Showing posts with label Elections. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Elections. Show all posts

Monday, May 10, 2021

Uppingham Town Council Elections May 2021 Tom Johnson elected

 Uppingham Town Council Elections  May 2021 Tom Johnson elected

Thursday, May 06, 2021

Oakham South Polling Station at Rutland County Library for the police and crime commissioner elections if you want to vote polling stations are open until 10pm

Oakham South Polling Station at Rutland County Library for the police and crime commissioner elections if you want to vote polling stations are open until 10pm

The funny Conservative has been campaigning hard.

The Labour and Liberal Democrat candidates appear to have forgotten Rutland not even a leaflet.

I googled both of them and found they are both Leicestershire Councillors so no surprise it appears they forgot Rutland.

Wednesday, April 07, 2021

Uppingham Town Council Rutland and Wing Parish elections May 2021 One Candidate for Uppingham has gone public Tom Johnson

Uppingham Town Council Rutland and Wing Parish elections May 2021

A vacancy has occurred in the office of Councillor in the Uppingham Parish Council and two vacancies in the office of Councillor in the Wing Parish Council.  

Elections may take place on for Councillors for these parishes on Thursday 6th May 2021 at the same time those for the Police and Crime Commissioner for Leicestershire.  

Notice relating to these possible elections are shown below:

A election has been called in Uppingham, nominations close at 4pm on the 8th April 2021

A election has been called in Wing, nominations close at 4pm on the 8th April 2021

Nomination papers for both elections may be obtained from the elections team at Rutland County Council who can be contacted on 01572 720954 or by email at:  elections@rutland.gov.uk  

To vote at the May Election you must be registered:

1.   Registering to vote

2.   Postal and postal proxy voting

3.   Proxy voting

4.   Polling stations

For all the latest Election information please visit 


One Candidate for Uppingham Town Council  has gone public Tom Johnson

Friday, May 06, 2011

Oakham South West Ward Rutland County Council Elections

Oakham South West  Ward, Rutland County Council, Elections

Huge problem with the count the 5th recount starting and a  batch of papers has been found and a full recount is now taking place.

It is very heated here .

Oakham South East, Rutland County Council, Elections

Oakham South East, Rutland County Council, Elections

Johathan Munton Conservative 602 votes

Gene Plews Conservative 489 votes

Richard Swift Liberal Democrats 449 votes

41 spoilt votes

2 seats

Langham, Rutland County Council, Elections, Results

Langham, Rutland County Council, Elections, Results

one seat

Peter Green Liberal Democrat 267 votes

Nick Wainwright Independent 287 votes

24 spoilt papers

Normanton, Rutland County Council, Elections, result, 2011

Normanton, Rutland County Council, Elections, result, 2011

Two Seats

Kenneth Bool Conservative 695 votes

Peter Golden 496 votes

Gale Waller 514 votes

33 spoilt papers

Rutland County Council Elections

Rutland County Council Ballot Boxes started arriving shortly after 10pm from the polling stations along with the boxes came a postal votes, these were opened and verified.

 A security company has been hired to guard the council offices over night. The ballot boxes will be opened at 9.00am and the ballot papers sorted and verified, this take the most time once completed the counting of votes will start for the County Council Seats and the results may be available around 12 noon. The Parish Council votes will then be counted followed by the AV Referendum.

 Security Guard all set for a long night

Saturday, April 30, 2011

Paul Beech, Independent, Oakham North West Ward, Rutland County Council, Elections

Paul Beech, Independent, Oakham North West Ward, Rutland County Council, Elections

It has been confirmed this week Paul Beech has not only been bullying me he has also been bullying Oakham Town Mayor Sharon Spencer.

After this week pointless Annual Town Council meeting, I had a long chat with Councillor Sharon Spencer who said She know longer communicates with him, because "he had often been very rude and nasty to her"

It is about time more people spoke out and named all the local Tory bullies.

It is clear Mr Beech is not a true independent, record shows he and his wife signed Conservative Councillor Peter Jones papers at the last election.

Mr Beech has taken recently taken to signing his e-mails Beechy. I believe this also clearly shows there is something very wrong with his behaviour.

So I suggest voters think very hard before voting for him.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Vijay Dighe Conservative, Rutland County Council, Elections, Oakham North East Ward, More Conservative Litter

Vijay Dighe Conservative, Rutland County Council, Elections, Oakham North East Ward,
More Conservative Litter

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Rutland Times and Rutland Mercury Refusing to Publish Candidates Election Statements

Rutland Times and Rutland Mercury are refusing to Publish Candidates Election Statements.

