Showing posts with label Cllr Adam Lowe. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Cllr Adam Lowe. Show all posts

Wednesday, May 11, 2022

Cllr Adam Lowe bullied and Misled Oakham Town Council members into paying unlawful £68,830.80 payment made to a contractor.

Covid 2019 has delayed this audit finding.

In 2019 I objected to a payment of £68,830.80 made to Cowman Road Surfacing Contractors, 
invoice dated 31 July 2018, paid in September 2018. 

because Oakham Town Council did not comply with central government procurement rules for this level of spending or with  European procurement laws and that little effort was made by the Council to seek value for money. 

At the Council meeting on 14 June 2017 it was agreed in principle to repair/widen the path and obtain three quotations. (Cutts Close Path)

The Council has informed the auditors that it wrote to five County Councils asking for recommended and approved contractors, inviting them to quote for the works. As a result of this exercise, only one response was received, from Martin Cowman Ltd. (no of evidence this was ever shown to members of the council or provided when I requested to see it as a Councillor)

At the Council meeting on 8 August 2017, the matter was discussed and as only one response had been 
received, it was agreed to seek tenders again, this time advertising in the press, on noticeboards and 
on the website. No further tenders were received and at the Council meeting on 8 November 2017 it 
was resolved to award the contract to Martin Cowman Ltd. (this part is true, but then what contractor looks at the council notice board or even the Rutland Times)

The invoice for the works was presented for  payment approval at the Council meeting on 8 August 2018 and was in accordance with the original 
quotation. Payment was not approved at this meeting but was deferred until the specification and path 
had been re-examined. (at this point the majority of members were unhappy with the process of awarding this contract and I pointed out to members that rules had been ignored)

At the Council meeting on 12 September 2018 the Chairman Adam Lowe gave a presentation on the subject and it was resolved to pay the invoice. (Cllr Adam Lowe misled  members accused me of lying and bullied members into agreeing to reverse there decision not to pay the invoice, a video recording of this presentation of false information can be found on youtube and a link was provided to the auditor)

The external auditor has concluded that Oakham Town Council failed to follow rules and regulations AS A RESULT THE PAYMENT MAY BE UNLAWFUL an auditor can not say the payment is unlawful, their full conclusion shown below means the payment made was unlawful and fortunately for Cllr Adam Lowe they are not taking Oakham Town Council to the High Court. The same happened when the previous Mayor was found to have made a unlawful payment without the Town Councils knowledge. That Mayor did the decent thing and resigned and repaid the couple of hundred pounds he unlawfully spent.

Cllr Adam Lowe has always bullied people to get what he wants and it needs to end. I have messaged him to seek a comment or an apology for how he treated me when he insisted the council would not be making an unlawful payment. He has ignored my message.

The auditors say I have a right to appeal their decision not to apply for a declaration under section 28(3) of the Local Audit and Accountability Act 2014. Should I wish to do so, I must issue mu appeal with the High Court, I have told Oakham Town Council I may exercise my right to appeal if Cllr Adam Lowe remains office, I don't want to take this action because the costs would have to be paid by Oakham Town Council. It could also make the members who approved the payment liable for this expenditure. I strongly believe if Adam Lowe remains a member of Oakham Town Council nothing is going to change and they will continue to ignore laws and rules that they should follow.

Oakham Town Council is aware that I am raising a conduct complaint with Rutland County Council regarding Cllr Adam Lowes bullying and dishonest conduct during the time he was attempting to secure this unlawful payment. 

Auditors Conclusion: It is our view that OTC did not follow the provisions of the Public Contracts Regulations 2015 and thereby their own Financial Regulations in respect of this contract, as the contract was not advertised on the government’s “Contracts Finder” website. As a result the payment may be unlawful; however, the Council has informed us of the tendering processes that it followed (as detailed above) in an attempt to obtain best value for money. Despite these attempts, only one quotation was received and, in accordance with Section 11.1.f. of the Financial Regulations, the Council made the decision to proceed with the works with the only contractor who had tendered. In our view, this was not an unreasonable decision in the circumstances; however, we are minded to raise this non-compliance with laws and regulations in our external auditor report for 2018/19. Please note that there is no right of appeal against a decision not to issue a public interest report in respect of any of the objections. With regard to objections 3 and 4, you have a right to appeal our decision not to apply for a declaration under section 28(3) of the Local Audit and Accountability Act 2014. Should you wish to do so, you must issue your appeal with the High Court within the period of 21 days beginning with the day after you receive this statement of written reasons. Yours sincerely PKF Littlejohn LLP

Saturday, April 23, 2022

Cllr Adam Lowe Oakham Town Council Bullying and Threatening Oakham Mayor Zoe Nealson Rutland Times

Cllr Adam Lowe Oakham Town Council Bullying and Threatening Oakham Mayor Zoe Nealson Rutland Times

Sunday, November 07, 2021

Oakham Town Council To Consider Appointing Cllr Adam Lowe as Oakham Town Crier.

