Showing posts with label Rutland County Council Planning Officer. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Rutland County Council Planning Officer. Show all posts

Wednesday, October 08, 2014

Aldi, Oakham, Rutland County Council Planning Officer, Recommending Refusal. Development Control and Licensing Committee

Development Control and Licensing Committee

Date: Tuesday 14 October 2014

Time: 6.00 pm

Venue: Council Chamber, Catmose, Oakham


Hawksmead Ltd
Land west of Lands End Way, Oakham

New retail unit (Class A1) with
associated vehicular & pedestrian
access, car parking, landscaping &

Recommendation  REFUSAL

for the following reasons;

1. The application site is part of a larger area of land allocated and safeguarded for 
employment-related development (Use classes B1, B2 and B8 of the Town and Country 
Planning (Use Classes) Order,1987 (as amended)) in Policy CS13(d) of the Adopted 
Core Strategy (July 2011) and EM2/1 of the Adopted Rutland Local Plan (July 2001). It 
is also in a prime location by the Oakham Bypass (A606: Burley Park Way), adjacent to 
the main highway access into the allocated area. The proposed use for retail 
development (Use Class A1) would detrimentally reduce both the quantity and quality of 
employment land supply within Rutland. The loss of part of this strategic site, especially 
in such a prime location, would inhibit the development of the wider employment site for 
future economic development and job creation within the area allocated for such 
development within Policies EM2/1 and CS13(d). Given this, the current application is 
contrary to saved Policies EM2 and EM11 of the Rutland Local Plan (2001) and Policies 
CS2(h) and CS13(d) of the Adopted Core Strategy (July 2011).

2. The proposal would have an impact upon linked trips to Oakham Town Centre, and as 
such would be required to make contributions towards a County Council led planned 
programme of investment in the town centre to mitigate the agreed impact of the 
development on the town centre. These developer contributions have not been finalised 
through a Section 106 agreement, and the proposal is thereby contrary to policy CS2, 
CS8, CS17, and CS18 of the adopted Rutland Core Strategy and the guidance in the 
adopted Supplementary

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Lonsdale House, Barleythorpe Road, Oakham, Rutland, Patrick Gear, Rutland County Council Planning Officer

Lonsdale House, Barleythorpe Road, Oakham, Rutland, Patrick Gear, Rutland County Council Planning Officer