Showing posts with label Oakham Village Life. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Oakham Village Life. Show all posts

Friday, July 19, 2013

Oakham Village Life, Rutland County Council, Oakham Town Council, Cllr Joyce Lucas

Oakham Village Life, Rutland County Council, Oakham Town Council, Cllr Joyce Lucas

I first became aware that people were describing me in an very undesirable way, when
Cllr Lucas told a friend of mine to protect her grandson from me. Not knowing Ms A
was a friend of mine.

Of course Mrs Lucas denied her malicious untrue gossip, but  I have heard it so many times
from other people I know its true. Ms A does not lie she refused to give evidence because
she feared reprisals.

Cllr Lucas responded in a statement to the defunct Standards for England, one extract shown above.
In the same statement she goes on to accuse members of Rutland County Council
Rutland County Council are aware of this and have taken no action.

I am now living in a street where people are refusing to speak to me.

Yesterday a man approached me on my property and discussed what he had been told.

He said everyone has been told you are a paedophile and none of us like you.

Despite my upset and shock I kept the conversation civil.

He seemed to require some sort of confirmation from Leicestershire Police that I was not what
he and other had been told!

He also told me that I should no involve myself in local politics and if I went to Ketton someone would kill
me, but refused to explain why. I can only assume that this nasty false rumour has spread to Ketton
during the recent election.

It is therefore no surprise that it is spreading at the time I am due to stand for town council after my recent

I previously blogged about the shameful poster campaign that has already started.

With agreement with the nice neighbour, I arranged for a visit from Leicestershire Police.
They turned up with body cams rolling and discussed the issue with me, then they talk to my neighbour
and told him, I have never been investigated or convicted of what I am being accused of.

It is horrendous!

Last night I felt as if I wanted to move, but this morning I woke feeling stronger and more determined to
beat these few demented people connected to our local governance, who seem so intent on attempting to destroy me.

I ask the following questions of local governance, what do you have to hide? why are you apparently so scared of me? Could the local Tories Just go back to describing me as the "Idiot" or are you all so intent
on causing me actual physical harm?

Is the medication which many of you have told the police you take to blame?

And those who condone this conduct are you really fit to be councillors?

And  Leicestershire Police why have you taken no action over the years to stop this?

You were happy to do nothing when a post viewed by possibly 2000 parents was published
on the Catmose College facebook page stating the same false allegation, made a hundred times
worse because it named your pathetic Tory Inspector Johnny Monks as a person who would
confirm that persons allegations.