Showing posts with label Aldi. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Aldi. Show all posts

Monday, December 30, 2024

Tesco, Co-op, Lidl, Aldi, One Stop, New Years Eve and New Years Day, Opening Hours, Oakham and Uppingham Rutland 2024 - 2025

Tesco, Co-op, Lidl, Aldi, One Stop, New Years Eve and New Years Day, Opening Hours, Oakham and Uppingham Rutland 2024 - 2025

83 Braunston Road
LE15 6LE

New Years Eve        07:00-22:00

New Years Day   07:00-22:00

North Street East
LE15 9QL

New Years Eve:    6am to 7pm

New Years Day:    10am to 7pm

Burley Road,
LE15 7AA

New Years Eve       07:30-21:00

New Years Day       07:30-21:00

Barleythorpe Road
LE15 6RQ

New Years Eve 31 December - 08:00 - 18:00

New Years Day 01 January - Closed

Hackamore Way, 
LE15 7FS

Tuesday 31st December, New Year’s Eve:  8am-6pm

Wednesday 1st January, New Year’s Day: CLOSED

Tesco Stores Ltd 
96 South Street
LE15 6BQ

New Year's Eve Tuesday 31 December 8 AM - 7 PM

New Year's Day Wednesday 1 January Closed

One Stop
Unit 2B 
Maresfield Rd 
LE15 7FW

New Years Eve       10:00 - 22:00
New Years Day       10:00 - 22:00

One Stop
18-20 Churchill Road
LE15 6LH

New Years Eve        07:00 - 22:00

New Years Day        08:00 - 22:00

One Stop
32 High Street West
LE15 9QD

New Years Eve     07:00 - 22:00
New Years Day    09:00 - 19:00

Sunday, December 22, 2024

Tesco, Co-op, Lidl, Aldi, One Stop, Christmas Opening Hours, Oakham and Uppingham Rutland 2024

Tesco, Co-op, Lidl, Aldi, One Stop, Christmas Opening Hours, Oakham and Uppingham Rutland 2024

83 Braunston Road
LE15 6LE

Sunday         07:00 - 22:00

Monday         07:00 - 22:00

Tuesday         07:00 - 21:00

Wednesday       Closed

Thursday         09:00 - 17:00

Friday         07:00 - 22:00

Saturday         07:00 - 22:00

North Street East
LE15 9QL

Christmas opening hours

Christmas Eve:    6am to 7pm

Christmas Day:    Closed

Boxing Day:        10am to 7pm

New Years Eve:    6am to 7pm

New Years Day:    10am to 7pm

Normal Opening hours

Monday to Saturday: 6am to 10pm

Sunday: 10am to 4pm

Burley Road,
LE15 7AA

Sunday         10:00 - 16:00

Monday         07:30 - 21:00

Tuesday         07:30 - 21:00

Wednesday      Closed

Thursday         09:00 - 17:00

Friday              07:30 - 21:00

Saturday         07:30 - 20:00

Barleythorpe Road
LE15 6RQ

Sunday 22 December - Open as normal

Monday 23 December - 07:00 - 22:00

Tuesday 24 December - 07:00 - 18:00

Wednesday 25 December - Closed

Thursday 26 December - Closed

Friday 27 December - 08:00 - 21:00

Saturday 28 December - 08:00 - 21:00 

Sunday 29 December - Open as normal

Monday 30 December - Open as normal

Tuesday 31 December - 08:00 - 18:00

Wednesday 01 January - Closed

Thursday 02 January - Open as normal

Tesco, Co-op, Lidl, Aldi, One Stop, Christmas Opening Hours, Oakham and Uppingham Rutland 2024

