group
appears to have difficulty promoting the town.

Of course the group has no problem funding the councillors flyposting for the
fundraising concerts she organises for good courses. Only last month the group spent
£90 of tax payers money at Music and More on printing posters to advertise a charity
concert in the church. I find it hard to see how these concerts and the expenditure is
promoting Oakham.

Small business Saturday is very poorly promoted throughout Rutland and this maybe
why Councillor Lucas feels its very new.

It has been around for a number of years and yes she is correct it does originate from
America and is supported by American Express.

Its a shame the promotion of Oakham working group can only appear to support
concerts enjoyed by it's members, post cards and pencils.

Fortunately they don't squander all their budget at the moment.

If they really wanted to promote our town why are they not spending the budget
on advertising on other county tourist information sites?

Saturday, November 15, 2014

Oakham Town Council Furniture, Cllr Joyce Lucas, Don't Go To Tennants To Sell Old Tables?

Oakham Town Council Furniture, Cllr Joyce Lucas, Don't Go To Tennants To Sell Old Tables?

Oakham Town Council still could not make up its mind.

The item was deferred for more information.

The subject of selling the old tables was raised, Cllr Lucas turned to another member
and said don't go to Tennants. I presume she forgot we were all the room and proceedings
were being recorded. She went on to explain why adding she should not mention the name
of the firm who had in her opinion considerably under valued them a few years ago,

I guess putting something in a auction is always a gamble and no one can really
predict a true value?

Friday, September 26, 2014

Cllr Joyce Lucas, BEM, Oakham Town Council, Cabinet Office Confirms, Honour has been referred to forfeiture Committee

Cllr Joyce Lucas, BEM, Oakham Town Council, Cabinet Office Confirms,
Honour has been referred to forfeiture Committee.

I guess this sort of thing is likely to happen when you corrupt the
local police for political gain and hold the hand of one of the most disgraceful
town councillors,

Mr Brookes
I have today received a voice mail message from you in which you seek further detail regarding a letter sent to you by Chief Inspector Gamble.
I can confirm that the complaints you detailed in the statements taken recently by myself have been assessed, and from those statements five separate issues of alleged corrupt practice have been identified. 

The required assessments have been made and forwarded to the IPCC along with supporting documentation, including your statements, in order that a mode of investigation may be determined.

In essence the IPCC will decide whether to investigate the matter themselves, supervise an investigation to some degree, or agree that the matters are suitable for local investigation by Leicestershire Police Professional Standards Department.
You will be informed of their decision in due course.
Best Regards
Detective Constable ###
Anti Corruption Unit
Professional Standards Department
Leicestershire Police
Force Headquarters
St. Johns
LE19 2BX
Mail to: ####@leicestershire.pnn.police.uk
Switchboard: 0116 2222222
Ext No. 5225 : VM No. 0705
Mobile 0#######

Stay informed of policing news in your area and sign up to www.neighbourhoodlink.co.uk
Been subject to a crime? Or want to prevent one from happening? Go to www.leics.police.uk/support
Leicestershire Police is keen to hear your views about policing in your area. Please take a moment to visit www.leics.police.uk/haveyoursay and complete our on-line survey.
Internet email is not to be treated as a secure means of communication. Leicestershire Police monitors all internet email activity and content.
This communication is intended for the addressee(s) only. Please notify the sender if received in error. Unauthorised use or disclosure of the content may be unlawful. Opinions expressed in this document may not be official policy.
Thank you for your co-operation.

(c) Leicestershire Police

Thursday, August 28, 2014

Cllr Joyce Lucas, Rutland Times Column, can not often understand Rutland County Councillors


Cllr Joyce Lucas, Rutland Times Column,

Homophobic Bigoted Town Councillor Joyce Lucas BEM
often is very critical of my blog and the criticism I sometimes
make about our councils.

I find her comments very hypocritical and I am sure anyone
who reads her column in the Rutland Times might agree.

She constantly uses the her column to raise personal gripes
about Rutland County Council.

Today she raises a "gripe" about Rutland County Council and
complains she can not often understand Councillors at their
meeting due to her hearing problems. Although she writes
the gripe as if she is writing on behalf of others. I also
attended the same cabinet meeting. Its not just those who are
hard of hearing who can not assimilate those Rutland Tories.

But seriously I hope after her words "with those in power"
the issue with the hearing loop is sorted.

It would have helped if the microphones had been put out
for the members

I also hope The City of Edinburgh Council read her column
and sort out the lack of street signs for the lost tourist.

Oakham Town Council does not have a hearing loop.

This could explain why Cllr Lucas fails to notice her outbursts
of unexplained laughter.

