Showing posts with label Candidate. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Candidate. Show all posts

Tuesday, April 19, 2022

Stephen Lambert Liberal Democrat Rutland County Council By-Election Uppingham Candidate, If I could vote in this election he would get my and so would Peanut

Stephen Lambert Liberal Democrat 

Rutland County Council By-Election Candidate with Peanut

Uppingham Ward vacancy, 5th of May 2022 Rutland County Council by-election.

If I could vote in this election he would get my and so would Peanut

Friday, March 11, 2022

Green Party Candidate Rick Wilson Elected, Rutland County Council By-Election RYHALL AND CASTERTON WARD

Richard Peter Wilson, Known as Rick Wilson has been elected as a Green Party Candidate

It was a close vote, 281 votes.

Richard Foster, The Conservative Party Candidate, 268 votes. The former Conservative County Councillor can now enjoy his retirement. 

The number of ballot papers rejected was 2 for being unmarked or wholly void for uncertainty.

The Liberal Democrats could not be bothered to stand a candidate, despite flooding other wards with leaflets, claiming they have achieved so much with their current small team.

Labour also failed to stand anyone despite winning the last by-election.

The tweeted: Rutland&MeltonLabour @rmlabour

Another good result for Progressives in #Rutland ‼️


Whilst the Conservatives hold the majority nothing can be changed here in Rutland. I hope at the next full council election these very weak parties can put up some candidates to give Rutland voters a choice. Unlike the last elections when the many Conservatives are elected unopposed.

Politics here in Rutland is rubbish.

Monday, November 01, 2021

Oakham North West Rutland County Council by-election Daniel Bottomley Conservative Candidate Election 4th November 2021

Oakham North West Rutland County Council by-election Daniel Bottomley Conservative Candidate Election 4th November 2021

Sunday, August 15, 2021

Rutland County Council Oakham South By-Election 19th August 2021 Liberal Democrat Candidate Paul Browne Leaflet

Rutland County Council By Election 19th August 2021 Liberal Democrat Candidate Paul Browne Leaflet

Saturday, August 07, 2021

A message from Libdem Rutland County Councillor Oakham South By-Election Leaflet for Candidate Paul Browne

A message from Libdem Rutland County Councillor Oakham South By-Election Leaflet for Candidate Paul Browne

Disclaimer for thick people: Various election leaflets are published on my blog for information purposes only. The publication of leaflets should not be seen as my personal support for any candidate affiliated or not to any political party standing for public office. Unless otherwise clearly stated.

I do not support the Conservative or Liberal Democrat in the forthcoming Rutland County Council By-Election.

I hope Cllr Joanna Burrows (Libdem)  finds this disclaimer is satisfactory.

Sunday, August 01, 2021

Paul Browne Lib Dem Candidate Letter delivered to selected Oakham Residents for the Oakham South Rutland County Council By-Election 2021

Paul Browne Lib Dem Candidate Letter delivered to selected Oakham Residents for the Oakham South Rutland County Council By-Election 2021

Below is a copy of the letter, delivered by a good looking Lib Dem today.

I am no longer on the local mailing list since Cllr Gale Waler should have retired.

Although I remain on the National list. 

The content of the letter is not that different from the leaflet delivered the other week.

The candidate still thinks as a Councillor you can decide what opens up in our vacant shops. If he is elected he has a lot to learn. He mentions a town full of charity shops and politicians. 

Opticians reminds me of the time, when I was a town councillor and attempted to support that opinion, first I was verbally attacked in the street by a drunk friend of the landlords son, then Rutland County Councils planning wrote to me and quoted European law, that basically states no one could object to the change of use. I do often wonder why, The County Council is required to even consider or consult on any application these days, when European law is quoted and central government has taken away most local planning restrictions.

It would seem Mr Browne who claims to have been a expert in land and property law does not know the council cant tell landlords who they can let their property to. 

The other point in his letter is a council can't sort out Oakham Medical Practice issues. Our MP can and although she is a Conservative she is trying and certainly helped me sort an issue.

