Showing posts with label BEM. Show all posts
Showing posts with label BEM. Show all posts

Friday, September 26, 2014

Cllr Joyce Lucas, BEM, Oakham Town Council, Cabinet Office Confirms, Honour has been referred to forfeiture Committee

Cllr Joyce Lucas, BEM, Oakham Town Council, Cabinet Office Confirms,
Honour has been referred to forfeiture Committee.

I guess this sort of thing is likely to happen when you corrupt the
local police for political gain and hold the hand of one of the most disgraceful
town councillors,

Mr Brookes
I have today received a voice mail message from you in which you seek further detail regarding a letter sent to you by Chief Inspector Gamble.
I can confirm that the complaints you detailed in the statements taken recently by myself have been assessed, and from those statements five separate issues of alleged corrupt practice have been identified. 

The required assessments have been made and forwarded to the IPCC along with supporting documentation, including your statements, in order that a mode of investigation may be determined.

In essence the IPCC will decide whether to investigate the matter themselves, supervise an investigation to some degree, or agree that the matters are suitable for local investigation by Leicestershire Police Professional Standards Department.
You will be informed of their decision in due course.
Best Regards
Detective Constable ###
Anti Corruption Unit
Professional Standards Department
Leicestershire Police
Force Headquarters
St. Johns
LE19 2BX
Mail to: ####@leicestershire.pnn.police.uk
Switchboard: 0116 2222222
Ext No. 5225 : VM No. 0705
Mobile 0#######

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(c) Leicestershire Police

Friday, August 08, 2014

Cllr Joyce Lucas, BEM, Oakham Tree Warden, 'Based on recommendation from neighbour, I recommend approval' Video!

Cllr Joyce Lucas, BEM, Oakham Tree Warden, 'Based on recommendation from neighbour,  I recommend approval' Video!

Oakham Town Councillors seek the expert! advice from tree warden Cllr Joyce Lucas when they are expected to consider requests for tree felling.

Cllr Lucas attempted to make contact with two applicants this week but for each applicant she failed to gain a site visit. In one case she managed to speak to the applicant over the phone. The other she visited a next door neighbour.

The neighbour described the applicant as 'environmentally friendly' ?