Thursday, October 20, 2011

Can we trust any of these Conservative Rutland County Councillors? Gene Plews

Can we trust any of these Conservative Rutland County Councillors?

My Councillor Conservative Gene Plews wrote to the Rutland Times in his letter he says:

"As one of the Conservative councillors for the Oakham South East town centre ward, I also voted in favour of the Sainsbury’s supermarket planning application when it came to a full council meeting, as did my Conservative ward colleague Jonathon Munton".

The issue here for me is Jonathon Munton was not a councillor at the time of the vote and probably at that time he had not even thought of becoming one.

I remember meeting Mr Munton durring the election campaign and he appeared to know as much or less than I did about being a Councillor. Seemed a nice chap for a Rutland Conservative. Although he is the County Councillor for the ward I am a town councillor and live, our paths have never crossed since.

Conservative Councillor Gene Plews is one of the more traditional Rutland Conservatives who clearly can't get his stories straight, I expect we will see him again in our ward at the next elections.