I once used the services of Paul Browne solicitors to be fair to him I was duped into using one of his legal executives who was absolute crap and to this date over ten years later the issue has never been resolved. So he certainly won't be getting my vote.

Wednesday, May 05, 2021

Rupert Matthews Conservative Police and Crime Commissioner Candidate For Leicestershire and Rutland Election Leaflet

Rupert Matthews Conservative Police and Crime Commissioner Candidate For Leicestershire and Rutland Election Leaflet

no leaflet from the Libdems or Labour Co-op candidates

Here in Rutland we only have the Police and Crime Commissioner Elections tomorrow along with one seat on Uppingham Town Council.

Wednesday, April 07, 2021

Uppingham Town Council Rutland and Wing Parish elections May 2021 One Candidate for Uppingham has gone public Tom Johnson

Uppingham Town Council Rutland and Wing Parish elections May 2021

A vacancy has occurred in the office of Councillor in the Uppingham Parish Council and two vacancies in the office of Councillor in the Wing Parish Council.  

Elections may take place on for Councillors for these parishes on Thursday 6th May 2021 at the same time those for the Police and Crime Commissioner for Leicestershire.  

Notice relating to these possible elections are shown below:

A election has been called in Uppingham, nominations close at 4pm on the 8th April 2021

A election has been called in Wing, nominations close at 4pm on the 8th April 2021

Nomination papers for both elections may be obtained from the elections team at Rutland County Council who can be contacted on 01572 720954 or by email at:  elections@rutland.gov.uk  

To vote at the May Election you must be registered:

1.   Registering to vote

2.   Postal and postal proxy voting

3.   Proxy voting

4.   Polling stations

For all the latest Election information please visit 


One Candidate for Uppingham Town Council  has gone public Tom Johnson

Saturday, September 01, 2012

Cllr Christine Emmett Conservative Corby Candidate Rutland County Council Anti Corruption Party

Cllr Christine Emmett Conservative Corby Candidate, Rutland County Council, Anti Corruption Party

Christine Emmett sits on Rutland County Council as Conservative, the controlling party.

During her short time as a County Councillor and senior cabinet member, Christine has witnessed the formation of the only other political group on the council. The Rutland Anti Corruption Party. Possible
the only council in England that has such a political group to take on the Tories.

then there was the tragic suicide of one of her senior council officers. No one can talk about or learn from  that. Health and Safety obligations of an employer spring to mind in that tragic case.

I was wondering do the people of Corby, really want to be represented by a person who can sits back
and watches all this going on around her?

No wonder she wants to stop "dipping her toes in the turbulent waters of Catmose" and head of to Westminster.

If I was her I would be wondering why? why was I second best for the Tories? Why did they leave the
selection to such a late time?

If we read all the commentary its seems she does not have a chance in Corby.

A former Leicester Mayor was the first to Tweet  5 4 3 2 1 adding she will be soon confined to the Dusty Bin of History.

Poor Christine it looks like her much dreamt about political journey will end in Corby.

After her disastrous defeat, I assume she will return to her unopposed  county seat, sitting comfortably next  to Roger, Terry and Gene...?

I wonder if she called upon Alan? to rescue her from the murky waters of RCC?

Christine Emmett Corby Conservative Candidate thinks Tory Leadership does not know what they are doing.

Christine Emmett Corby Candidate thinks Tory Leadership does not know what they are doing.

I imagine now the offer of a possible seat in Westminster has changed that view some 11 months on.

Priti Patel @ our Ref. Congress y-day: "I cannot comprehend thought process in leadership of Tory party; I have no idea what they are doing"

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Martin Brookes Candidate Greetham Ward Rutland County Council Elections 5th May 2011

Martin Brookes Independent Candidate Greetham Ward Rutland County Council Elections 5th May 2011
Yesterday I received notification from Rutland County Council, my nomination  had been accepted so my campaign can now move into full swing.

Today I received a surprise gift from a supporter a nice Canon Photocopier and paper.
I can now distribute leaflets throughout the ward.
I thank them, for there support.