Oakham Town Council To Consider Appointing Cllr Adam Lowe as Oakham Town Crier.

Town Crier Camden Lock London 2013 

Meeting of Oakham Town Council on Wednesday 10 November 2021 at 6.30 p.m Agenda

Oakham Town Council

Rol House, Long Row, Oakham, Rutland, LE15 6NL 

 01572 723627        



TO:  All members of the Town Council

In accordance with the requirements of the Local government Act 1972, you are hereby summoned to attend a meeting of Oakham Town Council on Wednesday 10 November 2021 at 6.30 p.m.  The meeting will be held at the offices of the Town Council, Rol House, Long Row, Oakham, LE15 6LN

Karen Bell

Locum Clerk to the Council

03 November 2021                 


Public Notice of the meeting has been given in accordance with schedule 12, Para 10(2) of the Local Government Act 1972. The Meeting is open to the press and public. Members of the public attending this meeting are advised that it may be filmed and recorded.


1. APOLOGIES AND REASONS FOR ABSENCE:  To receive and approve apologies for absences 

2. DECLARATION OF MEMBERS’ INTERESTS AND APPLICATIONS FOR DISPENSATION:  Reminder to Members to disclose either a Pecuniary Interest or Other Interest in any item on the agenda.  The clerk cannot advise members on this. Members are personally responsible for declaring an interest. Members are respectfully advised to read the Code of Conduct for more information. Councillors are also responsible for ensuring that their Registers of Interests are up to date (within 28 days of any changes)

3. DEPUTATIONS FROM MEMBERS OF THE PUBLIC:  An opportunity for members of the public to speak in accordance with Standing Orders 1 (d)- 1(i)


     4.1 To confirm the accuracy of the minutes of the meeting held on 13 October   2021 Attached

      4.2 To receive an update on any matters arising not included elsewhere on the  agenda

5.   FINANCE COMMITTEE HELD ON 13 OCTOBER 2021:  The minutes from the 

      meeting are to be received and noted.  Questions can be asked of the Committee

      Chairman Attached


      minutes from the meeting are to be received and noted.  Questions can be asked 

      of the Committee Chairman Attached


To answer questions previously notified to the Clerk under Standing Order 9 





11.1 ABF The Soldiers Charity – Invitation to Christmas Curry Luncheon, and /  or donation request

11.2 One Way Out Escape Rooms - Space share Proposal

11.3 4 Oakham – Request received for OTC to contribute towards cost of 



  12.1 2020-2021 Conclusion of External Audit 2020/21:  To receive new  information

  12.2 Payments for Approval:   To follow

  12.3 Bank Reconciliation at 31 October 2021:   To follow

  12.4 2022-2023 Budget:  To receive information 

13. OAKHAM SKATEPARK PROJECT:  To consider Report Number TC 01/11/2021 


14. OAKHAM TOWN CRIER:  To consider Report Number TC 02/11/2021


15.  CUTTS CLOSE SHELTER:  To consider Report number TC 03/11/2021



      To consider Report Number TC/04/11/2021 Attached

17.  RUTLAND PRIDE 2022:  To consider Report Number TC/05/11/2021 Attached 

18.  REVIEW OF STANDING ORDERS:  To consider the following motion which has 

       been submitted by Cllr. Orchard

“that Standing orders be reviewed monthly, equally divided across the year

(nominally 2 per councillor, per month) to allow for a more focused  opportunity  for councillors to review and offer updates”

19.  ARMED FORCES COVENANT:  To receive information

20. MATTERS FOR FUTURE DISCUSSION:  To receive information


22. DATE AND TIME OF NEXT MEETING:  08 December 2021 @ 6.30 p.m. 


a)  The meeting is open to the press & public. 

b)  The Town Council allows a short period of time at meetings of the Full Council  when residents can put questions to the council. At other times, the public are not  able to take part in the proceedings except at the discretion of the Chairman who  may at a convenient time in the transaction of business adjourn the meeting and  suspend standing orders to allow any member of the public to address the meeting  and ask questions requiring answers of a factual nature 

c)  Mobile phones are to be turned off during the meeting

Meeting Documents

Thursday, July 30, 2020

Oakham Town Council proudly commits to honour the Armed Forces Covenant and support the Armed Forces Community Armed Forces Champion, Cllr Adam Lowe

Oakham Town Council has proudly committed to honour the Armed Forces Covenant and support the Armed Forces Community


The Armed Forces Covenant is a promise by the nation ensuring that those who serve or who have served in the armed forces and their families, are treated fairly.
For support and advice contact our Armed Forces Champion, Cllr Adam Lowe or  alternatively visit the Armed Forces Covenant website.
It is great shame the town council does not commit to all the residents of Oakham.
It's choice of councillor Adam Lowe as Forces Champion is some what odd. I would suggest any armed forces member who needs support forgets the town council and goes straight to Rutland County Council.  Cllr Ian Razzell  who has 32 year military experience.

