Thursday, August 25, 2011

Roger Begy Conservative Leader of Rutland County Council says NO to Supermarket Giants, What next for post 16 Education

Now the Leader of Rutland County County Council Roger Begy Conservative, has thrown his rattle out of the pram and become the hero of the Anti Supermarket lobby, I wonder what plans he has to feed all those people who will be moving into the new homes that will be springing up around Oakham.

The Anti Supermarket lobby should not trust this man, Judas would best describe him. If Waitrose had not pulled out of the Tresham College deal he and his Conservative colleges would have been paid a substantial sum by Tresham College for the Councils Post 16 Education project. If it is the case Supermarkets are now barred from Oakham will we be seeing more homes? I visualise the long wait in Tesco on a Saturday morning or they all drive out to lidl to do their shopping alongside Roger Begy.

I am concerned now at what is going to happen to the post 16 eduction here in Rutland we have been told many times it hinges on the gift to be received from Tresham. (gift as describe by the Rutland Times)