Cllr Christine Emmett Conservative Corby Candidate, Rutland County Council, Anti Corruption Party
Christine Emmett sits on Rutland County Council as Conservative, the controlling party.
During her short time as a County Councillor and senior cabinet member, Christine has witnessed the formation of the only other political group on the council. The Rutland Anti Corruption Party. Possible
the only council in England that has such a political group to take on the Tories.
then there was the tragic suicide of one of her senior council officers. No one can talk about or learn from that. Health and Safety obligations of an employer spring to mind in that tragic case.
I was wondering do the people of Corby, really want to be represented by a person who can sits back
and watches all this going on around her?
No wonder she wants to stop "dipping her toes in the turbulent waters of Catmose" and head of to Westminster.
If I was her I would be wondering why? why was I second best for the Tories? Why did they leave the
selection to such a late time?
If we read all the commentary its seems she does not have a chance in Corby.
A former Leicester Mayor was the first to Tweet 5 4 3 2 1 adding she will be soon confined to the Dusty Bin of History.
Poor Christine it looks like her much dreamt about political journey will end in Corby.
After her disastrous defeat, I assume she will return to her unopposed county seat, sitting comfortably next to Roger, Terry and Gene...?
I wonder if she called upon Alan? to rescue her from the murky waters of RCC?
concerned resident
Christine WHO , and just how local is Rutland .?
How will she communicate with the Labourite Jocks of corby.?
Conservative Party Co-Chairman, Sayeeda Warsi throwing her weight behind Christine Emmett has to be the kiss of death.
Please no election literature through my door, I'm bored already and the shredder is full.