Showing posts with label Town Council Meeting Abandoned.. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Town Council Meeting Abandoned.. Show all posts

Wednesday, July 09, 2014

Cllr Alf Dewis, Oakham Deputy Mayor, You Tube Video, Town Council Meeting Abandoned.

Cllr Alf Dewis, Oakham Deputy Mayor, Chairman of Oakham Town Partnership , You Tube Video, Town Council Meeting Abandoned.

Cllr Alf Dewis, Oakham Deputy Mayor, Chairman of Oakham Town Partnership , You Tube Video, Town Council Meeting Abandoned.

I always said video recording of Oakham Town Councillors would make fun viewing.

Oakham's Former Mayor, Now Deputy Mayor and self appointed chairman of the no democratic town partnership, chaired Oakham Town Councils meeting.

First he sat sneering at Cllr Joyce Lucas's report, then it came to public deputations, he told me I had three minutes I pleaded to his good side to extend as according to new standing orders, where the chairman has discretion to extend, I thanked him at the end of the nine minutes he went on and on explaining how good he had been to allow me three times the time allowed and it would not happen again.

He felt my deputation about co-option was just a complaint and it would not be minuted!

This annoyed me, I kept calm and went on to make comments from the back the room he got annoyed
and abandoned the meeting saying he was going to report me to the police in the morning.

The members attempted to hold the meeting in the Clerks office, so I thought I would film, Cllr Dewis to my surprise performed to my camera, very odd.

He and members returned to the chamber and he officially abandoned the meeting.

I thanked him for the video and said his funny face pulling was going to look fun on You Tube.
He responded by insulting me, saying his face was not as ugly mine!

Its hard to believe people like Cllr Dewis can hold responsible public position within our community. 

Cllr Alf Dewis, Oakham Deputy Mayor, Chairman of Oakham Town Partnership , You Tube Video, Town Council Meeting Abandoned.

Cllr Alf Dewis, Oakham Deputy Mayor, Chairman of Oakham Town Partnership , You Tube Video, Town Council Meeting Abandoned.

I always said video recording of Oakham Town Councillors would make fun viewing.

Oakham's Former Mayor, Now Deputy Mayor and self appointed chairman of the no democratic town partnership, chaired Oakham Town Councils meeting.

First he sat sneering at Cllr Joyce Lucas's report, then it came to public deputations, he told me I had three minutes I pleaded to his good side to extend as according to new standing orders, where the chairman has discretion to extend, I thanked him at the end of the nine minutes he went on and on explaining how good he had been to allow me three times the time allowed and it would not happen again.

He felt my deputation about co-option was just a complaint and it would not be minuted!

This annoyed me, I kept calm and went on to make comments from the back the room he got annoyed
and abandoned the meeting saying he was going to report me to the police in the morning.

The members attempted to hold the meeting in the Clerks office, so I thought I would film, Cllr Dewis to my surprise performed to my camera, very odd.

He and members returned to the chamber and he officially abandoned the meeting.

I thanked him for the video and said his funny face pulling was going to look fun on You Tube.
He responded by insulting me, saying his face was not as ugly mine!

Its hard to believe people like Cllr Dewis can hold responsible public position within our community.