Showing posts with label Liberal Democrats. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Liberal Democrats. Show all posts

Wednesday, September 01, 2021

Rutland County Council Conservatives Defeated By Liberal Democrats, Local Plan Will Be Withdrawn and a New Plan to be Created but at what cost?

Rutland County Council Conservatives Defeated By Liberal Democrats, Local Plan Will Be Withdrawn and a New Plan to be Created but at what cost?

Councillors listened to petitions, deputations and questions.  

There was a proposal to adjourn for a toilet break, this was not supported, leaving most of the public bemused, with comments being whispered, if they can't agree on that what hope to we have for the rest of the evening. At this point one Cllr jumped out of his seat and slumped against the glass clearly suffering from discomfort possibly a dodgy curry before the meeting. Fortunately he did not have to wait much longer before the loo break was permitted.

The infighting among the Conservative group was very obvious this evening, disagreements over increased prices of garden sheds. 

The Libdems and at least on Tory suggested if the council supported the Conservatives proposal it would bankrupt the council rather like Northamptonshire.

Personally I think the council is heading that way the figure of a £2 million deficit was mentioned this evening.

So I was surprised the Libdems proposed to scrap the current plan knowing millions had already been spent on it and now they were proposing a further £1.4 million be spent on a new one. I wonder why the existing plan could not be revised.

Whichever option was agreed St Georges Barracks will be developed.

At the end of the meeting the Leader of the council certainly looked defeated, I wonder if this defeat will see a change of leadership. It was one of the biggest Tory defeats I have ever witnessed at Rutland County Council.

I am not sure this was a good day for the future of Rutland. There is a long period of uncertainty ahead. As the new plan is created. There will be an election in 2023 that should be an interesting one. with the possibility of increased council tax bills to pay for the new plan, I am not sure the next few year are going to get any better for Rutland.

It was good to see a Cllr wearing a Rainbow LGBTQ+ tie to show his support against discrimination. I was expecting a Cllr to take the knee during prayers that did not happen. Although it is unlawful for councils to pray in council meetings, Rutland County Council decided it would be fine to says prayers just before the meeting starts. Personally I think they should set aside a prayer room and not inflict that upon those who think it is pointless or even hypocritical. 

A video of the full meeting will be publish tomorrow. 

The Council agreed:

That Council:

1. Withdraw the submitted Local Plan (submitted to Government in February 2021) under

Regulation 22 of the Local Plans Regulations from the process of Examination in

Public following the decision made by Council on 22nd March 2021 not to accept the

offer of £29.4m Housing Investment Fund (HIF) grant funding which has impacted the

viability and deliverability of the proposed St. George’s Garden Village scheme and,

therefore, the wider development strategy affecting the soundness of the Local Plan.

2. Approves the creation of an earmarked reserve of £1,395,000 to resource the making

of a new Local Plan for the County and operating without a plan (as detailed in Section

5) and that authority be delegated to the Strategic Director of Places and the Section

151 Officer in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Planning and the Portfolio

Holder for Finance, Governance and Performance, Change and Transformation to

release funds from the earmarked reserve as required.

3. Approves that Council receives a quarterly statement of the Budget position in light of

the cost uncertainty so that it can track whether the earmarked reserve is sufficient or

can be released accordingly.

4. Approves the need to positively prepare and submit a new Local Plan informed by an

updated evidence base for the benefit of the County of Rutland, its residents and

businesses that will:

i. Deliver the corporate plan vision and themes for the County;

ii. Provide for sustainable growth to meet its objectively assessed housing and

employment needs, utilising and promoting sustainable transport wherever

possible, which will combine to contribute towards achieving the Government’s net

zero carbon emissions 2050 target;

iii. Protect and enhance the County’s heritage, character and natural capital (including

air quality, water resource management and biodiversity); and

iv. Ensure the timely delivery of all necessary infrastructure.

5. Approves the development of robust and effective strategic partnerships to support

plan-making through the duty to cooperate and required for a viable, deliverable and

sound plan.

6. Approves the establishment of a cross-party group to provide oversight of the process

of making a new Local Plan and delegates authority to the Strategic Director of Places

in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Planning to establish a governance

structure in line with the Corporate Project Management governance framework. 

