Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Oakham Town Council Planning Sub Committee Report 10th February 2015

Oakham Town Council Planning Sub Committee Report 10th February 2015

Video to follow:

Cllr Stan Stubbs created this appalling committee, He claims to know what he is
doing and often says he is trained in planning. This is the way we did it down
south, Yes down south we only have to read the press and the county standards
reports to see how he did things down south.

If all he says is true he would know each planning applications are decided on their
own merit. If a planning application is approved or rejected it can not and
does not set a precedence, as he suggested at this meeting. One of the applications
was rejected because it would set a precedence.

The committee is run like a dictatorship. No other councillor can contribute
towards any application that might effect their ward, unless they are one of the
lucky four who run this committee, Councillors who are not members of the
committee have to attend, join in with a three minute public deputation,
At Oakham Town Council people are only permitted three minutes in total so that
becomes a serious issue if a councillor or resident wants to speak about
more than one item. At Rutland County Council it is five minutes for each item.

Cllr Stubbs mentioned previously down south no members of the public
ever attended parish meetings and expressed irritation that members
of the public do attend at times here in Oakham.

This annoyance was very clear before this meeting I was talking to Councillor
Walters and the Obnoxious Cllr Stubbs interrupted and said "don't tell us what
to do" Cllr Stubbs has no understanding of a role of a Councillor, they are not
meant to dictate instruction upon their community they are meant to serve it.

A councillor who is not a member of this committee can not call applications
to full council for consideration.

At this meeting the committee made up of Cllrs Stubbs, Howard, Walters and Nowell
had to appoint a new chairman since the resignation of Cllr Leanne Martin.

Cllr Stan Stubbs had clearly broken all the rules and codes of conduct that
cover canvassing and predetermination.

He arrived for the meeting and placed his name card at the chairman's seat.
This was spotted by the assistant clerk Alison Greaves who suggested he
was being little premature, his name was removed and he slimed his way
back to a members chair.

This committee has no fixed timetable or time to hold meetings and
occur at a time and date to suit the membership and not the public.
Yesterday's meeting was held at the convenient time of 2pm.

The meeting also lasted at lot longer than normal due mainly to the long periods of

Oakham Town Councils Planning Sub Committee Meeting Agenda February 10th 2015

Oakham Town Council
Victoria Hall, 39 High Street, Oakham, Rutland, LE15 6AH
Telephone: 01572 723627
e-mail: enquiries@oakhamtowncouncil.gov.uk




To elect a Chairman of the Sub – Committee for the remainder of the municipal year

(i) To receive apologies for absence
(ii) To decide whether to approve apologies for absence

Members are asked to declare, if required:
(i) Any Disclosable Pecuniary Interest they may have in respect to items on the agenda
(ii) Any other interest they may have in respect to items on the agenda

4. MINUTES (Appendix A)
To confirm the minutes of the meeting of the Planning Sub – committee held on Monday 17th
November 2014

Members of the Public are invited to address the meeting in accordance with procedures laid
down in Standing Order 1(d) – 1(i)


To consider the following applications received to date and to make recommendations
comments and observations thereon to Rutland County Council
To also decide whether any planning application received to date should be referred to a
meeting of the Council or the Planning and Parks Committee

(i) 2015/0079/MAJ Marstons Inns and Taverns

Variation of conditions application in relation to planning permission 2014/0455/FUL.
Condition No.2 to seek changes to the site layout and internal layout of the building.
Condition No. 6 to seek to ensure the cycle spaces are in situ prior to occupation of the
public house/restaurant. Condition No. 10 to seek details of CCTV and lighting. Condition
No. 11 to seek details of way marking. Condition No. 16 relating to tree protection details
Land South West of Lands’ End Way

(ii) 2015/0064/FUL Mrs A Jinks
Extension and alteration
9 Finch Avenue(iii) 2015/0016/FUL Mr D Salkeld
A none permanent Apex Lean to 1981mm width x 4420mm length x 2523mm height to side
of house
4 Plover Close

(iv) 2014/1130/FUL The Admiral Hornblower
Erect two walls with doors. Making enclosure with pitched roof. Take down and make
good wall adjacent to road using existing stone. Remove glass on top of wall
The Admiral Hornblower, 64 High Street

(v) 2014/1131/LBA The Admiral Hornblower
Erect two walls with doors. Making enclosure with pitched roof. Take down and make
good wall adjacent to road using existing stone. Remove glass on top of wall
The Admiral Hornblower, 64 High Street

(vi) 2015/0040/FUL Mr & Mrs A S Young
Single storey rear extension of attached garage and internal alterations
6 Forth Close

(vii) 2105/0051/FUL Mr M Copas
Single storey side extension
11 Tay Close

(viii) 2015/0022/PTA Mr D Ford
Fell 1 No. Scots Pine Tree
10 The Dell

(ix) 2015/0017/PTA Mr B Lissaman
Tree 1 crown thinning and crown reduction. Tree 2 fell
54 Springfield Way

(x) 2015/0074/PTA Mr Booth
Pollard 1 No. Lombardy Poplar Tree to 20 feet. Re-pollard 2 No. Lombardy Poplar trees to
previous point
16 Greenfield Road

(xi) 2015/0061/CAT Mr D Cook
Fell 3 No. Fir Trees
24 Stamford Road