Friday, August 08, 2014

Cllr Joyce Lucas, BEM, Oakham Tree Warden, 'Based on recommendation from neighbour, I recommend approval' Video!

Cllr Joyce Lucas, BEM, Oakham Tree Warden, 'Based on recommendation from neighbour,  I recommend approval' Video!

Oakham Town Councillors seek the expert! advice from tree warden Cllr Joyce Lucas when they are expected to consider requests for tree felling.

Cllr Lucas attempted to make contact with two applicants this week but for each applicant she failed to gain a site visit. In one case she managed to speak to the applicant over the phone. The other she visited a next door neighbour.

The neighbour described the applicant as 'environmentally friendly' ?

Thursday, August 07, 2014

Cllr Joyce Lucas, Laughing at Cllr Rob Guthrie's Serious Proposal Causes a Miscount, Video

Cllr Joyce Lucas BEM, Laughing at Cllr Rob Guthrie's Serious Proposal Causes a Miscount, Video

It's a pity I agreed not to film the public, If you could just see the expressions on the public's faces
when Cllr Joyce Lucas burst into laughter as Cllr Guthrie reconfirmed his proposal for a letter to be
sent to Rutland County Council.

I personally think she might have lost the plot a long time ago and I am pleased I can publish hers and other Councillors conduct and back it up with video evidence.

Cllr Lucas's conduct was very distracting for the clerk who failed to count so few show of hands.
When a re-vote was called Cllr Stubbs showed his normal level of concentration and asks whats
going on?

Saturday, June 14, 2014

Cllr Joyce Lucas, Order of the British Empire Medalist of the Order of the British Empire

Order of the British Empire Medalist of the Order of the British Empire

Homophobic Councillors Lucas and Haworth

Enid Joyce, Mrs LUCAS For services to the community in Oakham, Joyce Rutland.

I am sure Cllr Lucas one of our most humble, non gossiping and egotistic Oakham Town Councillors, won't mind that Rutland Radio News forgot to mention her newly acquired award from Her Majesty The Queen.

Rob did mention it during his show. So far this morning he is the only person who I have heard congratulate the Councillor.

An Exton Parish Councillor said "when will this corruption end? I have met her and this could not have been awarded to a worse person"

Last year writing in the Rutland Times, Cllr Joyce Lucas, wrote about how people could nominate people like her for such awards. When I wrote on this blog she was hoping someone would nominate her. She said this was far from the truth and she did not want an award, she went onto report me to the police and gave the most ridiculous statement to the police. I was arrested and charged by her corrupt friends at Leicestershire Police. The case was dropped by the CPS.

Benjamin Zephaniah, a British Jamaican poet, publicly rejected an OBE in 2003 because, he asserted, it reminded him of "thousands of years of brutality".

Cllr Lucas's award will always remind me of years of Homophobic bullying and other disgusting conduct carried out by her and others connected to Oakham and Rutland Councils.

Cllr Lucas with Mason, Gin loving husband Bob Lucas.
The Queens Mother was a Gin lover but not as big as Bob!

This photograph was taken one Good Friday when,
Cllr Lucas was our Mayor. at public events she will turn
her back on me and make a rude comments often heard
by members of the public.

At Council meetings she would shout at me to "shut your mouth"

It's good to see the establishment rewarding such disgusting people.

When will they be rewarding Haworth & Co.

Monday, May 12, 2014

Oakham Open Garden, Cllr Joyce Lucas, Help For Heroes

Open Garden, Cllr Joyce Lucas, Help For Heroes

Cllr Lucas is opening her garden to raise funds for Help For Heroes
on 5th and 6th June 2014 2pm - 6pm

15 Lonsdale Way, Oakham, Rutland,

01572 755 718

Saturday, March 15, 2014

Defibrillator Awareness Day, Community Heartbeat, Cllr Joyce Lucas, Karen Ball Fund

Defibrillator Awareness Day, Community Heartbeat, Cllr Joyce Lucas, Karen Ball Fund.

Today in Oakham Town Council Chamber people were being shown how to use a Defibrillator
it is something I would like to know more about, unfortunately Cllr Joyce Lucas is in charge of this
life saving project and if she refuses to tell me the location of a tree, I am sure she won't tell me how to
use a Defibrillator.

I stood at the chamber door for a moment and took this photograph whilst listening to her constant gossip and decided not to go in and spoil my day. Whilst leaving I thought about her terrible speach when she was last made Mayor which included "I will not listen to gossip" forgetting to include I wont create it.



