Showing posts with label Opening Remarks Mayor of Oakham May 2014. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Opening Remarks Mayor of Oakham May 2014. Show all posts

Thursday, May 15, 2014

Opening Remarks Mayor of Oakham May 2014, Oakham Town Meeting, Cllr Adam Lowe

Opening Remarks Mayor of Oakham May 2014

Cllr Adam Lowe former Oakham Mayor has sent me a copy of what he said at the town meeting. i missed it due to time of meeting and late bus.

Looking back over this last year, I have the following observations I would like to share with you.

When taking office I was unaware of, firstly, how much of my life would be taken over by the role as your Mayor. Secondly, how quickly the time would pass.

Putting that aside I have to say it has been a great privilege and honor to represent the people of Oakham and my fellow Cllrs and despite no major national events to help fill my year I can honestly say that Julie and I have been very busy having attended 67 events.

As the Mayor I saw my role as a conduit to raise the profile of charities, volunteers, all that Oakham has to offer, I think I have achieved that, importantly though it was with your help.

I have repeatedly acknowledged the many volunteers and all people in employment that contribute to making Oakham and Rutland the place it is. The people behind scenes if you like.

The Town Council is made up of twelve Cllrs covering the four wards of Oakham. Working together this year we have, with the support of our two very capable Officers, returned sound financial accounts with strategic investments and better returns on our assets coupled with very positive audits again being the benchmark that this Council has maintained for several years now.

Continued support and investment in the recreation and play areas we own and manage has been further enhanced by our commitment to ensuring the preservation for public use of the green area off Barlythorpe Road with a long term plan negotiated with the Tresham Institute.

The continued popularity in 2013 of the Cutts Close Band Concerts will see an increase in events this year, with additional initiatives and again where other groups have asked to use Town Council parks for their own events this has been encouraged.

My specific agenda when I took the chair was to achieve three objectives, essential repairs to the skate park, these were carried out in early 2013 and the skate park continues to be well used as a result.
Secondly the Council had a couple of vacant seats and due to a well received election and co-option, the Council did fill the vacant seats.

Lastly the Christmas lights, where we appeared to have been left a little in the dark in 2012, thanks to some positive feedback from the public and the Council making the additional investment meant we were able to raise the standard to that deserving of the Oakham people.

In addition to fulfilling these specific objectives,

I am also particularly pleased to report that the Council has agreed, in principle, to take over the management of the cemetery, this is work in progress and my own commitment will see me staying with this particular project on the Joint Cemetery Committee,  we are of course still supporting Rutland County Council with the Oakham Castle project, and more recently the Council is a partner in the Gaol Street MURAL project which is due to be completed in the Autumn.

I have already eluded to the charity and volunteer contributions that demonstrate just how giving Oakham and Rutland people are and in particular thank you to everyone who supported my chosen charity Rutland Reminders, once again together we helped raise money and their profile and through that we have helped people with dementia in our own community.

My closing comments are directed toward my fellow Cllrs, with out whom we achieve nothing, some of what we do is pure bureaucracy and pretty run of the mill stuff and honestly I would wonder why people would opt to do this whilst not being paid, as volunteers giving up their time to benefit their community, well Parish and Town Council have been around for over a hundred years and with out their good will some of the things, even I have taken for granted in the past, like a well maintained litter free park just would not be there.

Thank you to, Jayne, Joyce, Maureen, Leanne, Alf, Peter, John, Rob, Stan and Charles.

And yes the paid Officers, our Clerk Richard White and  Deputy Clerk Allison Greaves, we need paid officers to work with the very demanding Councillors, and no they do not get danger money. Seriously well done to the Clerks, they do keep us on the straight and narrow and within the law.

Lastly, our partners and family, without whom we are nothing. They are our sounding boards and most understanding of people. I say this based on my own wife, the Mayoress, Mrs Julie Lowe who has on every occasion we represented the the Town ensured I was turned out to a reasonable standard, there is only so much you can do with this, ensured I have been on my best behavior and been there every step of the way.

So thank you again