Showing posts with label Waitrose. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Waitrose. Show all posts

Thursday, November 04, 2021

Waitrose Supermarket Christmas Stamford 2021

Waitrose Supermarket Christmas Stamford 2021

Monday, November 07, 2011

Waitrose Oakham Latest News Lindum Group Ltd

Waitrose Oakham Latest News Lindum Group Ltd

In about four weeks time the Lindum Group developer for Waitrose will be issuing a press release.

They will explain why they pulled out of negotiations with Tresham College

The have confirmed they intend to proceed with seeking another site here in
Oakham, they are currently in discussion with Tim Norton to possible purchase
his site just over the level crossing.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Rutland County Council, Leader, Roger Begy, People are fighting for a Sainsbury

Conservative Leader Roger Begy in this weeks Rutland Times:

“People are fighting for a Sainsbury’s over a Waitrose because they want competition for Tesco so that they can afford to live.”

In Rutland the council tax that people living in the county pay averages £555 per person, whereas in Leicester city it equates to £307.

Council leader Roger Begy calls for improvements to rural funding: 

Rutland Times Click Here

If there is snow or its Christmas we often see stocks run low in Tesco people arguing at the checkouts, those are good reasons for another store.

We would not want to see this in Tesco?

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Roger Begy Conservative Leader of Rutland County Council says NO to Supermarket Giants, What next for post 16 Education

Now the Leader of Rutland County County Council Roger Begy Conservative, has thrown his rattle out of the pram and become the hero of the Anti Supermarket lobby, I wonder what plans he has to feed all those people who will be moving into the new homes that will be springing up around Oakham.

The Anti Supermarket lobby should not trust this man, Judas would best describe him. If Waitrose had not pulled out of the Tresham College deal he and his Conservative colleges would have been paid a substantial sum by Tresham College for the Councils Post 16 Education project. If it is the case Supermarkets are now barred from Oakham will we be seeing more homes? I visualise the long wait in Tesco on a Saturday morning or they all drive out to lidl to do their shopping alongside Roger Begy.

I am concerned now at what is going to happen to the post 16 eduction here in Rutland we have been told many times it hinges on the gift to be received from Tresham. (gift as describe by the Rutland Times)

BBC East Midlands Tonight Oakham have got it right? Roger Begy Rutland County Council,

Last night BBC East Midlands Tonight, Said Oakham has got it right?

We were compared to Grantham and its demise.

Roger Begy Conservative leader of Rutland County Council was shown to be anti supermarkets. What a daft man we all know he turned down Sainsbury in the hope Waitrose would come to Oakham, if the sale of the Tresham college site had gone ahead, there would have been no doubt planning permission would have been granted to Waitrose.

Now we here rumours, maybe taking legal action against one of the parties? Cllr Gale has said he and four other members have called in the police to deal with possible planning corruption.

Most people locally seem to have some sort of knowledge of corruption, I wonder why it is taking so many years to get sorted.

When I was out about canvassing for the local elections a current councillors name came up, more than once.
One gentleman said "they tried to force a member of my family to sell up and approached unknown to them another member of the same family to assist". I returned to Oakham and put this story to a local business man and they immediately named all involved. So if the police take to investigating corruption allegations seriously it should not be hard for them to bring about some charges and convictions.

Roger Begy came across last night as the champion of local shopping, So can he explain why he admits jumping into his Jag and crossing the Rutland / Lincolnshire boarder and filling up his car each week at Lidl?

The news report only featured shops that you would need a good credit limit to shop at, none of which would be under threat from the supermarkets. I am not aware of Tesco's moving into handmade jewellery, Although I did here the had joined the big cash for gold craze.
The reporter concluded you won't find boarded up shops in Oakham, the photograph below was taken a stones throw away from where he filmed his report. Someone said he should have gone to Spec Savers. We don't have a Spec Savers here in Oakham.

It is hoped this board will be removed soon two of these empty shops have been snapped up by William Hill Bookies an essential shopping outlet? Or a rioters target in many other UK towns and cities. Tottenham has a lot of outlets in a small area, I wonder if this is the poor man's bank?

It is important to say we don't have many empty shops, but it is true most are catering for the elite and Oakham is a good day out for the older more discerning girl with a few pieces of plastic at hand.

In April a Clothes shop opened claiming affordable prices, over £100 for a men's casual shirt is not affordable for the majority of Oakham's residents and that may the reason why that store closed this month.

Rents are very high in Oakham, one trader in Letchworth was complaining their rent was high, £600 a month. You would be lucky to find a shed for that here in Oakham.

Mr Begy said a lot of people were angry when the council turned down Sainsbury. How true lets hope they appeal.