Hackamore Way, 
LE15 7FS

Sunday 22nd December: 9:30am-4pm  09:30 - 10:00 browsing only

Monday 23rd December:  7am-10pm

Tuesday 24th December, Christmas Eve:  7am-6pm

Wednesday 25th December, Christmas Day: CLOSED

Thursday 26th December, St Stephen’s Day: CLOSED

Friday 27th December:  8am-8pm

Saturday 28 December:  8am-8pm

Sunday 29 December: 9:30am - 4pm   09:30 - 10:00 browsing only

Monday 30 December:  8am-8pm

Tuesday 31st December, New Year’s Eve:  8am-6pm

Wednesday 1st January, New Year’s Day: CLOSED

Tesco Stores Ltd 
96 South Street
LE15 6BQ

One Stop
Unit 2B 
Maresfield Rd 
LE15 7FW

One Stop
18-20 Churchill Road
LE15 6LH

Opening Hours

Sunday                    07:00 - 22:00

Monday                   07:00 - 22:00

Tuesday 24th           07:00 - 22:00

Wednesday 25th      07:00 - 22:00

Thursday 26th         07:00 - 22:00

Friday 27th              07:00 - 22:00

Saturday 28th          07:00 - 22:00

One Stop
32 High Street West
LE15 9QD

Opening Hours

Sunday               07:00 - 22:00

Monday              07:00 - 22:00

Tuesday 24th      07:00 - 21:00

Wednesday 25th Closed

Thursday 26th    09:00 - 19:00

Friday 27th         07:00 - 22:00

Saturday 28th     07:00 - 22:00

Friday, October 17, 2014

Cllr Alf Dewis, Oakham Deputy Mayor, Inept Rutland County Council Plan, Aldi

Cllr Alf Dewis, Oakham Deputy Mayor, Inept Rutland County Council Plan, Aldi

Cllr Dewis writes to the local paper as one of the town council
biggest inept bullies.

Writing he describes Rutland County Councils plan for Oakham
as inept.

When Rutland County Council consulted with the public and
all parish councils. The parish councillor of Oakham could not
be bothered to comment on the document. The council decided
it would let individual members comment away from the meeting.

A senior local Conservative surprised me this week by saying
"We have Aldi coming to Oakham no thank's to the town council
that once again lets us down"

They then referred to the Town Council's failure to produce
a local plan.

I once pointed out the lack of the local plan to Cllr Alf Dewis
I mentioned the apparent success of Uppingham, he responded
they will regret it. He could not say why.


Video: Cllr Alf Dewis

Monday, October 13, 2014

Aldi, a great public presence will be enough of an indicator to the councillors that Oakham wants this to proceed, no violence needed.

Date: Tuesday 14 October 2014

Time: 6.00 pm

Venue: Council Chamber, Catmose, Oakham


Some interesting comments have been posted on Facebook:

Victoria Knight Anyone is allowed to view the meeting from the public gallery, 

you are just not allowed to speak out allowed during it, 

a great public presence will be enough of an indicator to the councillors that 

Oakham wants this to proceed, no violence needed.

Wednesday, October 08, 2014

Aldi, Oakham, Rutland County Council Planning Officer, Recommending Refusal. Development Control and Licensing Committee

Development Control and Licensing Committee

Date: Tuesday 14 October 2014

Time: 6.00 pm

Venue: Council Chamber, Catmose, Oakham


Hawksmead Ltd
Land west of Lands End Way, Oakham

New retail unit (Class A1) with
associated vehicular & pedestrian
access, car parking, landscaping &

Recommendation  REFUSAL

for the following reasons;

1. The application site is part of a larger area of land allocated and safeguarded for 
employment-related development (Use classes B1, B2 and B8 of the Town and Country 
Planning (Use Classes) Order,1987 (as amended)) in Policy CS13(d) of the Adopted 
Core Strategy (July 2011) and EM2/1 of the Adopted Rutland Local Plan (July 2001). It 
is also in a prime location by the Oakham Bypass (A606: Burley Park Way), adjacent to 
the main highway access into the allocated area. The proposed use for retail 
development (Use Class A1) would detrimentally reduce both the quantity and quality of 
employment land supply within Rutland. The loss of part of this strategic site, especially 
in such a prime location, would inhibit the development of the wider employment site for 
future economic development and job creation within the area allocated for such 
development within Policies EM2/1 and CS13(d). Given this, the current application is 
contrary to saved Policies EM2 and EM11 of the Rutland Local Plan (2001) and Policies 
CS2(h) and CS13(d) of the Adopted Core Strategy (July 2011).

