Thursday, August 25, 2011

BBC East Midlands Tonight Oakham have got it right? Roger Begy Rutland County Council,

Last night BBC East Midlands Tonight, Said Oakham has got it right?

We were compared to Grantham and its demise.

Roger Begy Conservative leader of Rutland County Council was shown to be anti supermarkets. What a daft man we all know he turned down Sainsbury in the hope Waitrose would come to Oakham, if the sale of the Tresham college site had gone ahead, there would have been no doubt planning permission would have been granted to Waitrose.

Now we here rumours, maybe taking legal action against one of the parties? Cllr Gale has said he and four other members have called in the police to deal with possible planning corruption.

Most people locally seem to have some sort of knowledge of corruption, I wonder why it is taking so many years to get sorted.

When I was out about canvassing for the local elections a current councillors name came up, more than once.
One gentleman said "they tried to force a member of my family to sell up and approached unknown to them another member of the same family to assist". I returned to Oakham and put this story to a local business man and they immediately named all involved. So if the police take to investigating corruption allegations seriously it should not be hard for them to bring about some charges and convictions.

Roger Begy came across last night as the champion of local shopping, So can he explain why he admits jumping into his Jag and crossing the Rutland / Lincolnshire boarder and filling up his car each week at Lidl?

The news report only featured shops that you would need a good credit limit to shop at, none of which would be under threat from the supermarkets. I am not aware of Tesco's moving into handmade jewellery, Although I did here the had joined the big cash for gold craze.
The reporter concluded you won't find boarded up shops in Oakham, the photograph below was taken a stones throw away from where he filmed his report. Someone said he should have gone to Spec Savers. We don't have a Spec Savers here in Oakham.

It is hoped this board will be removed soon two of these empty shops have been snapped up by William Hill Bookies an essential shopping outlet? Or a rioters target in many other UK towns and cities. Tottenham has a lot of outlets in a small area, I wonder if this is the poor man's bank?

It is important to say we don't have many empty shops, but it is true most are catering for the elite and Oakham is a good day out for the older more discerning girl with a few pieces of plastic at hand.

In April a Clothes shop opened claiming affordable prices, over £100 for a men's casual shirt is not affordable for the majority of Oakham's residents and that may the reason why that store closed this month.

Rents are very high in Oakham, one trader in Letchworth was complaining their rent was high, £600 a month. You would be lucky to find a shed for that here in Oakham.

Mr Begy said a lot of people were angry when the council turned down Sainsbury. How true lets hope they appeal.

We need competition here in Oakham, Waitrose offered price matching, that is not competition.