Sunday, August 08, 2021

Liberal Democrats Canvasing Oakham South Rutland County Council By Election August 2021

 Liberal Democrats Canvasing Oakham South Rutland County Council By Election August 2021

Whilst I was out this evening enjoy dinner with friends Stephen canvasing for the Liberal Democrats called at my home. I was able to shout I am not at home through the RING door bell. Whilst my friend advised him to vote Conservative!

I must say this is the first time I have ever seen the Rutland and Melton Libdems work so hard for a seat.

Callers at doors and plenty of leaflets. The one annoying thing was the paid adverts that popped up in Instagram yesterday. I don't like political advert when I am looking at other peoples photographs.


Sunday, August 01, 2021

Oakham South Rutland County Council By-Election August 2021 Liberal Democrats Paul Browne

Oakham South Rutland County Council By-Election August 2021 Liberal Democrats Paul Browne

Sunday, July 18, 2021

Ms Joanna Burrows. Party: Liberal Democrats. Ward: Oakham South. Rutland County Council Has Written To Residents While returning from A Very Long Holiday in The USA

Ms Joanna Burrows Campaigning in 2015 for the Oakham North West Seat 

Ms Joanna Burrows. Party: Liberal Democrats. Ward: Oakham South. Has Written To Residents While Returning from A Very Long Holiday in The USA.

I know this has upset residents who want to but cant travel to the states due to covid-19 restrictions.

I wont mention the holiday or it longevity, it is a sensitive subject for Ms Burrows. I won't repeat the allegations made by some residents about how Ms Burrows travel route had found her in America for a long period of time. I asked her a question on Facebook about the allegations and she refused to answer and unfriended me. 

It is great one of my Oakham South Councillors has taken time dictate and have delivered the letter shown below. Very good quality paper and envelope. I wonder if this is paid for out of the allowance Rutland County Council paid when she was away?

I think Ms Burrows is a little cross with peoples allegations. Allegations which she says are lies, I accept her response to my question that she also originally mistook as an allegation. This evening she tells me: 'I am bloody back And I’ve finished quarantine. Joanna sent Today at 22:31

I am able to be green and reuse the envelope because it was not sealed.

The choice of font is dreadful and she was not elected back in 2018 it was 2019.

I don't dislike Ms Burrows it is a fact I once helped her with one of her unsuccessful election campaigns. I did not bother with the second attempt, because after the first she told me she did not really want to be a County Councillor. I will never understand Rutland Politics.

I am pleased Ms Burrows is going to push for a Greener Rutland, perhaps that is why she remains in America less flying = a lower carbon foot print.

I am pleased to read she is not going to give up.

She raises a question about the Railway Crossing here in Oakham, to be honest it is not something the County Council can deal with, that is Network Rail and if anyone has seen towns that are blighted by a bridge, they may not want it for Oakham, if a bridge was put in place it would need a long slope up. Personally I would suggest Rutland County Council should review all the old road signs and direct passing through traffic onto the bypass.

She then says why has the Conservative council not done anything to improve the town centre? I would add the Town Council into that question. It was not long ago that the Conservative council did make an attempt to improve the town centre and residents objected and the Town Council said nothing.

I can only speak for myself when it comes to the listening to residents, I find we have a much better council than a few years ago. I can message the leader and receive a good reply instead of very rude intimidating ones I used to receive from past leaders and deputies. 

I am hoping Ms Borrows can keep battling on my behalf, as my Libdem councillor even if she finds herself thousands of miles away again, Of course, I do have another option the wonderful Oakham South Tory, Ian Razzle... or is that Razzell?

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Corby by-election 2012 Candidate list

Corby by-election 2012 Candidate list

The Corby by-election was triggered by the resignation in August of sitting 
Conservative MP Louise Mensch.
Mrs Mensch, who won the seat at the 2010 general election, announced she
was standing down for family reasons.

The by-election will take place on 15 November to tie in with the police and
crime commissioner elections.