Cllr Adam Lowe likes dressing up at weekends

Saturday, May 25, 2019

Cllr Adam Lowe, Oakham Town Council Expenditure Questions, first of many to come

Cllr Adam Lowe, Oakham Town Council Expenditure Questions, first of many to come

Looking at Oakham Town Councils published statements of Accounts the former Mayor, Oakham and Rutland County Councillor Adam Lowe has been paid twice for his April expenses/allowance.

15/04/2019 Chairman / A Lowe BACS 434.83 4410 400 434.83 Civic event/charity lunch

29/03/2019 Chairman / A Lowe BACS 434.83 4410 400 434.83 Civic event/chairty lunch

The clerk has incorrectly spelt charity one of the recorded entries.

A document presented to members in the March meeting would suggest these payments could be 

Are there any financial controls at Oakham Town Council to protect our money?

Is this why Cllr Lowe made such a fuss at the annual meeting, Claiming wrongly he had a right to
remain a signatory on the councils accounts?

Is this why Cllr Lowe and the clerk left the annual meeting meeting to conduct a private chat?

Shortly Oakham Town Council will publish its annual return and all electors have a right to inspect and request copies of all invoices, payments and receipts. So if you live in Oakham and want to inspect how your money is spent please contact the Clerk.

Sunday, June 17, 2018

Oakham Town Clerk, Cllr Adam Lowe, Oakham Town Partnership Update

After work I popped into Cutts Close and was shouted at by the Mayor and Chairman of Oakham Town Council and Rutland County Council.

Apparently I had misunderstood his comments regarding some one suing Oakham Town Partnership.
The are not being sued over a bouncy castle incident but something else.

He also shouted that many members of the public had read my blog and contacted him because
I have called the clerk a liar. which is a true fact.

What I find frustrating is this constant concern for the clerk and how she might feel when she reads it.

The time has come for this crap council to be concerned about how I feel after all it was me who had to spend hours of my own time and loss of earnings proving to the police the Clerk is a liar.
Hours of my friends time was also given freely driving me to Market Harborough Police Station.
Then there is the thousands of pounds in legal fee paid for by the tax payers again.
It was also me, who if I had not been able to prove Ms Allison Greaves was a liar would have had to
go to court and face the possibility of a prison sentence all because this deranged clerk played a very dangerous game with the former Mayor Mr Michael Haley and a few other Oakham Town Councils.
She and them need to be held accountable for their disgusting actions.

maximum prison sentences for stalking  5 to 10 years

It is a great shame Leicestershire Police have chosen not to take any action against the clerk.
jokingly they expect Oakham Town Council to take some sort of action.

Sent: Sunday, June 17, 2018 at 5:41 PM
From: "Martin Brookes"
To: "Martin Brookes" , "Joyce Lucas" , "Peter Ind" , "Adam Lowe"
Cc: "Allison Greaves" , "Anne Skipworth" , "David Romney" , "Nick Woodley" , "Paul Buxton" , "Sally-Anne Wadsworth" , "Jean Denyer" , "Daniel Bottomley"
Subject: Cutts Close
Dear Cllr  Adam Lowe
Many thanks for shouting at me in public this afternoon. I have become accustomed to being the council doormat or punch bag, once again many thanks.
You are correct I waited until after the council had lifted 'sanctions' on Wednesday this was after receiving advice from my Solicitor and friends.
As a former Leicestershire Police Special you must be aware of the serious consequences I was subjected to when the clerk lied to the police.
She lied and accused me of being a stalker, if I had been convicted I could have been sent to prison.

You ask what do I think the Clerk will do when she reads my blog post. The answer is simple if the clerk has any shred of decency she would resign.

You say you are unaware of any formal complaint from me regarding the clerks gross misconduct because you were not chairman at the time 
I sent it to the whole council, perhaps you can ask the clerk for another copy.

Another member sums this up nicely if the boot was on the other foot and you or any other member was subjected to such disgusting conduct 
from the clerk you would not tolerate it.

