Showing posts with label OAKHAM SOUTH EAST. Show all posts
Showing posts with label OAKHAM SOUTH EAST. Show all posts

Friday, July 26, 2013

Oakham Town Council, Election 2013, Oakham South East

Oakham Town Council, Election 2013, Oakham South East

Rutland County Council are currently delivering polling cards.

Please Remember to Vote on August 15th

Strangely this seat is being contested, it might have something to
do with the fact Oakham Town Council don't want me to return
to the council.

One of the other candidates is a near neighbour of the Town Clerk
the other lives across the road from a Councillor who I can not
name for legal reasons. That candidate declares on her Facebook
a hatred for the National Health Service.

Both candidates live in wards that have vacancies, I am told
that if they lose to me they have been promised co-option.

I don't expect to win the seat due to the disgusting rumour
spread by Rutland County Council* and Cllr Joyce Lucas
and the disgraceful poster campaign that started before
candidates had been declared.

*I refer Rutland County Council to Cllr Lucas's signed 
Standards Statement.

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Oakham Town Council, Oakham South East, Election called

Oakham Town Council, Oakham South East, Election called

Thursday, May 09, 2013

Oakham South East, Cllr Adam Lowe, Chairman of the Council and Mayor of Oakham, Cllr Mrs Jayne Woodcock, Vice Chairman of the Council and Deputy Mayor of Oakham

Oakham South East
Cllr Adam Lowe
Chairman of the Council and Mayor of Oakham

Oakham's New Mayor Cllr Adam Lowe (left)

Oakham Town Council refused a photo opportunity last night.
Good to see the new Council year is getting off to a fine start.

7 Councillors, clerk and the Assistant Clerk held a short celebration
in the Council Chamber last night. Mrs Lowe or Mr Woodcock
did not attend.

1 Hill Road
LE15 6PA

07801 541389

Adam has lived in Oakham since the 1970s and has a philosophy of giving back what you can to the community you live in.

He is a volunteer at Rutland County Museum and has also served as a Special Constable with Leicestershire Police.

He hopes that by being a member of the Council he is able to promote and support all that is good about Oakham.

Adam represents the Council on the Oakham Cemetery Joint Management Committee, and Oakham in Bloom.

A photograph above Mr Lowe asked me to take last year when he was
deputy Mayor

Adam Lowe with his Tory Leader Rutland County Councillor Roger Begy

Oakham Mayor Adam Lowe

Above not a fan of Oakham's New Tory Mayor

Cllr Mrs Jayne Woodcock, 
Vice Chairman of the Council and Deputy Mayor of Oakham

Cllr Jayne Woodcock (right) Deputy Mayor of Oakham

Mr Mark Woodcock (left) Rutland County Councillor and Former
Oakham Mayor.

Cllr Mrs Jayne Woodcock
33 Harrington Way
LE15 6SE

01572 755814

Jayne was co-opted onto the Council in July 2011.

She has lived in Oakham since 1995 and lives in the Oakham South West ward.

She aims to represent the views of the residents of her ward and where possible offer support in issues that may arise.

She has worked in the NHS for over 30 years and currently works as a Patient Safety Manager for the University Hospitals of Leicester.She has always had a keen interest in her local community and served as a School Governor for several years when her children were young.

She also actively supported her husband as a Town Councillor and during his year as Mayor (2008/9).

She has a particular interest in maintaining the unique qualities of Oakham, ensuring that it remains a great place to live and visit.

Jayne is the Council's representtative to the Rutland House Community Trust and the Trustees of the Memorial Institute

Friday, May 06, 2011

Oakham South East, Rutland County Council, Elections

Oakham South East, Rutland County Council, Elections

Johathan Munton Conservative 602 votes

Gene Plews Conservative 489 votes

Richard Swift Liberal Democrats 449 votes

41 spoilt votes

2 seats

Friday, April 08, 2011





Notice is hereby given that:

1. A poll for the election of UNITARY COUNCILLOR(S) for the Ward of OAKHAM SOUTH EAST will be held on THURSDAY 5 MAY 2011 between the hours of 7:00 AM and 10:00 PM

2. The Number of COUNCILLOR(S) to be elected is TWO

3. The names, addresses and descriptions of the Candidates remaining validly nominated and the names of the persons signing the Candidates nomination papers are as follows:

Jonathan Robert
6 Brooke Close
LE15 6GD
Conservative Party Candidate

Donna L Munton
Hugh N Gregory
Fred Shorrock
Lynn Shorrock
Leonard E Gardner
Vonnie G Gardner
Vanessa Quigley
Tim Freimuth
Lee J Dooley
Gillian A Dooley

4 Mill Street
Conservative Party Candidate

Alan C Baker
Ilona A Baker
Ron Miller
Barbara J Miller
Rosina Minckley
George W Mapletoft
Violet Mapletoft
Cyril A Wingfield
Pauline Shepherd
Jean E Irons

Richard Lawrence
11 The Vale,
LE15 6JQ
Liberal Democrats

June Clarke
Ashley CA Clarke
Sheila Day
John J Day
Peter GF Tucker
Martha M Tucker
Nicola Dewis
Judith A Geer
Frederick W Greenslade
Cynthia E Greenslade