The candidates are:
  • DAVID LAURENCE BISHOP - Elvis Loves Pets Party
  • CHRISTINE EMMETT - Conservative
  • IAN FRANCIS GILLMAN - Independent
  • JILL HOPE - Liberal Democrats
  • JONATHAN HORNETT - Green Party
  • DR ROHEN KAPUR - Young People's Party
  • ADAM LOTUN - Independent
  • MR MOZZARELLA - Independent
  • MARGOT PARKER - UK Independence Party
  • PETER REYNOLDS - CLEAR Cannabis Law Reform
  • GORDON RIDDELL - British National Party
  • ANDY SAWFORD - Labour Co-op
  • CHRISTOPHER SCOTTON - United People's Party
  • DAVID WICKHAM - English Democrat

more about each of these candidates below.

DAVID LAURENCE BISHOP - Elvis Loves Pets Party

Elvis Loves Pets Party candidate David Bishop is a retired painter and decorator,
who is also a poet and musician.
He said that if elected he would call upon David Cameron to set up an inquiry
into British vets' fees, which he believes are too high for many pet owners in the
Corby constituency.
"I would also like to ban air guns to protect pets and wildlife and I would like to
bring back the dog licence to curb irresponsible dog owners," he added.
"Finally, if MP Nadine Dorries eats live insects on I'm a Celebrity Get Me Out of Here,
I would like to see her prosecuted by the RSPCA when she gets back home, because
the Elvis Loves Pets Party believes that eating live creatures on television is not
entertainment but animal cruelty."


Christine Emmett 

Christine Emmett accepts she faces a battle to retain the seat for the Tories
Christine Emmett is a businesswoman who runs a holiday lettings business and
has worked for Marks and Spencer and the Channel Tunnel.
She accepts she faces a battle to retain the seat for the Conservatives.
"Yes, things are tough but we're doing the right thing," she said.
"We're cutting the deficit, we're keeping interest rates down, so people have
low mortgages but we need to work on investment and get more people to
invest in Corby.
"We need to question if we're getting our youth trained for the right jobs.
Last year we got 100 people coming out of Corby colleges with hair
dressing qualifications but there were only six vacancies. It's really important
people train for the jobs we have here."


Independent candidate Ian Francis Gillman, in an interview with BBC Radio Northampton,
said he wishes to keep the pound and protect the City of London "from voracious
attack from European bureaucrats".
"I am standing to support the constitutional monarchy of Britain, a free judiciary.
We must judge ourselves, not allow foreign courts to judge us," he said.
If elected, he wishes to protect Corby's library service from cuts and the
constituency's allotments from development.
He added: "We need to keep strategic gaps between towns and cities, for
example Raunds and Stanwick are becoming joined gradually and we are l
osing the countryside, the green belt, in between."

JILL HOPE - Liberal Democrats

Jill Hope 

Jill Hope believes the seat needs "a real campaigner"
Jill Hope, 60, is married with four children and two grandchildren, and works as a
local business banker in Corby and Kettering.
She said: "I'm standing to be the MP for Corby and East Northants because
the seat needs a real campaigner; someone with a history of taking up causes
and winning. "Corby has the real problem of both older long-term unemployed people
and a high proportion of young unemployed, living in families where they are second
generation unemployed. East Northants also has unemployment issues, but here the
issue is isolation and lack of access to work more than anything else.
"The Lib Dems have made this coalition government fairer, in a way that would
never have happened if the Conservatives were governing alone."


Jonathan Hornett, Green Party candidate 

Green Party candidate Jonathan Hornett wants more wind farms
Jonathan Hornett, who lives in Wellingborough and runs his own gardening company,
has been selected to fight the seat for the Green Party.
Mr Hornett said: "I'm standing to give the people of Corby and East Northamptonshire
the opportunity to choose a positive candidate.
"The Green Party is the only alternative to cuts, climate change and social injustice.
"Locally we want more wind farms and public services; and no more housing
developments, roads, warehouses or nuclear waste. I am standing to make
Corby and East Northants fairer, safer, cleaner and greener - I want to represent you."

DR ROHEN KAPUR - Young People's Party

Dr Rohen Kapur 
Dr Rohen Kapur advocates a new tax system
Dr Rohen Kapur, 42, is a qualified doctor who has worked in the NHS but has taken
early retirement due to health issues.
His party advocates a new tax system based on the rental value of land, and the abolition
of income tax and VAT, which he claims would maintain services and boost the economy.
He is against wind farms and would like to see a new hospital or health centre open 24 hours
a day in the Corby area.
Dr Kapur said immigration from Eastern Europe was a concern in the constituency.
"How I would sort this out is a little bit more complicated but I would do my best," he said.