Sunday, February 23, 2014

Cllr Joyce Lucas, Lady Ruddle Tree, Are these the remains, Bellway Homes Site, Oakham, Rutland

For some very strange reason when Oakham town Councillor
Joyce Lucas was our tree warden she revealled the former
parks school site was home for a memorial tree to Lady Ruddle
and stated it was a healthy tree and unfortunately it just had to go.

After the meeting I asked Cllr Lucas if she could tell me the exact
location of the tree so I could photograph it. She refused, I wrote
to Oakham Town Council and raised the issue and a meeting and
was ignored.

Was anyone filling Cllr Lucas's purse? after all she had nothing
to lose or gain if she had told me where the tree was located.

Bellway Homes and Rutland County Council had a lot to lose
if the tree had been saved.

Maybe Oakham Town Council will replace it with another of Cllr
Alf Dewis Oak Trees

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Cllr Joyce Lucas, Oakham Town Council, Rutland County Council Should be sent to Prison

Cllr Joyce Lucas, Oakham Town Council, Rutland County Council Should be sent to Prison

At tonights council meeting Cllr Lucas (Libdem) suggested Rutland County Council should all be sent
to prison.

Clearly the coliation between her and them up the road (Tories) has come to an end?

She said all parking issues throughout Oakham would be resolved if Rutland County Council
moved to the prison, most people know she meant the former Ashwell Prison site, Cllr Terry Kings
big white elephant as described by Cllr Dewis.

The Mayor asked which prison should we send them to, Cllr Lucas snapped anyone would
do that lot.

Cllr Joyce Lucas, Oakham Town Council, Parking Issues, Hypocritcal? Rutland County Council

Cllr Joyce Lucas, Oakham Town Council, Parking  Issues, Hypocritcal? Rutland County Council

This evening Councillor Lucas will be raising the issue of poor resident parking and the
issues that causes.

I have often photographed Cllr Lucas parking illegally. I don't bother anymore because sher
enjoys a fairly comfortable relationship with Leicestershire Police.

Cllr Lucas is a hypocrite also a keen supporter of homophobic town councillor Charles Haworth
She disaplines him by smaking him on hand when he is naughty according to his testomonie in
from of the district judge, although I am sure he is not dispaplined when he is being naughty
and it is something she approves of.

Cllr Lucas parking illegally on a junction to post letters a frequent
event. Not dangerous because it's her.

I am sure if Cllr Lucas owned a dog she would let it crap
everywhere something she accuses all dog owners of doing.
Cllr Joyce Lucas " I don't like dogs"

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Oakham Town Councillors’ surgery and Photographic Exhibition of Oakham Past and Present, Cllr Joyce Lucas, Cllr Charles Haworth and Cllr Simon Dyer

Homophobic Cllr Haworth

Oakham Town Councillors’ surgery and Photographic Exhibition of Oakham Past and Present,
Cllr Joyce Lucas, Cllr Charles Haworth and Cllr Simon Dyer

Saturday, December 7, from 10am to midday, in the council chamber, Victoria Hall, High Street, Oakham


Thursday, September 12, 2013

Cllr Joyce Lucas, Oakham Town Council, Wrinkle Rock, Rutland Times, Do we drink too much alcohol?

The other week I read Cllr Lucas's invite in the Rutland Times
to come along with a bottle and food and enjoy the fun of
Wrinkle Rock's performance in Cutts Close on
Sunday 22nd September.

I popped to Tesco to stock up for the party Tesco Every Day
Value Booze.

Then I read this Cllr Lucas asking

Do we drink too much alcohol?

Older people spotted preparing the park for the party.

Monday, August 05, 2013

Carols in the Castle, Oakham Town Council, Cllr Joyce Lucas

Carols in the Castle, Oakham Town Council, Cllr Joyce Lucas

Cllr Lucas under the heading of the Promotion Working Group
is looking for the tax payer to fund another of her jollies.

She is proposing the  Town Council fund Carol in the Castle
at this Wednesday's Council meeting.

Knowing that each year she put on these events very few people turn

There is no proposal for her to obtain stylish chocolate shot glasses
this time.

Appendix E

Report Author J Lucas

It is proposed by the Oakham Town Council Promotion Working  Group
that an event called CAROLS IN THE CASTLE will be held on the
12th December 2013 7pm - 9pm for the residents of Oakham Town

(the castle can only hold 125 so she might have a problem if they all turned up)

She goes on to say:

The format will be carols, party pieces, readings and a visit from Santa.
Wine, mince pies, Tea and Coffee and squash will be served.

Her estimated costs are:

Hire of Castle £86.  (Use of her RCC contacts have greatly reduced this fee its about six times this for a wedding)

Mince Pies £50

Santa £50

Wine on a used or returned £60

Musician/s £150 If we can get a school band this will be reduced. (cheap child exploitation)

Tea and coffee £3 (must be Tesco Everyday Value!)