Since you have become a Rutland County Councillor and the Chairman of Oakham Town Council I abd others have appreciated your new professional
approach and I trust today was just a glitch and you in your role as chairman will ensure the clerks poor conduct is dealt with in an appropriate way 
according to the councils disciplinary procedure.

As for the matter of the Town Partnership and the bouncy castle legal action, I am happy to post a correction stating you did not say bouncy castle
and did not divulge the reason some one is suing the Town Partnership. I hope you can understand the confusion as you raised it at the point 
you said we had to be cautious about our own bouncy castles because some one was suing the Town Partnership for something that happened at
the late night shopping event. 


Cllr Martin Brookes

Cllr Adam Lowe clarification: email so I don't get it wrong.

I have always said the restrictions Oakham Town Council imposed upon me last
year were through to this year were sanctions. I now have two emails from two 
chairman's who clearly describe them as sanctions. I strongly believe Oakham Town
Council has acted unlawfully no council has to power to impose sanctions.

This line makes no sense:
' the Council at the time were not, due to resolution, conducting any communication with you and as such for me to undertake or request any copies of any of those communications would be a breach of the Council resolution, ' 
The council sanction actually said I had to put all communication in writing and not email which I did.

Sent: Sunday, June 17, 2018 at 6:02 PM
From: "Adam Lowe"
To: "Martin Brookes"
Subject: Formal Complaint

Cllr Brookes

For clarification , I am only aware that the OTP have a complaint and potential legal action due to a trip hazard causing injury at a LNS event, a member of the public mentioned it to me believing I was on OTP and asking what I knew, clearly I could not comment, however it did highlight the issue around PLI and RISK assessments, all of which OTC do abide by and insist on.

I must say I am disappointed in what you have disclosed in your email, however it does not impact on me as I have stood by what I said I would set out to do even before I became the Chairman, that was address the issue over the sanctions.

I have no regrets that they were bought to Council and they were lifted, it was still the correct outcome for every one concerned.

To clarify the last issue regarding any formal complaint that you have raised, the Council at the time were not, due to resolution, conducting any communication with you and as such for me to undertake or request any copies of any of those communications would be a breach of the Council resolution, also if as you state your sent these to all Councillors, this would also be in breach of the guidance that we operate and are meant to abide by and I will not consider any complaint that is made public or shared with Councillors, I will treat all such communication with the same contempt in which they have been delivered, treating them as a vexatious communication, in short I will not respond to or acknowledge such forms of communication.

If you feel you have grounds for a complaint then I would request you submit as per the guidelines within our polices, stating what is the complaint, who it is against, giving dates and times of the conduct and where possible provide evidence accordingly.

Last point, I have to keep reminding you, as you keep reminding me, I am only the Chairman, the same as any other Councillor, I have not been approached or asked to apologise to you by the Council, if you feel that the Council as a whole should issue you an apology I would suggest you submit an agenda item requesting such action is taken.

Adam Lowe

Cllr Adam Lowe    Assoc CIPD

Saturday, December 13, 2014

Cllr Adam Lowe, Oakham Christmas Tree "Facebook Campaign Overkill" Not What he said on the BBC News Video

Cllr Adam Lowe, Oakham Christmas Tree "Facebook Campaign Overkill" Not What he said on the BBC News Video

At Wednesday's council meeting, Councillor Adam Lowe gave a report to members about the
Christmas tree.

He described the Facebook campaign, which saw a local garden centre donate a tree as "Overkill"

During a interview on BBC East Midland Today, he said the Council would listen to the public.

Utter rubbish his comment shows they found the campaign a irritant and if the local garden
centre had not donated another tree, they would have ignored the campaign.

They have ignored comments about the tree and lights for many years.

The video shows Cllr Lowe making the comment at the council meeting and his BBC interview.

The unwanted Christmas tree was donated a friend Cllr Vincent Howard
who runs Oakham fire station.

Saturday, August 09, 2014

Cllr Adam Lowe, Former Oakham Mayor, First Mayor not to spend all the chairman's allowance

Cllr Adam Lowe, Former Oakham Mayor, First Mayor not to spend all the chairman's allowance.
Just over £1,000 has been returned to the Town Councils general fund.

Cllr Lowe said "I have tried to be cautious with public money."

I can't offer him a 100% congratulations because he spent public money on posh
booze at Christmas.

Thursday, May 15, 2014

Cllr Jane Woodcock, New Oakham Mayor, Cllr Alf Dewis, Deputy Mayor, Cllr Adam Lowe, Former Mayor, Photographs

Cllr Jane Woodcock, New Oakham Mayor, Cllr Alf Dewis, Deputy Mayor, Cllr Adam Lowe, Former Mayor, Photographs

Former Mayor Adam Lowe and The new Mayor and Chairman
of Oakham Town Council Cllr Jayne Woodcock.