ADAM LOTUN - Independent

Adam Lotun 

Adam Lotun will be campaigning heavily on disability issues
A 49-year-old father of three, Adam Lotun has been involved in disabled rights and
politics since 1990 and will be campaigning heavily on these issues, particularly on
"fit for work" assessments carried out for the government.
"One of the major drivers for me personally is that I can no longer stand by silently and
see some of the most vulnerable members of our society dismissed and silenced by this
current administration," said Mr Lotun, who believes the tests for people on disability
allowances have led to suicides.
Mr Lotun, a disability consultant who is disabled himself, said he was not standing
solely on disability issues.
Among the policies in his manifesto are a "living wage" for all workers, increased
recycling and the re-nationalisation of public transport.

MR MOZZARELLA - Independent

Mr Mozzarella, independent candidate 

Mr Mozzarella is a supporter of the Don't Cook Party
Independent candidate Mr Mozzarella, a professional takeaway chef, is standing as a
candidate affiliated to the Don't Cook Party.
He said as well as being a chef he is "also a politician, ready to prove myself as
MP for the friendliest town in the world - Corby. Why?
"Me and my fellow takeaway chefs of Great Britain is angry. We is slavin' away in
hot kitchens up and down the country ready to deliver your dinner, and yet many
many people are trying to cook for themselves.
"Why you want to waste your time cooking these '15 minute meals' which actually
take two hours, and tastes no good, when you could be sitting down, 'avin' a chat,
or watching the telly?"

MARGOT PARKER - UK Independence Party

Margot Parker 

Margot Parker believes politicians must regain the respect of the public
Businesswoman Margot Parker became involved in politics in 2009 in frustration at what
she saw as a "raft of anti-business regulation from Brussels" and the "government's need to
micro-manage every aspect" of our lives.
A mother-of-two and a grandmother-of-one, Mrs Parker said she believes the country
must have politicians who can regain the respect of the British people.
She believes the biggest problem facing Corby is youth unemployment, and has been
critical of the town's Labour council over its £12m overspend on The Cube civic building.
"It looks like we won't pay the debt off until 2061," she said. "We would all be dead by then."

PETER REYNOLDS - CLEAR Cannabis Law Reform

Peter Reynolds 

Peter Reynolds is campaigning for the legalisation of cannabis
Peter Reynolds was elected leader of CLEAR, a single-issue party that seeks to
end the prohibition of cannabis, in February 2011.
"One thing voters can be certain of is that if they vote for the main parties absolutely
nothing will change," he said.
"The cannabis issue is an excellent example of how the main parties refuse to listen
to public opinion, refuse to base policy on evidence and instead bend to pressure
from the tabloid press and vested interests such as the alcohol industry.
"A regulated cannabis market would get the dealers off the streets, better protect children,
enable access to safe and effective medicine, create tens of thousands of new jobs and
boost the UK economy by up to £9.3bn per annum."

GORDON RIDDELL - British National Party

Gordon Riddell 

Gordon Riddell said he was concerned about a lack of jobs for young people
Gordon Riddell has lived in Corby since 1974 and has previously stood for the
BNP in the town at borough and county council elections.
Mr Riddell, who works for a food manufacturer, said: "I am passionate about local jobs
and housing for local people and I am very concerned about the lack of opportunities in
the area for young workers and the continuing loss of jobs in the Corby area.
"I am also very concerned about the lack of care for our elderly and the services
provided for them. I am also opposed to the constant destruction of our countryside
wish to see our farmers and fishermen given a fair chance from the constant ridiculous
EU laws and rulings."
At national level, the BNP's policies include ending the involvement of British troops
in the Afghanistan war, halting immigration, deporting illegal immigrants and withdrawing
from the European Union.