Orange Squash £5 (Not Tesco Everyday Value?)

Total Estimate £404

This can be considerably reduced as we do not have the price of musician/s

We are seeking approval to spend the above form the Promotion Budget.

There will be no officer time required as all the work will be done by the
volunteer members. ie Bar/ Washing Up / door person / press release and

Friday, July 19, 2013

Oakham Village Life, Rutland County Council, Oakham Town Council, Cllr Joyce Lucas

Oakham Village Life, Rutland County Council, Oakham Town Council, Cllr Joyce Lucas

I first became aware that people were describing me in an very undesirable way, when
Cllr Lucas told a friend of mine to protect her grandson from me. Not knowing Ms A
was a friend of mine.

Of course Mrs Lucas denied her malicious untrue gossip, but  I have heard it so many times
from other people I know its true. Ms A does not lie she refused to give evidence because
she feared reprisals.

Cllr Lucas responded in a statement to the defunct Standards for England, one extract shown above.
In the same statement she goes on to accuse members of Rutland County Council
Rutland County Council are aware of this and have taken no action.

I am now living in a street where people are refusing to speak to me.

Yesterday a man approached me on my property and discussed what he had been told.

He said everyone has been told you are a paedophile and none of us like you.

Despite my upset and shock I kept the conversation civil.

He seemed to require some sort of confirmation from Leicestershire Police that I was not what
he and other had been told!

He also told me that I should no involve myself in local politics and if I went to Ketton someone would kill
me, but refused to explain why. I can only assume that this nasty false rumour has spread to Ketton
during the recent election.

It is therefore no surprise that it is spreading at the time I am due to stand for town council after my recent

I previously blogged about the shameful poster campaign that has already started.

With agreement with the nice neighbour, I arranged for a visit from Leicestershire Police.
They turned up with body cams rolling and discussed the issue with me, then they talk to my neighbour
and told him, I have never been investigated or convicted of what I am being accused of.

It is horrendous!

Last night I felt as if I wanted to move, but this morning I woke feeling stronger and more determined to
beat these few demented people connected to our local governance, who seem so intent on attempting to destroy me.

I ask the following questions of local governance, what do you have to hide? why are you apparently so scared of me? Could the local Tories Just go back to describing me as the "Idiot" or are you all so intent
on causing me actual physical harm?

Is the medication which many of you have told the police you take to blame?

And those who condone this conduct are you really fit to be councillors?

And  Leicestershire Police why have you taken no action over the years to stop this?

You were happy to do nothing when a post viewed by possibly 2000 parents was published
on the Catmose College facebook page stating the same false allegation, made a hundred times
worse because it named your pathetic Tory Inspector Johnny Monks as a person who would
confirm that persons allegations.

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Cllr Charles Haworth, Cllr Joyce Lucas, Ward Surgery, Horseshoe Pub, Sainsbury, Barleythorpe

Councillor Charles Haworth (not to be trusted)

Oakham Town Councillors for North West Ward Oakham are holding a Surgery on Saturday March 23rd in the Oakham Town Council Chamber, Victoria Hall, High Street Oakham between 10.am and 1 pm.

All residents are invited to attend to discuss the three planning applications concerning the Ward.

1) The closure of the Horseshoe Public House and application to open a Convenience Store on Braunston Road.

2) The planning application for Sainsbury's to develop land on the Tresham College site Barleythorpe Road

3) The ownership of the green field area Barleythorpe Road.

Please call 01572 755718 for further details.

Cllr Joyce Lucas (knit and gossip queen, founder member of Oakham Knit and Natter)

Thursday, February 28, 2013

Cllr Joyce Lucas, Highly Critical of Oakham Town Clerks Report, Oakham Fitness Centre, Fence

Cllr Joyce Lucas, Highly Critical of Oakham Town Clerks Report, Oakham Fitness Centre,  Fence

Like a coward she took advantage of the Clerks absence and slated his report and work publicly.

She needs to be careful he just might start waving the bully card in her direction if she continues to take
on her new role of acting in the interest of the local tax payer.

She complained about the way the report had been written and most shockingly he said she would
have expected three quotes for each option.

The council has decided to go for the cheaper option of giving the Fitness Centre a free (paid for  by the tax payer) low level fence. The Clerk has also been instructed to obtain three quotes. That surely is going to see
a few more days of sick this next month.

The fitness centre don't want this option, I suggest if they are unhappy they buy their own instead of
begging for tax payers hand outs.

They have enjoyed a quarter of last years precept so far how more is going to be spent on this private