We need competition here in Oakham, Waitrose offered price matching, that is not competition.

Friday, July 22, 2011

Waitrose Will Not Be Coming To Oakham, No gift for Rutland County Council

Waitrose Will Not Be Coming To Oakham

Waitrose have pulled out of negotiations with Tresham and will now no longer be planning to build on the site.

My personal view was why did we need a store that promised to match Tesco prices?

We desperately need a store to compete against Tesco and that is a not a dig at Tesco, it could be any store in the town. Competition is a good thing for all.

I wonder how Rutland County Council will now fund its college move to Barleythorpe, because it most certainly did not take a genious to work out why the council were so keen to support Waitrose, A local paper  recently published Tresham would be giving the council a gift of money? if the sale went through? Sounded a bit dodgy to me. I wonder if the John Lewis Partnership choked on a 'essential Waitrose' pasty when they read that or was it the style the VIP's portrayed when they held a reception at the Whipper Inn and the guests swilled pints rather than the usual glasses of wine preferred by the partners of John Lewis

If we a lucky we might get some more houses, can't wait to find out who Tresham and the Council have lined up as its next victim.


Friday, February 25, 2011

Sainsbury's Oakham planning application has been 'referred up' to Full Council

The decision to refuse the Sainsbury's planning application has been 'referred up' to Full Council which means all 26 Councillors will now get the opportunity to make the final decision on the proposal for a new supermarket.

18 Conservatives the Council needs the money from Tresham from the sale of the college site, The site of the proposed Waitrose. I don't see there will be any change in the decision outcome. I hope Sainsbury will take this all the way to appeal and then this corrupt council can be exposed.

Rutland County Council needs the money from Tresham College to fund its post 16 Education. Something parents say Heather Wells Conservative has completely messed up.

It is interesting to see Rutland School teachers are not threatening strike action over academy status, it is clear they don't want this daft woman meddling in the education of the counties children.

The public discontent and anger was very visible when Rutland County Council and Tresham College nearly destroyed the post 16 education system here in Rutlland.

However, back to Sainsbury and the public anger for  is also huge! the responsibility for making the final decision has now been passed to Full Council after four Councillors (Gale, Oxley, Wainwright and Montgomery) asked for the original decision to be reconsidered.

Sainsbury’s have submitted plans for a new foodstore (including cafeteria) at the junction of Lands End Way and the Oakham Bypass. The application also includes details of a car park (240 spaces), landscaping and petrol filling station.

Members of the Development Control and Licensing Committee (DC&L) voted 4-3 and one tactical abstention by Conservative Terry King to turn down the application, with many acknowledging the high levels of public support, after consideration of a report from Planning Officers which recommended the supermarket plan was rejected for two main reasons.

The first reason was that the application site is designated for offices and/or industry warehousing in the Local Plan

Of course as we all know there is a shortage of office space all over the country. Uppinham has many empty office units so why build more here in Oakham?

The second reason was the out-of-town-centre location of the proposed supermarket.

Maybe they could demolish the Council offices and build there as Helen Briggs farms out more and more service to surrounding authorities I am not sure there will be a need for such a large site, she could control all the councils various departments located at Peterborough, Melton, Corby and Northampton.... from her garage or shed just up the road. What a saving that would be. But hang if all these other Councils are running Rutland why do we need her and all the other managers who are expected to work from home in the future.

Debate at the DC&L meeting focussed around alternative supermarket sites in the town, public support for the application, the potential impact on the town centre, loss of employment land, and the need for immediate jobs balanced against the long-term use of site.

This plot of land has been empty for many years as a member of the public shouted at the meeting, we need jobs now not maybe in ten years.

A record of the meeting with appear shortly on the council website.

A date for the meeting of Full Council that will consider the Sainsbury’s application will be announced shortly.

Maybe Tim Sainsbury could give Roger a call and we will see competition here in Oakham. The Conservatives have allowed Sainsbury to rip the heart out of the Worlds Second Garden City, Welwyn Garden City, so why not a little plot against a busy road.

Waitrose yes very nice store cater for the rich and poor, but advertising states: we have thousands of products the same as price Tesco. Why would anyone want another store offering the same as Tesco?

Here in Oakham we suffer from regional pricing as the large retailers like Tesco think we are all rich. If you pop to Tesco Melton you can spot the difference.

Oakham VIP's need to learn social skills and etiquette. Waitrose Whipper Inn Oakham

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Rutland County Council turn down Sainsbury application does this mean Waitrose will be approved so they get their cash from Tresham College?

A special meeting of Rutland County Council's Licensing and Development committee.
Tuesday 22 February 2011

After a short presentation. Deputations were made from the public.

