Showing posts with label Conservatives. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Conservatives. Show all posts

Wednesday, September 01, 2021

Rutland County Council Conservatives Defeated By Liberal Democrats, Local Plan Will Be Withdrawn and a New Plan to be Created but at what cost?

Rutland County Council Conservatives Defeated By Liberal Democrats, Local Plan Will Be Withdrawn and a New Plan to be Created but at what cost?

Councillors listened to petitions, deputations and questions.  

There was a proposal to adjourn for a toilet break, this was not supported, leaving most of the public bemused, with comments being whispered, if they can't agree on that what hope to we have for the rest of the evening. At this point one Cllr jumped out of his seat and slumped against the glass clearly suffering from discomfort possibly a dodgy curry before the meeting. Fortunately he did not have to wait much longer before the loo break was permitted.

The infighting among the Conservative group was very obvious this evening, disagreements over increased prices of garden sheds. 

The Libdems and at least on Tory suggested if the council supported the Conservatives proposal it would bankrupt the council rather like Northamptonshire.

Personally I think the council is heading that way the figure of a £2 million deficit was mentioned this evening.

So I was surprised the Libdems proposed to scrap the current plan knowing millions had already been spent on it and now they were proposing a further £1.4 million be spent on a new one. I wonder why the existing plan could not be revised.

Whichever option was agreed St Georges Barracks will be developed.

At the end of the meeting the Leader of the council certainly looked defeated, I wonder if this defeat will see a change of leadership. It was one of the biggest Tory defeats I have ever witnessed at Rutland County Council.

I am not sure this was a good day for the future of Rutland. There is a long period of uncertainty ahead. As the new plan is created. There will be an election in 2023 that should be an interesting one. with the possibility of increased council tax bills to pay for the new plan, I am not sure the next few year are going to get any better for Rutland.

It was good to see a Cllr wearing a Rainbow LGBTQ+ tie to show his support against discrimination. I was expecting a Cllr to take the knee during prayers that did not happen. Although it is unlawful for councils to pray in council meetings, Rutland County Council decided it would be fine to says prayers just before the meeting starts. Personally I think they should set aside a prayer room and not inflict that upon those who think it is pointless or even hypocritical. 

A video of the full meeting will be publish tomorrow. 

The Council agreed:

That Council:

1. Withdraw the submitted Local Plan (submitted to Government in February 2021) under

Regulation 22 of the Local Plans Regulations from the process of Examination in

Public following the decision made by Council on 22nd March 2021 not to accept the

offer of £29.4m Housing Investment Fund (HIF) grant funding which has impacted the

viability and deliverability of the proposed St. George’s Garden Village scheme and,

therefore, the wider development strategy affecting the soundness of the Local Plan.

2. Approves the creation of an earmarked reserve of £1,395,000 to resource the making

of a new Local Plan for the County and operating without a plan (as detailed in Section

5) and that authority be delegated to the Strategic Director of Places and the Section

151 Officer in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Planning and the Portfolio

Holder for Finance, Governance and Performance, Change and Transformation to

release funds from the earmarked reserve as required.

3. Approves that Council receives a quarterly statement of the Budget position in light of

the cost uncertainty so that it can track whether the earmarked reserve is sufficient or

can be released accordingly.

4. Approves the need to positively prepare and submit a new Local Plan informed by an

updated evidence base for the benefit of the County of Rutland, its residents and

businesses that will:

i. Deliver the corporate plan vision and themes for the County;

ii. Provide for sustainable growth to meet its objectively assessed housing and

employment needs, utilising and promoting sustainable transport wherever

possible, which will combine to contribute towards achieving the Government’s net

zero carbon emissions 2050 target;

iii. Protect and enhance the County’s heritage, character and natural capital (including

air quality, water resource management and biodiversity); and

iv. Ensure the timely delivery of all necessary infrastructure.

5. Approves the development of robust and effective strategic partnerships to support

plan-making through the duty to cooperate and required for a viable, deliverable and

sound plan.