ANDY SAWFORD - Labour Co-op

Andy Sawford 

Andy Sawford said he would be working hard to win back voters' trust for Labour
Andy Sawford, son of former Kettering MP Phil Sawford, is standing for both Labour
and the Co-operative Party.
He said winning the seat back for Labour would be tough, but that the party would be
"knocking on every door" to win back voters' trust.
"I didn't just arrive here for this election - I'm a Northamptonshire lad and can trace
my roots in East Northants back at least eight generations," he said.
"I've seen how two years of Tory policies from this out-of-touch government are
hitting local families and businesses hard. I'll work hard to bring new investment and jobs
to this area - particularly for young people and I'll fight tooth and nail to protect the vital
services that people in Corby and East Northamptonshire rely on."

CHRISTOPHER SCOTTON - United People's Party

Christopher Scotton 

Christopher Scotton says tackling unemployment in Corby will be a priority
Christopher Scotton, 24, describes himself as a young working-class man who
has struggled with periods of unemployment since leaving school and has only
recently found a job he enjoys.
Tackling unemployment in Corby is one of his key campaign pledges, along with
promoting tourism and regeneration in the town.
The United People's Party describes itself as a "non-xenophobic" Liberal Nationalist
party whose policies include promoting industry, the armed forces and international
Mr Scotton was chosen as its East Midlands regional organiser in September 2011.

DAVID WICKHAM - English Democrats

David Wickham 

David Wickham wants to reverse the decline in manufacturing in Corby
David Wickham, a 43-year-old father-of-four, has lived in Corby for many years and
has worked in food manufacturing for the last two decades.
"David is very aware of Corby's proud manufacturing history and would like to help in
reversing the decline," said an English Democrats spokesman.
Mr Wickham supports ending "mass immigration" into Britain and wants an
immediate referendum on membership of the European Union.
He is calling for England to have its own parliament and government.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Rutland County Council Elections Postal Votes

This morning I received my postal vote, I think it clearly shows the sorry state of UK politics.

The ward I live in Oakham South East has two seats, means two votes can be cast.

The choice is two conservatives and one Liberal Democrat Richard Swift. I don't know him or what he stands for. The Liberal Democrat must have no money like me?

I only used one vote as I wont be supporting the local conservatives.

The recent disgusting poster campaign  against me in the Greetham Ward certainly put a stop to any support I may have shown towards Conservative Gene Plews.

Postal vote completed correctly and ready to deliver to Rutland County Council later.

Tuesday, April 05, 2011

Nominations Rutland County Council Elections Normanton Ward

Nominations Rutland County Council Elections Normanton Ward

2 contested seats

Kenneth Bool (Conservative) Glebe House, 4 Church Farm Close, Exton, Oakham, LE15 8BZ

Peter Golden (Liberal Democrat, good luck) 3 Peter Way, Bisbrooke, Oakham, Rutland LE15 9EQ

Gale Waller, (Liberal Democrat, good luck) 21 Pinfold Lane, South Luffenham, Oakham Rutland

Nominations Rutland County Council Elections Uppingham Ward

Nominations Rutland County Council Elections Uppingham Ward

3 Seats contested

Lionel Cunnington, (Conservative) 5 Old School Mews, Uppingham, Rutland, LE15 9TJ

Colin Forsyth (Independent) 68 Leicester Road, Uppingham

Marc Oxley (Liberal Democrat) 3 Pleasant Terrace, Adderley Street, Uppingham, Oakham, LE15 9QW

Lucy Stephenson (Conservative) 9a, High Street West, Uppingham, Rutland, LE15 9QB

Trevor Wise (Liberal Democrats) 3 Rees Close, Uppingham, Rutland, LE15 9ST

Nominations for Rutland County Council Elections Oakham South East Ward

Nominations for Rutland County Council Elections Oakham South East Ward

Jonathan Robert  (Conservative) 6 Brooke Close, Oakham, Rutaldn LE15 6GD

Gene Plews (Current Conservative Councillor) 4 Mill Street, Duddington, Stamford, PE9 3QG

Richard Lawrence Swift (Liberal Democrats) 11 The Vale Oakham, Rutland, LE15 6JQ

This one is a puzzle to me it is the ward I live in, because there are two seats to fill, If I am correct I get two votes. I most certainly wont be voting conservative so the Liberal Democrat gets both my votes.

I will vote and hope everyone will vote at this election. We need change.