The new Mayor presents a past Mayors badge to Cllr Adam Lowe
in a old box loaned by Cllr Joyce Lucas.

Oakham Mayor with her new deputy Cllr Alf Dewis
not red with his normal anger, he had just returned
from holiday.

Video of the legal process of appointing a Mayor of Oakham

Opening Remarks Mayor of Oakham May 2014, Oakham Town Meeting, Cllr Adam Lowe

Opening Remarks Mayor of Oakham May 2014

Cllr Adam Lowe former Oakham Mayor has sent me a copy of what he said at the town meeting. i missed it due to time of meeting and late bus.

Looking back over this last year, I have the following observations I would like to share with you.

When taking office I was unaware of, firstly, how much of my life would be taken over by the role as your Mayor. Secondly, how quickly the time would pass.

Putting that aside I have to say it has been a great privilege and honor to represent the people of Oakham and my fellow Cllrs and despite no major national events to help fill my year I can honestly say that Julie and I have been very busy having attended 67 events.

As the Mayor I saw my role as a conduit to raise the profile of charities, volunteers, all that Oakham has to offer, I think I have achieved that, importantly though it was with your help.

I have repeatedly acknowledged the many volunteers and all people in employment that contribute to making Oakham and Rutland the place it is. The people behind scenes if you like.

The Town Council is made up of twelve Cllrs covering the four wards of Oakham. Working together this year we have, with the support of our two very capable Officers, returned sound financial accounts with strategic investments and better returns on our assets coupled with very positive audits again being the benchmark that this Council has maintained for several years now.

Continued support and investment in the recreation and play areas we own and manage has been further enhanced by our commitment to ensuring the preservation for public use of the green area off Barlythorpe Road with a long term plan negotiated with the Tresham Institute.

The continued popularity in 2013 of the Cutts Close Band Concerts will see an increase in events this year, with additional initiatives and again where other groups have asked to use Town Council parks for their own events this has been encouraged.

My specific agenda when I took the chair was to achieve three objectives, essential repairs to the skate park, these were carried out in early 2013 and the skate park continues to be well used as a result.
Secondly the Council had a couple of vacant seats and due to a well received election and co-option, the Council did fill the vacant seats.

Lastly the Christmas lights, where we appeared to have been left a little in the dark in 2012, thanks to some positive feedback from the public and the Council making the additional investment meant we were able to raise the standard to that deserving of the Oakham people.

In addition to fulfilling these specific objectives,

I am also particularly pleased to report that the Council has agreed, in principle, to take over the management of the cemetery, this is work in progress and my own commitment will see me staying with this particular project on the Joint Cemetery Committee,  we are of course still supporting Rutland County Council with the Oakham Castle project, and more recently the Council is a partner in the Gaol Street MURAL project which is due to be completed in the Autumn.

I have already eluded to the charity and volunteer contributions that demonstrate just how giving Oakham and Rutland people are and in particular thank you to everyone who supported my chosen charity Rutland Reminders, once again together we helped raise money and their profile and through that we have helped people with dementia in our own community.

My closing comments are directed toward my fellow Cllrs, with out whom we achieve nothing, some of what we do is pure bureaucracy and pretty run of the mill stuff and honestly I would wonder why people would opt to do this whilst not being paid, as volunteers giving up their time to benefit their community, well Parish and Town Council have been around for over a hundred years and with out their good will some of the things, even I have taken for granted in the past, like a well maintained litter free park just would not be there.

Thank you to, Jayne, Joyce, Maureen, Leanne, Alf, Peter, John, Rob, Stan and Charles.

And yes the paid Officers, our Clerk Richard White and  Deputy Clerk Allison Greaves, we need paid officers to work with the very demanding Councillors, and no they do not get danger money. Seriously well done to the Clerks, they do keep us on the straight and narrow and within the law.

Lastly, our partners and family, without whom we are nothing. They are our sounding boards and most understanding of people. I say this based on my own wife, the Mayoress, Mrs Julie Lowe who has on every occasion we represented the the Town ensured I was turned out to a reasonable standard, there is only so much you can do with this, ensured I have been on my best behavior and been there every step of the way.

So thank you again

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Cllr Adam Lowe, Oakham Mayor, won't speak to my "hired gun"

Cllr Adam Lowe, Oakham Mayor, won't speak to my "hired gun"

Cllr Lowe like many of our local councillors is clearly suffering from delusions or mental illness.