6. Approves the establishment of a cross-party group to provide oversight of the process

of making a new Local Plan and delegates authority to the Strategic Director of Places

in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Planning to establish a governance

structure in line with the Corporate Project Management governance framework. 

Monday, November 30, 2015

David Cameron, Prime Minister, Conservatives, World AIDS Day message 2015

David Cameron, Prime Minister, Conservatives, World AIDS Day message 2015

Your support is helpful and makes a big difference. - See more at: http://www.nat.org.uk/#sthash.Xl8CguY5.dpuf


Thursday, May 08, 2014

Conservatives, Leaflet, Election Communication, East Midlands

Conservatives, Leaflet, Election Communication, East Midlands

Saturday, May 03, 2014

Emma McClarkin MEP & Stephen Castens, Conservatives, East Midlands, European Elections 2014, Leaflet, Photographs, Video, Oakham, Rutland

The publication of this post is purely for information purposes and does not express support for the East Midlands Conservatives.

Today The East Midlands Conservatives visited Oakham seeking votes for the Euro 2014 Elections.

Conservative MEP Emma McClarkin was campaining in Oakham with Stephen Castens.

There are three other Conservative candidates: Brenden Clarke-Smith, Andrew Lewer, William Hague MP
and Rupert Mathews

Christine Emmett Tory Rutland County Councillor and loser of the Corby 2012 By-election, kindly introduced me to Emma. Christine is one of the more people friendly Rutland Tories. She told Emma I had a keen interest in local political matters and even at times hold my own protests. If only all Rutland Tories were like Christine. I told Emma I considered Christine to be a good councillor and a modern Tory unlike some of the rotten old Tory farts who sit on the council. Christine kindly told Emma, Martin is sometimes a little outspoken.

Melton Blue Tweets utter crap all these Conservatives did, was walk around and politley say hi to shoppers and handed them leaflets if they wanted to accept one. Most people accepted, a few refused and mumbled on their way off. Of course there were the important Rutland Tories who stopped to chat for much longer membership clearly has its rewards!

Conservative Candidates MEP Emma McClarkin and Stephen Castens.

Emma making a purchase from an Oakham School charity stall.

Election Leaflet.

Emma did not think it would be appropriate for me to photograph her holding
a bunch of straight Euro bananas, wise really Tory headquarters may have gone

Saturday, September 01, 2012

David Sims it going to be difficult, Leader of Corby Tories Supports Christine Emmett, Louise Mensch wasn't seen as a great MP

Leader of Corby Council, Tom Beattie, said: “It is extraordinary that the Tories have selected another candidate who doesn’t seem to know where Corby and East Northamptonshire is.
“It’s further proof that the Tories know little and care less about the concerns of people in places like Corby and East Northamptonshire.”

He may have a point.

The Northanptonshire Telegraph fights back by stating  Mrs Emmett, lives in Morcott, Leicestershire,
We all know Rutland is not Leicestershire.

Leader of Corby Council’s Conservative group David Sims, who had intended to put himself forward for selection but changed his mind, pledged his support for Mrs Emmett.

He's is clearly not stupid and unwilling to commit political suicide. 

He said: “I will give her my full support but it’s going to be difficult.

“We can expect a protest against Louise, as we have to admit that she wasn’t seen as a great MP. There will also be a protest against the Government and, while the other parties have been campaigning, we have been twiddling our thumbs.

“We are on the back foot but it’s not impossible and I will do everything I can to help.”

I wonder why Christian didn't follow the leader?

Now why did the Tories not offer it to the Tory gardener Rutland County Councillor
Gene Plews? Afterall he does live in Northamptonshire and hides the fact from voters.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Can we trust any of these Conservative Rutland County Councillors? Gene Plews

Can we trust any of these Conservative Rutland County Councillors?

