Showing posts with label You Tube Video. Show all posts
Showing posts with label You Tube Video. Show all posts

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Oakham Town Council, Planning Sub Committee, Halted Due To Protest, Member of Public Attempts to Steal my Camera, You Tube Video

Oakham Town Council, Planning Sub Committee, Halted Due To Protest, Member of Public Attempts to Steal my Camera, You Tube Video, The Committee tried to ignore the disruption
for about seven minutes, Cllr Adam Lowe attempted to make a public deputation, this is now
the only way a ward councillor can contribute to planning matters that effect their ward if they
are not a member of the closed committee, it's a disgrace.

Cllr Leanne Martin who chairs the sub committee says protest is not acceptable at the committee, the place for protest is at the full council meeting,  I was planning to carry out a protest then, so its good to have it on video that is the preferred time.

Almost a year ago, Oakham Town Councillors Past and present who have committed the
most disgusting hate crimes against myself and others, lied to the police, this included
The Chief Executive of Rutland County Council Helen Briggs and a local police Sergeant
Chris Wharton.

I was subject to a five day trial at which the District Judge said the truth was exaggerated,
I prefer to use plain English, these people lied and were happy to see me sent to prison,
if the judge had believed their lies. (Sgt Wharton did not lie in court, he repeated a defamatory comment)

I wrote to Oakham Town Council members asking for all those involved to resign, including those
who supported or committed the hate crimes I have been subjected to.

I warned them of my protest which I will carry out until they accept responsibility for their actions.

My protests are now loud, but peaceful and no violent and of course lawful.

I object to people attacking me or my equipment.

I have asked the Clerk to ensure that when the meeting is reconvened the council has put measures
in place so that I can lawfully protest with out fear of violence from those who object to lawful protest.

Wednesday, July 09, 2014

Cllr Alf Dewis, Oakham Deputy Mayor, You Tube Video, Town Council Meeting Abandoned.

Cllr Alf Dewis, Oakham Deputy Mayor, Chairman of Oakham Town Partnership , You Tube Video, Town Council Meeting Abandoned.

Cllr Alf Dewis, Oakham Deputy Mayor, Chairman of Oakham Town Partnership , You Tube Video, Town Council Meeting Abandoned.

I always said video recording of Oakham Town Councillors would make fun viewing.

Oakham's Former Mayor, Now Deputy Mayor and self appointed chairman of the no democratic town partnership, chaired Oakham Town Councils meeting.

First he sat sneering at Cllr Joyce Lucas's report, then it came to public deputations, he told me I had three minutes I pleaded to his good side to extend as according to new standing orders, where the chairman has discretion to extend, I thanked him at the end of the nine minutes he went on and on explaining how good he had been to allow me three times the time allowed and it would not happen again.

He felt my deputation about co-option was just a complaint and it would not be minuted!

This annoyed me, I kept calm and went on to make comments from the back the room he got annoyed
and abandoned the meeting saying he was going to report me to the police in the morning.

The members attempted to hold the meeting in the Clerks office, so I thought I would film, Cllr Dewis to my surprise performed to my camera, very odd.

He and members returned to the chamber and he officially abandoned the meeting.

I thanked him for the video and said his funny face pulling was going to look fun on You Tube.
He responded by insulting me, saying his face was not as ugly mine!

Its hard to believe people like Cllr Dewis can hold responsible public position within our community. 

Cllr Alf Dewis, Oakham Deputy Mayor, Chairman of Oakham Town Partnership , You Tube Video, Town Council Meeting Abandoned.

Cllr Alf Dewis, Oakham Deputy Mayor, Chairman of Oakham Town Partnership , You Tube Video, Town Council Meeting Abandoned.

I always said video recording of Oakham Town Councillors would make fun viewing.

Oakham's Former Mayor, Now Deputy Mayor and self appointed chairman of the no democratic town partnership, chaired Oakham Town Councils meeting.

First he sat sneering at Cllr Joyce Lucas's report, then it came to public deputations, he told me I had three minutes I pleaded to his good side to extend as according to new standing orders, where the chairman has discretion to extend, I thanked him at the end of the nine minutes he went on and on explaining how good he had been to allow me three times the time allowed and it would not happen again.

He felt my deputation about co-option was just a complaint and it would not be minuted!

This annoyed me, I kept calm and went on to make comments from the back the room he got annoyed
and abandoned the meeting saying he was going to report me to the police in the morning.

The members attempted to hold the meeting in the Clerks office, so I thought I would film, Cllr Dewis to my surprise performed to my camera, very odd.

He and members returned to the chamber and he officially abandoned the meeting.

I thanked him for the video and said his funny face pulling was going to look fun on You Tube.
He responded by insulting me, saying his face was not as ugly mine!

Its hard to believe people like Cllr Dewis can hold responsible public position within our community. 

Monday, May 12, 2014

Rutland County Council, AGM Monday 12th May 2014, You Tube Video

Rutland County Council, AGM Monday 12th May 2014, You Tube Video

Rutland County Council provided no provision for public deputations at this evenings AGM, so I created my own slot. The meeting was adjourned as I played the Rolling Stones Hit, I can't get no satisfaction. I did not record that part because I suspect there would be copyright issues. I also called out to The Chief Executive direction why does she  lie and bully? she looked down at the table smiling and gave no reply.

The UKIP Councillors decided to go home I think they knew they had no chance of being appointed or elected onto any committee.

Cllr Gene Plews ex Tory who can be heard in the video interupting the chairman to express his concern for another type of chair had already walked out before all this happened. I wished him a good night and a slip of the tounge and I forgot his name was not bottom. I could have called the man who gave a statement to the police saying I have destroyed Oakham worse, but I won't and should not lower myself to his standards.

I stopped to watch the theatre as the meeting continued and most committee places if not all were dished out to the hard working Tories.

There were a few challenges, at one point speaking in his worse style ever Cllr Lammie Tory like a slob leaned forward and said, I've done the job for a year and wan't to do it again vote for me.

Cllr Alan Walters put up a good fight and lost.

I soon decided it was time to go because there was nothing of interest on this evenings agenda.

I congratulated the chair and wished her luck for her second term adding, for a Tory she was quite nice and very tolerant. The former deputy chair Tory Edward Baines, smiled once more. Of course once again I was ignoring the no speaking from the public rule. I think it's very strange that we have a council who you can't speak to at their AGM.

No other members of the public or press attended.

Note how Rutland County Council get around the law by praying before the start of the meeting a few Cllrs dont pray.

Cllr Vernon, Elected For Second Term as Chairman Of Rutland County Council, Cllr Parsons as Deputy You Tube Video

Cllr Vernon, Conservative Elected For Second Term as Chairman Of Rutland County Council, Cllr Parsons Conservative as Deputy (This year he is sponsored by Pepsi Max) Cllr Baines Conservative stood down as deputy.

Sunday, May 11, 2014

Lambs Dancing & Playing in Oakham Field, Rutland, England, Photographs, You Tube Video

Lambs Dancing & Playing in Oakham Field, Rutland, England, Photographs, You Tube Video

Monday, August 26, 2013

Notting Hill Carnival 2013, Police Dance Off, You Tube Video

Notting Hill Carnival 2013, Police Dance Off, You Tube Video