Voters in Rutland don't need to buy the Rutland Times or the Rutland Mercury to find about your election candidates. Both publications will not be publishing candidates statements or any election stories according to Kerry from the Rutland Times.

I like the electors will find this very disappointing.

Friday, April 15, 2011

Martin Brookes Independent Candidate for Greetham Ward Rutland County Council

Martin Brookes Independent Candidate for Greetham Ward Rutland County Council elections
I arrived home to find amongst my pile of junk mail, which include Raffle Tickets to Save a Devon Donkey,
a leaflet from the Rutland Conservative Team.

I read it with interest although they will not be getting my vote on May 5th.

Your Conservative Team-always putting Rutland First

What does that mean? most of the Conservatives I have met don't do that. Their Leader Roger Begy has recently come under attack from his own members. Conservative Mark Wells publicly said he would rather work for Robert Magube than Roger Begy, It may not been a very wise choice for a comparison but I think it sums up a very sorry state of affairs Rutland County Council finds its self in at the moment.

And Now Is Time For Change

Gene Plews says he and Jonathan Munton have pledged to be hands on sleeves rolled up and on your side!
So where has Gene Plews been for the last four years? I have seen him in my ward once trying to sort out parking issues in our area, something I had dealt with as a town councillor.

0% Council Tax Increase.

Although still the highest in England

When will this team wake up? these days of the internet, we can all see this has nothing to do with any work carried out by their team it is just based on a Council Tax Freeze Grant from central government, to be paid over the next four years as an incentive not to increase the tax. Of course what this team was blind too, before they agreed to this freeze, was the government never factored in the parish councils and their rising precepts they were only sent a note asking for no increase this year they won't receive any extra cash over the next four years, as the cost increase it is obvious they will raise the precept,  how will this be funded by Rutland County Council more Cuts in Services and  jobs at the Council?

I am beginning to wonder what the future role of Rutland County Council will be.

This Conservative team with the help of Helen Briggs has contracted out so much work to other local authorities and cut jobs.

It also cut grants to local organisations. some very important ones like Voluntary Action Rutland

They also refuse grants from outside Arts and Community Groups accept their own Arts For Rutland

The local schools are opting out of local authority control, when other school teachers are striking to avoid academy status, Rutland School are begging to get away from Rutland County Council.

They go on about Health and give up supporting school meals.

We have very poor public transport links. This needs a full review.
Those transport services that do look good are pointless, I often watch as the Empty Oakham Hopper drive past my home on the pavement.

Conservative Cllr Terry King wants to demolish our heritage, I am surprised by how many people visit this blog after searching for Lord Lonsdale the founder of the AA and Barleythorpe Hall.

This Conservative group see building new home as the answer to everything, the cash received from Government for building new homes only a short term solution.

I also want to see a rise in tourism but what is there to keep visitors here. Barleythorpe Hall should be preserved as a tourist attraction.

On jobs they pledge to £200,000 for super fast broadband into Rutland.
Its my understanding this came about because Helen Briggs and her other senior staff want to work from home to save cost? They found they found they could not work from home because of the poor internet service currently provided in Rutland.

On May the 5th Please vote for change and please don't vote for a Conservative if you really want that change. Please do your research some independents are really Conservatives.

Published by Martin Brookes, 13 Willow Crescent, Oakham Rutland, LE15 6EQ

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Voters in Rutland beware is your candidate Truly Independent or a Closet Tory

Voters in Rutland beware of the Closet Tories.

There are many examples of Rutland County Councillors standing as Conservative for one Election and then next as Independent.

Looking through the poll notices of 2007, I see Councillor Peter Jones was a Conservative candidate back then and still is today. The interesting thing is too read Independent Candidate Paul Beech proposed him and his wife seconded him.

This year Paul Beech is standing as a Independent, but this has not stopped him and his wife signing Councillor Jones papers for this May's Election as assentors.

There are many examples of a tangled web of names on the poll notices. why not take a look before you decided who to vote for.

Notice of Poll - Unitary 2011 (PDF, 180 Kb)

I just hope the Liberal Democrat in my ward doesn't  turn out to be a paid up member of the Conservatives.

At least this year, I along with the other voters in our ward have a proper choice this time around. Well its not that good.

2 seats to fill, 2 Conservative Candidates, 1 Liberal Democrat Candidate.