My Councillor Conservative Gene Plews wrote to the Rutland Times in his letter he says:

"As one of the Conservative councillors for the Oakham South East town centre ward, I also voted in favour of the Sainsbury’s supermarket planning application when it came to a full council meeting, as did my Conservative ward colleague Jonathon Munton".

The issue here for me is Jonathon Munton was not a councillor at the time of the vote and probably at that time he had not even thought of becoming one.

I remember meeting Mr Munton durring the election campaign and he appeared to know as much or less than I did about being a Councillor. Seemed a nice chap for a Rutland Conservative. Although he is the County Councillor for the ward I am a town councillor and live, our paths have never crossed since.

Conservative Councillor Gene Plews is one of the more traditional Rutland Conservatives who clearly can't get his stories straight, I expect we will see him again in our ward at the next elections.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Rutland Conservatives How they behave here in Oakham

For speaking out in Oakham this is what the sane people of Oakham do in return.

Oakham Police say this to be expected over 2 years of harassment . I don't think anyone should expect this sort of behaviour Mr Smith Oakham Police Station.

The hate mail and the posters sent by Conservative Roger Begy's supporters in not acceptable.

Recently they made me aware of a number of vile blogs like this one http://oakhamslaughingstocks.blogspot.com/ the content is printed below

If their behaviour and stealing my personal photographs from my facebook is normal then I am mad. .
I have spoken to my friends who are shown on thisblog and they say they are not offended and pity its creator

I no longer speak to the local window cleaner and his MOD boyfriend because of his association with
the Tyers Family.

Thursday, 8 April 2010

Scrounging Councillor Martin Brookes

Loony councillor Martin Brookes is a persistant nuisance beggar in Oakham. You can see him most days walking up and down Oakham High Street telling anybody who will listen how poor he is. He is well known in all the shops and offices, trying to cadge freebies on the grounds that he is a town councillor.

If he stops you and asks you for 10p for a cup of tea, you best give it him or else he will do this to you:

Brookes is definitely very kinky: It's a known fact that he will go for anything in a cassock, unless, of course, it's a lady vicar! Brookes campaigned long and hard (no pun intended) to stop the Church of England getting women priests because he didn't think they could give him his usual service.

Although Martin is constantly harping on about the hardships of being long-term unemployed, don't believe him. He has no intention of getting a job while there are people gullible enough to give him anything he asks for. Furthermore, it is widely rumoured that Martin earns money on the side doing favours for elderly gentlemen he befriends, even if they're not a clergyman! And there's no telling what he isn't prepared to do in return for a whole pot of free tea and a cake at somewhere like Stapleford Hall.

As well as free afternoon tea, Brookes just loves being taken out on his birthday at other people's expence. Brookes was so pleased with the free £19 champagne on his recent birthday, he just had to tell the whole world about it.

And don't ever tell Brookes that you are going on holiday because he will ask you if he can go with you.


Sunday, April 10, 2011

Voters in Rutland beware is your candidate Truly Independent or a Closet Tory

Voters in Rutland beware of the Closet Tories.

There are many examples of Rutland County Councillors standing as Conservative for one Election and then next as Independent.

Looking through the poll notices of 2007, I see Councillor Peter Jones was a Conservative candidate back then and still is today. The interesting thing is too read Independent Candidate Paul Beech proposed him and his wife seconded him.

This year Paul Beech is standing as a Independent, but this has not stopped him and his wife signing Councillor Jones papers for this May's Election as assentors.

There are many examples of a tangled web of names on the poll notices. why not take a look before you decided who to vote for.

Notice of Poll - Unitary 2011 (PDF, 180 Kb)

I just hope the Liberal Democrat in my ward doesn't  turn out to be a paid up member of the Conservatives.

At least this year, I along with the other voters in our ward have a proper choice this time around. Well its not that good.

2 seats to fill, 2 Conservative Candidates, 1 Liberal Democrat Candidate.

I don't want to waste my vote, so I will vote and it most certainly wont be wasted on a Tory.

Maybe as a Independent Candidate myself, I should not vote for any party?