Since Adam had to resign from Leicestershire Police as special constable for harassing me from
his place of work at Travis Perkins. I have worked considerably  hard to tolerate him and up to this week
all has been reasonably fine.

For some reason he won't as chairman of the town council issue a statement, a statement you would expect from an organisation distancing itself from Homophobic Hates Crimes conducted by current and past councillors of his council.

I now realise why, because as a local Tory he actual supports the conduct he and his mates have subjected my friends and myself to since 2009.

It is disgraceful!

He refuses to accept the Judges verdict and refuses to accept the judges comments
relating to the most disgusting of the councillors, Cllr Haworth.

My solicitor offered to put him right about his opinion that my case was not proven.

He has since text me the following:

"Martin I will not speak with ur hired gun thanks very much. Still nit (not) proved. 11.21 14 Nov

This man is unfit to be our Mayor or my ward Councillor.

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Oakham Mayor, Cllr Adam Lowe, Cleans Up Graffiti, Cutts Close

Oakham Mayor, Cllr Adam Lowe, Cleans Up Graffiti, Cutts Close.

I spotted some offensive graffiti not of the artistic variety in Cutts Close about an hour ago.

I telephoned my ward councillor Mayor Adam Lowe.

One hour later I received a message the Mayor with paint brush and pot in hand, had repainted the wall.

I cant imagine any other past Mayor doing that.

I remember offering to clean something when I was a town Councillor and the Mayor quoting health and safety and rejecting my offer.

I think other councillors should start embracing the changes Adam is introducing....

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Mayor of Oakham, Cllr Adam Lowe, Oakham Town Council, Leicestershire Police, CPS

Leicestershire Police asked me not to publish the above notice rescinding
a  notice served on me some weeks ago.

I publish this to show how Leicestershire Police issue notices with out any thought giving their full backing
to Oakham Town Councils and Rutland County Council campaign to silence me. PC Sue Cockerill
was one of Leicestershire Police's first officers to ask me to leave a public event back in 2009 after
Oakham Town Council made the request.

I am pleased the  CPS have told the police to rescind the notice.

I believe it is my right to bring to the attention of the public the disgusting conduct of
some Councillors and others connected to local governance.

I repeat here what was published on the bottom of the leaflets I handed to many members
of the public.

Cllr Lowe (now Mayor of Oakham) accepted a stage one harassment notice after he was
found to be harassing me. I highlighted, this is what you can expect if you are critical of our
local governance.

I stand by that comment, Cllr Lowe, our distinguished? Town Mayor often says I only did it

I say rubbish Councillor Lowe, as a former Special Constable of Leicestershire Police
you know these notices can only be issued after at least two incidents have been reported.

I wont repeat what you are guilty of here, but I will say the answer to your email which I published
previously. You asked the question "Do you think I am mad?" the answer is "YES".

I also think it is a disgrace that you have accepted the role as Mayor when you know your conduct
in recent times has been disgraceful.

I further request you don't ask me to photograph you in future, so you can take the images for personal
use and then ask your chums at the local police station to harass me further.

DS McDonald says you are upset that this notice has been rescinded.

You don't know what it is like to be upset. I suggest you take a look at your fellow Councillors conduct
and think hard about your support of their actions before and after their arrest this January.

Oakham Town Council is a catalyst  of bullies, racist and homophobic thugs.

Take a look back the Rutland Chat Forum banned by Rutland County Council for all the above
reasons and as we all know now had a membership predominately made up of your councillors past and present.

Oakham Mayor Councillor Adam Lowe

Thursday, May 09, 2013

Oakham South East, Cllr Adam Lowe, Chairman of the Council and Mayor of Oakham, Cllr Mrs Jayne Woodcock, Vice Chairman of the Council and Deputy Mayor of Oakham

Oakham South East
Cllr Adam Lowe
Chairman of the Council and Mayor of Oakham

Oakham's New Mayor Cllr Adam Lowe (left)

Oakham Town Council refused a photo opportunity last night.
Good to see the new Council year is getting off to a fine start.

7 Councillors, clerk and the Assistant Clerk held a short celebration
in the Council Chamber last night. Mrs Lowe or Mr Woodcock
did not attend.

1 Hill Road
LE15 6PA

07801 541389

Adam has lived in Oakham since the 1970s and has a philosophy of giving back what you can to the community you live in.

He is a volunteer at Rutland County Museum and has also served as a Special Constable with Leicestershire Police.

He hopes that by being a member of the Council he is able to promote and support all that is good about Oakham.

Adam represents the Council on the Oakham Cemetery Joint Management Committee, and Oakham in Bloom.

