Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Cllr Charles Haworth, Cllr Joyce Lucas, Ward Surgery, Horseshoe Pub, Sainsbury, Barleythorpe

Councillor Charles Haworth (not to be trusted)

Oakham Town Councillors for North West Ward Oakham are holding a Surgery on Saturday March 23rd in the Oakham Town Council Chamber, Victoria Hall, High Street Oakham between 10.am and 1 pm.

All residents are invited to attend to discuss the three planning applications concerning the Ward.

1) The closure of the Horseshoe Public House and application to open a Convenience Store on Braunston Road.

2) The planning application for Sainsbury's to develop land on the Tresham College site Barleythorpe Road

3) The ownership of the green field area Barleythorpe Road.

Please call 01572 755718 for further details.

Cllr Joyce Lucas (knit and gossip queen, founder member of Oakham Knit and Natter)