Deputy Head of Tresham College spoke first against the development.

Tresham would like would like to see the application turned down as they wish to sell their site to Waitrose so they can pay Rutland County Council the promised funds for Rutland's New College.

Former Councillor Alan Walters spoke for a group of residents and put a good case for the application. The public applauded, he was question by various Councillors and he was once again applauded. He spoke well.

The Chairman Mr Gale asked the public not to applaud and some replied “we have a right”!

Next Mr knight from Navitron / Burly Fires he spoke very briefly not objecting but ha concerns relating to highways issues.

To representatives from Sainsbury spoke

Councillors questions.

Mr Geer the councils planning officers attempted to give a presentation often interrupted by heckling from the public seat, eventually Mr Gale ask the public to allow the presentation to continue. He was heckled.

Mr Geer said the planning department recommended refusal

All the Conservative Councillors spoke against the development no surprise there.

The Application was refused after four Conservatives voted to turn down the application and the others voted to reject the refusal. Councillor King tactically abstained.

Afterwards there were scenes of jubilation between him and Chief Executive and a legal officer.

The public vented there anger some leaving the chamber shouting shame on you for supporting Tesco! How much are Tesco paying you.

It will be interesting to see if the application is forwarded to full council or is it the end of the matter.

Friday, February 18, 2011

Oakham VIP's need to learn social skills and etiquette. Waitrose Whipper Inn Oakham

Oakham VIP's need to learn social skills and etiquette. Waitrose Whipper Inn Oakham

Today I visited the Waitrose Exhibition, I chatted with Mr #######   who told me he was surprised by comments regarding the location of the proposed store made by VIP's who were invited to a private view Thursday evening, This included Councillors and Rutland County Council staff.

VIP's were saying of course you are building on the wrong side of Railway line, is very common thats side!

He also said he has never been to an exhibition before where VIP's stood talking to him swilling back pints of beer.

You can visit Saturday to see the plans.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Waitrose, Welcome Break Ltd, Motorway Services Area, M6, Corley, Coventry, Warwickshire, CV7 8NR,

Welcome Break Ltd
Motorway Services Area M6

01676 540111

M6 between J3 and J3a

Waitrose is a good place to by lunch to take to the NEC if you forgot to pack a packed lunch, still a bit pricey but you will save a fortune on the NEC prices for a Sandwich.

This is also home of the first Motorway a Starbucks Coffee facility here in the UK.
Oening on the 12th May 2006 a Starbucks Coffee facility

As part of a joint move between Warwickshire Police and Welcome Break, Corley was the first (and one of the only) services to have a permanent Police Community Support Officer.

 We had a small coffee in Eat In, (small cups like a bucket) we only had coffee as the budget would not stretch any further not much change out of £10 It is my opinion the coffee here is better than the coffee served at Starbucks.

If you want KFC heading towards Birmingham you will need to cross the footbridge.

This side (West side) has Waitrose, Starbucks, Eat In, phonebiz and W H Smith.

and a Days Inn Hotel

Welcome Break Footbridge over  the M6 motorway.

Thursday, February 03, 2011

Waitrose Oakham Rutland A Public Consultation

A public consultation on the proposals will be taking place on the 18th and 19th February at the Whipper-In-Hotel Oakham.

Whipper Inn
7 Market Pl
Oakham LE15
01572 756 971
Waitrose is proposing to build a new store on Barleythorpe Road.
Councillors have been invited to a private screening on Thursday 17th February, They have all received advice from Rutland County Councils Monitoring Officer on how they should conduct themselves if they attend.

Saturday, January 08, 2011

Waitrose, Sainsbury, Aldi or Lidl Oakham?

We are told Waitrose are considering moving into Oakham, they would like to build a new store on the Rutland College site, only if Rutland County Council refuses permission for the proposed Sainsbury store at Hawksmead.

I say sod of Waitrose and lets have an affordable store like Lidl or Aldi.

The college site would be perfect for this type of store.

Another site close by is the Parks School or Rutland County Council could move Jules to the Parks School site and provide a much better youth services.

If you would like to register your interest in either Aldi or Lidl opening in Oakham then please let them know.

Aldi are looking for a site in Oakham and ask you to

Contact Jonathan Neale on 01827 710810 to discuss potential opportunities

and Lidl
Wellington Parkway,
Magna Park,
LE17 4XW
Tel: 01455 555046
Fax: 01455 555019
Email: magna.property@lidl.co.uk

Before anyone says these store are to low class for Oakham you must take a trip to Stamford Lidl and see how many woman 4x4 drivers can be seen filling their green reusable canvas Tesco and Waitrose bags at this store.