A photograph above Mr Lowe asked me to take last year when he was
deputy Mayor

Adam Lowe with his Tory Leader Rutland County Councillor Roger Begy

Oakham Mayor Adam Lowe

Above not a fan of Oakham's New Tory Mayor

Cllr Mrs Jayne Woodcock, 
Vice Chairman of the Council and Deputy Mayor of Oakham

Cllr Jayne Woodcock (right) Deputy Mayor of Oakham

Mr Mark Woodcock (left) Rutland County Councillor and Former
Oakham Mayor.

Cllr Mrs Jayne Woodcock
33 Harrington Way
LE15 6SE

01572 755814

Jayne was co-opted onto the Council in July 2011.

She has lived in Oakham since 1995 and lives in the Oakham South West ward.

She aims to represent the views of the residents of her ward and where possible offer support in issues that may arise.

She has worked in the NHS for over 30 years and currently works as a Patient Safety Manager for the University Hospitals of Leicester.She has always had a keen interest in her local community and served as a School Governor for several years when her children were young.

She also actively supported her husband as a Town Councillor and during his year as Mayor (2008/9).

She has a particular interest in maintaining the unique qualities of Oakham, ensuring that it remains a great place to live and visit.

Jayne is the Council's representtative to the Rutland House Community Trust and the Trustees of the Memorial Institute

Thursday, February 28, 2013

Leicestershire Police Plans for Oakham, Cllr Dewis would expect the same or better, Cllr Adam Lowe, Worse since 1850's

Last night Oakham Town Council considered plans from Leicestershire Police.

They want to build on top and behind the old probation office.
This has also been described as the old police station. Cllr Adam Lowe an expert on
Rutland Police history says that description is wrong, pointing out the old police station stood on the
site next to the small building and was demolished many years ago to make way for the current
building. He said, The small building was the weights and measures building.

Whatever the original purpose of this building, it seems a great pity another small piece of Oakham's
history may be lost for good.

Cllr Lowe described the proposed new police building as the worst Police Station Oakham and
Rutland had seen since 1850's

The Mayor Cllr Alf Dewis said, The proposed police station lacked a public reception.
He would expect the police to provide the same or better service from the location.

Cllr Lucas and Nowell agreed with him

Cllr Lockett added no CCTV room?

Today's Rutland Times has published a story referring to this issue. Police in talks about running inquiry desk at Rutland County Council offices

Ron Simpson, company secretary for Rutland Neighbourhood Watch Association, has highlighted the positives and negatives of a one-stop-shop.

He also said,  making sure people have privacy is essential.

Something that would be put at serious risk if this partnership with Rutland County Council was to go ahead.

Some time ago Leicester Police stopped Oakham Town Councillors just turning up to JAG meetings for that very reason.

Not surprised, Rutland County Council deputy leader Councillor Terry King (Conservative) said: “We are happy to work with and support police on a solution which meets their needs. Discussions are taking place but nothing has been finalised yet.”

Oakham Town Councillors who all appeared to object to the plans, decided not to object or approve adopting there normal wishy washy style about matters concerning Oakham and simply agreed to make

Clearly not wanting to upset their good working relationship with the fine force of Leicestershire Police

Friday, September 21, 2012

Hollands Fun Fair, Cutts Close, Oakham, Rutland, photographs

Hollands Fun Fair, Cutts Close, 
Oakham, Rutland, photographs

Cllr Adam Lowe, Oakham Deputy Mayor 
on the bumpy road to know where....

Mickey Mouse

The Candy Floss seller

Friday, September 14, 2012

Oakham Deputy Mayor, Chair of Planning, says "Oakham School Do What They Want"

Oakham Deputy Mayor, Chair of Planning, says 
"Oakham School Do What They Want"

Oakham School are currently re-roofing the Old Workhouse in Market Street Oakham.
It has been notice they are replacing tiles using a cheap Marley product.

This has been pointed out to Cllr Adam Lowe, who is the Deputy Mayor and Chairman of Planning
at Oakham Town Council.

His response was the same as most people's "Oakham School do what they want"

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Cllr Adam Lowe Deputy Mayor said "there are many on the council who would be pleased to see the back of the Mayor Cllr Alf Dewis."

At the weekend Cllr Adam Lowe Deputy Mayor of Oakham Town Council said "there are many on the council who would be pleased to see the back of Oakham Mayor Cllr Alf Dewis."

He also said "there is likely to be a mass exodus at the next elections" but added "but not by those you would want to go"

I also mentioned the further changes Cllr Dewis is proposing to employee's terms and conditions. This is seems to be a frequent event since Mr Dewis became a councillor.

Despite my personal views about the over paid Clerk, it is not acceptable to keep forcing these regular changes upon the staff.

