Showing posts with label Gimmick. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Gimmick. Show all posts

Saturday, December 13, 2014

Cllr Joyce Lucas, Small Business Saturday, Gimmick, Oakham Shops Too Dear, Don't Stock What I Want, Video

Cllr Joyce Lucas, Small Business Saturday, Gimmick, Oakham Shops Too Dear, Don't Stock What I Want

Cllr Joyce Lucas objected to tax payers money being spent on free parking for small business

I tend to agree with that because I think people will come to town even if they have to pay.

The video shows Councillor Lucas's public comments about the shops here in Oakham.

After hearing her comments I can see why the promotion of Oakham working group
appears to have difficulty promoting the town.

Of course the group has no problem funding the councillors flyposting for the
fundraising concerts she organises for good courses. Only last month the group spent
£90 of tax payers money at Music and More on printing posters to advertise a charity
concert in the church. I find it hard to see how these concerts and the expenditure is
promoting Oakham.

Small business Saturday is very poorly promoted throughout Rutland and this maybe
why Councillor Lucas feels its very new.

It has been around for a number of years and yes she is correct it does originate from
America and is supported by American Express.

Its a shame the promotion of Oakham working group can only appear to support
concerts enjoyed by it's members, post cards and pencils.

Fortunately they don't squander all their budget at the moment.

If they really wanted to promote our town why are they not spending the budget
on advertising on other county tourist information sites?