Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Cllr Joyce Lucas, Oakham Town Council, Tree Warden, Unprofessionally Shares Supporting Information at Planning Meeting

Cllr Joyce Lucas, Oakham Town Council, Tree Warden, How She Unprofessionally Shares Supporting Information at Planning Meeting

I was given a passing second to "criticise" ?

After the Councillor said she was not going to print of photograph at her expense.

A shame she was not so careful with the publics money when she was spending
during her time as Mayor.

I do admire her sense of humour when making her request to defer or extend
"we are on a limb" I am surprised she did not describe Rutland County Council
as another branch of the planning process.

Why is she not asking the office to print her photograph taken as part of her role
as Tree Warden.

I think they stopped printing for her when she used tax payers money to print
her concert posters in the past. Despite this they should be able to notice
the difference between an events poster and a photo of a tree?