Monday, January 24, 2011

Oakham Town Council Staffing Committee

26 January 2011 Committees – Planning Parks, Staffing

The Councils Published Diary states this Wednesday's Town Council meeting are as above. 

The Planning and Parks appears to have been cancelled?

The Staffing Committee meeting on its own is hardly worth attending.
The Agenda suggests the public will be excluded after public deputations.

Members will discuss the Clerks absence last year.

This was clearly orchestrated by Cllr Alf Dewis. Who lies when he says he and others saw me behaving in a threatening manner towards Richard White. 

Surprisingly Richard White has not lied about this serious allegation and clearly states it is not true.

Cllr Alf Dewis bullied Richard White into submitting a grievance against his employer. 

Miraculously after I resigned from the Council the Clerk was cured and able to return to normal work.
There was one problem the outstanding grievance. Cllr Alf Dewis asked Richard White to withdraw the complaint against his employers. He promptly did this.
It is amazing how stress related illness can vanish within 24hrs. 

The Town Clerk is a member of a union, at no point did he consult with them. It is clear why, Union's don't support liars.

Who are supported by a bunch of poorly behaved Councillors and ex Councillors.