2. The proposal would have an impact upon linked trips to Oakham Town Centre, and as 
such would be required to make contributions towards a County Council led planned 
programme of investment in the town centre to mitigate the agreed impact of the 
development on the town centre. These developer contributions have not been finalised 
through a Section 106 agreement, and the proposal is thereby contrary to policy CS2, 
CS8, CS17, and CS18 of the adopted Rutland Core Strategy and the guidance in the 
adopted Supplementary

Wednesday, April 09, 2014

Aldi, Oakham Town Council Approves, Application Possibly Described By Town Clerk as a Pile of Shit.

Aldi, Oakham Town Council Approves, Application Possibly Described By Town Clerk as a Pile of Shit.

I sat at tonight's council meeting listening hard as I always do. I was suprised to hear the Clerk whilst
pointing to a pile of Aldi documents describe them as a pile of shit. I thought no I did not hear that? there
was a pause as he attempted to find another word to describe the large pile of papers and he turned
to the Mayor and said Oh dear I nearly said something I should n't and turned red.

Cllrs did not refer to the documents or plans and approved the application.

Conservative Councillor Stan Stubbs felt something should be said and said there is a lot of public support for this application and the Town Council should write to Rutland County Council and tell them to note the
public support for the application.

As for the Clerks slip of the tounge, its alway good to hear his input at planning meetings :-)

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Aldi, Oakham Planning Application, New Store Oakham Rutland

Aldi, Oakham Planning Application

Aldi have submitted their planning application to build a new store here in Oakham

Application No 2014/0258/FUL

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Aldi Chocolate Reindeer or Lindt Granny advert a very mean Granny but my favourite advert

My favourite Aldi Christmas advert

There is also a Aldi Ireland version

Saturday, January 08, 2011

Rutland County College Photographs Oakham Rutland Waitrose?

Rutland County College Photographs Oakham Rutland Waitrose?

 or Aldi, Asda, Booths, Budgens, Costco, Costcutter, Farm Foods, Heron Foods, Iceland, Lidl, Morrisons, Netto or a Tesco Local and petrol station!

Its amazing how close it came to Rutland not having any 6th form education last year.

A prime example of how contracting out services does not always work. Good bye Tresham, parents and students were promised a new building now it looks as if they will only get a old shoddy building up the road at Barleythorpe.

Parts of the college smells, this part does not look that old

Waitrose, Sainsbury, Aldi or Lidl Oakham?

We are told Waitrose are considering moving into Oakham, they would like to build a new store on the Rutland College site, only if Rutland County Council refuses permission for the proposed Sainsbury store at Hawksmead.

I say sod of Waitrose and lets have an affordable store like Lidl or Aldi.

The college site would be perfect for this type of store.

Another site close by is the Parks School or Rutland County Council could move Jules to the Parks School site and provide a much better youth services.

If you would like to register your interest in either Aldi or Lidl opening in Oakham then please let them know.

Aldi are looking for a site in Oakham and ask you to

Contact Jonathan Neale on 01827 710810 to discuss potential opportunities

and Lidl
Wellington Parkway,
Magna Park,
LE17 4XW
Tel: 01455 555046
Fax: 01455 555019
Email: magna.property@lidl.co.uk

Before anyone says these store are to low class for Oakham you must take a trip to Stamford Lidl and see how many woman 4x4 drivers can be seen filling their green reusable canvas Tesco and Waitrose bags at this store.