I don't want to waste my vote, so I will vote and it most certainly wont be wasted on a Tory.

Maybe as a Independent Candidate myself, I should not vote for any party?

Tuesday, April 05, 2011

Nominations Rutland County Council Elections Greetham Ward

Nominations Rutland County Council Elections Greetham Ward

This is the ward I am hoping to win, for many years now this has been Conservative Leader Roger Begy's Ward.

I like many people in Rutland believe it is time for change.

If you chat to people in Greetham you will hear stories from woman who claim to have be subjected to bullying. Property issues and I assume these are all true because when I mentioned one relating to property in Greetham, to a Oakham resident they immediately named the victim.

One Greetham resident said "You are very brave to stand against Roger Begy" 

I can't imagine why?

I have delivered individual signed leaflets to all of Greetham and will be delivering soon to the other villages of the Greetham Ward.

I make no big claims and make a simple promise to serve the people of the Greetham ward. in a selfless manner.

I am also returning to Oakham Town Council, where I will fight to cut the extravagant spending if Upppingham Town Council can function with a income of £80,000 about the amount Oakham Town Council spends on Administration! Oakham Town Council can do much better. 

One seat is contested

Roger Begy (Conservative) 25 Main Street, Greetham, Rutland, LE15 7NJ

Martin Brookes (Very Independent) 13 Willow Crescent, Oakham, Rutland, LE15 6EQ

Nominations Rutland County Council Elections Normanton Ward

Nominations Rutland County Council Elections Normanton Ward

2 contested seats

Kenneth Bool (Conservative) Glebe House, 4 Church Farm Close, Exton, Oakham, LE15 8BZ

Peter Golden (Liberal Democrat, good luck) 3 Peter Way, Bisbrooke, Oakham, Rutland LE15 9EQ

Gale Waller, (Liberal Democrat, good luck) 21 Pinfold Lane, South Luffenham, Oakham Rutland

Nominations Rutland County Council Elections Cottesmore Ward

Nominations Rutland County Council Elections Cottesmore Ward

2 seats contested

David Hollis (Conservative) The Roost, 49 Main Street, Cottesmore, Oakham, LE15 7DH

Martin Pocock (Conservative) Home Farm House, Barrow, Oakham, Rutland, LE15 7PE

Jacqueline Thibault (Liberal Democrat) September Cottage, Main Street, Barrow, Rutland LE15 7PE

Nominations Rutland County Council Elections Whissendine Ward

Nominations Rutland County Council Elections Whissendine Ward

One seat contested.

Allen Dean (Conservative) 24 Wheatley Avenue, Uppingham, Rutland, LE15 9SN

Brian Montgomery (Independent good luck) 19 Hall Close, Whissendine, Oakham, Rutland, LE15 7HL

Nominations Rutland County Council Elections Langham Ward

This ward is currently held by a disillusioned Conservative Nick Wainwright or is that ex Conservative?
He will be contesting the seat as a Independent saying he had suffered under the team that controls Rutland County Council. Chief Executive Helen Briggs, Conservatives Roger Begy, Peter Jones and Terry King. I hope the voters of Langham wont condemn him for speaking out. Bullying at Rutland County Council needs to be condemned.

One seat is contested.

Peter Green, (Liberal Democrats) 34 Well Street, Langham, Oakham, Rutland, LE15 7JS

Nick Wainwright (Independent) 4 The Dell, Oakham, Rutland, LE15 6JG

Nominations Rutland County Council Elections Exton Ward

Nominations Rutland County Council Elections Exton Ward

Another Conservative Councillor who needs to be shown the boot Councillor Terry King

One seat is contested

Terry King (current Conservative councillor) 3 Debdale, Cottesmore, Rutland, LE15 7BU

Malcom Smith (Liberal Democrat, good luck) 9 Dean's Street, Oakham, Rutland, LE15 6AF

Nominations Rutland County Council Elections Oakham North East Ward

Nominations Rutland County Council Elections Oakham North East Ward

Jeff Dale (current Independent Councillor) 12 Station Road, Wing Hollow, Wing, Oakham, LE15 8RY

Vijay Dighe (current Conservative Councillor) Abhung, 21 Heron Road, Oakham, Rutland, LE15 6BN

Helen Pender (Independent) 25 Finkey Street, Oakham, Rutland LE15 6AG

Alan Walters (Independent (nice red tie!) ) 15 Queen's Road, Oakham, Rutland, LE15 6ED