I asked Cllr Lowe if he would accept this from his employer, he responded "No" So I question why is he
supporting this?

Also at this weeks Council meeting it is to be a proposed a working group is set up and to carry out many of the clerks responsibilities as financial officer.

The local government act strongly advises Councillors should not involve themselves with financial work like this where it can be helped.

Will the clerk be taking a pay cut I doubt it.

I imagine the same guidance would be given to councillors regarding legal matters surrounding employment.

It's clear to me Cllr Dewis is not as competent as he would claim, if he was there would not be continual amendments.

One could say his mistake of forgetting to include in advertising or consult with retailers until the last moment about a event to support them, was not a costly mistake.

But a mistake regarding the terms and conditions of employment of the few council staff could be very costly to the tax payer.

I would like to think members will wake up and pass the documents to a employment solicitor as a safeguard.

Friday, November 25, 2011

Liecestershire Police disparagement, The Queens Award, Special Constable Adam Lowe

Liecestershire Police disparagement, The Queens Award, Special Constable Adam Lowe

Special Constable Adam Lowe is on another Planet in this weeks Rutland Times he speaks of enjoying his role as a Special Constable.

He is unhappy with managers and tell me the Town Council is B#llo#ks

He put all this aside to conform and accept his gift from Her Majesty, congratulations Adam... You Plonker...

Adam you say your colleagues have sold them selves for 25 pieces of Silver there must be at least 25 grams in that shiny new medal? 

Below are a couple of example of emails from Cllr and Special Constable Adam Lowe a glowing example for Leicestershire Constabulary. I have not included those in which he insult me. They can be found elsewhere on my blog.

---- Original Message -----
From: Adam Lowe
Sent: 10/17/11 02:58 PM
To: Cllr Martin Brookes
Subject: Re: Adam calling

I don't trust the managers who are more interested in fudging the stats for the Government..........some stopped being Police Constables when they put Government before the job, in contradicts what we represent..........they are selling their own standards for 25 pieces so far as i am concerned

----- Original Message -----
From: Adam Lowe
Sent: 10/17/11 12:05 PM
To: Cllr Martin Brookes
Subject: Re: Adam calling

the Police tried to stitch me once because of you, so my opinion of a certain Inspector and his Sgt giving me  the third degree is noted in my diary, I have no fears from them as indeed the standards because Martin like you I have done no wrong??????

Update: After I found Adam Lowe  had done wrong and police issued him with a stage one harassment order he resigned.


Thursday, October 06, 2011

Cllr Adam Lowe, The Laughing Policeman Investigates, Leicester Police Style

Cllr Adam Lowe, The Laughing Policeman Investigates, Leicester Police Style

My Goodness! how does one get to be treated fairly 
by Oakham Town Council?

A couple of weeks ago I made a complaint about Oakham Town Councils Clerk Richard White.

Normally the Council would take no action, but this time they decided to do something. 

The Clerk had sworn at me during a conversation, this is the same man who colluded with Cllr Alf Dewis and they dreamt up a way to attempt to get rid of me from the Council, they both decided incorrectly I was a bully...

I asked the full council not to include Councillor Adam Lowe in the line up to investigate my complaint. 

I did not want a Councillor dealing with my complaint who calls me a prat in communications. The Full Council ignored my request.

I received an email from Adam Lowe, I responded saying I would not want to speak to him and all I required was an apology from the Clerk Richard White.

I received the following email I was shocked but not surprised to see my complaint had been pre-judged before any investigation. His email contains the following statement: 

"Currently the Clerk has no need to apologise as he has not done anything wrong".

And I think the following paragraph 

is typical of this Council. Its a disgrace!

It is in your interest to assist the panel as you have made allegations against the Clerk, which if you are unable or unprepared to substantiate could reflect on your conduct.

How can a person who calls me a prat be heading an investigation into my complaint. Especially when his subsequent apology lacked any meaning, because he only said sorry for not keeping his thoughts to himself

----- Original Message -----
From: Adam Lowe
Sent: 10/06/11 05:07 PM
To: Cllr Martin Brookes


The Panel is tasked with obtaining information from all relevant parties on the alleged offence.

 If you refuse, the Panel will only be able to consider evidence put before it from those who are prepared to give information to the Panel, therefore we will be unable to consider any evidence that you consider pertinent and our findings will be presented to the Council only on the information received,

It is in your interest to assist the panel as you have made allegations against the Clerk, which if you are unable or unprepared to substantiate could reflect on your conduct.

Currently the Clerk has no need to apologise as he has not done anything wrong.

Please reconsider, suggest a date so we can all meet to discuss.

