Showing posts with label Police and Crime Commissioner. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Police and Crime Commissioner. Show all posts

Monday, May 10, 2021

Police and Crime Commissioner for the Leicestershire and Rutland police area Rupert Mathews Conservative Elected

Police and Crime Commissioner for the Leicestershire and Rutland police area Rupert Mathews Conservative Elected  on 6 May 2021

Thursday, May 06, 2021

Oakham South Polling Station at Rutland County Library for the police and crime commissioner elections if you want to vote polling stations are open until 10pm

Oakham South Polling Station at Rutland County Library for the police and crime commissioner elections if you want to vote polling stations are open until 10pm

The funny Conservative has been campaigning hard.

The Labour and Liberal Democrat candidates appear to have forgotten Rutland not even a leaflet.

I googled both of them and found they are both Leicestershire Councillors so no surprise it appears they forgot Rutland.

Wednesday, May 05, 2021

Rupert Matthews Conservative Police and Crime Commissioner Candidate For Leicestershire and Rutland Election Leaflet

Rupert Matthews Conservative Police and Crime Commissioner Candidate For Leicestershire and Rutland Election Leaflet

no leaflet from the Libdems or Labour Co-op candidates

Here in Rutland we only have the Police and Crime Commissioner Elections tomorrow along with one seat on Uppingham Town Council.

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Thursday, January 31, 2013

Sir Clive Loader, Police and Crime Commissioner, Leicester County Council, Dispute

It is good to read Sir Clive is keeping his election promises.

I am still disappointed this rather level headed intelligent man decided to take up Tory Membership weeks before the election.

It is pleasing to read he is accounting for public money and requesting others such as Leicester County Council are also accountable.

Not so pleased about the dirty tricks the Tories dish out in this area, what is wrong with them?

Leicester City Council is starting to smell rather like the Tories at Rutland County Council.

The county council has released correspondence to the Mercury – in the form of e-mails and text messages – between Sir Clive and the authority, which is run by fellow Conservatives.
In one exchange, Sir Clive said he could no longer work with the chief executive of the county council – John Sinnott – who had written a letter to him outlining the council’s and councillors’ concerns.

Saturday, November 17, 2012

Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland, Police and Crime Commissioner, Gaol Street, Oakham, Photographs

Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland, Police and Crime Commissioner, Gaol Street, Oakham

Sir Clive came to Oakham with his wife, his normal trip to Tesco took a little longer than usual
keeping to his word that he will listen to the public he did just that today here in Oakham.

Before taking this photograph I congratulated and he accepted if I meant it.

If I did not mean it I would not have said so. As I told him at the public hustings he would
have got my vote if he had not joined the local Tories a few weeks before standing.

I also met his good wife who said she is not political, I am sure it won't be long before she is
off on a Tory Ladies Charity Curry Night...

Sir Clive was persuaded to buy some number plate security screws from
PCSO Jay Cooper who was selling security gear in Gaol Street.
Sir Clive paid the required £1.00

PCSO  Jay Cooper would like all to know if you missed his stall in
Gaol Street today you can buy the products from Oakham Police
Station from Jon Gower at the front desk.

The lamp timers are good value at £1.00

Friday, November 16, 2012

Mark Burns-Williamson, Police and Crime Commissioner, West Yorkshire

MBW 1-resize
Labour Party Candidate
Force area:
West Yorkshire

Mark Burns-Williamson

Election statement:
As Chair of West Yorkshire Police Authority for nearly ten years and 
Chair of the national Association of Police Authorities I have a successful 
track record in policing at local and national levels.
I am the only candidate standing in West Yorkshire with the proven ability 
to be a robust advocate for the public and provide the strong leadership 
our Police needs. I will work with all the communities and organisations 
throughout West Yorkshireto make sure their concerns are included in 
my policing plan. 
Neighbourhood Policing brought in by Labour made a huge difference in 
tackling crime (down over 40%), but it’s now under threat because of 
Tory cuts. I promise neighbourhood policing will continue to form the 
bedrock of policing throughout the county on my watch.
Key pledges:
Stand against the £100m Government cuts of around 2000 police officers
and staff in West Yorkshire
Keep Police Officers and PCSO’s on the beat, not hand police work over
to private companies
Strong and swift action on antisocial behaviour
Be tough on crime, tough on the causes of crime, giving victims a greater
Preserve operational independence of the police
At present only a small proportion of the millions of pounds gained from 
criminals through the Proceeds of Crime Act actually comes back to 
West Yorkshire Police. If elected I’ll fight for our Police to get 100% of that money.
A new Chief Constable will be needed in West Yorkshire and, if elected,
I’ll begin the process of making that crucial appointment immediately.
A vote for me is a vote for cutting crime, not cutting the Police. 
Please vote Labour on 15th November.
Candidate Contact Details
Tel 01924 204314 
Prepared by James Lewis, Election Agent, Labour Party Office, 
20/22 Cheapside,WakefieldWF1 2TF 01924 204314

Kevin Hurley, Zero Tolerance Policing, Police and Crime Commissioner, Surrey

Zero Tolerance Policing ex Chief
Force area:

Kevin Hurley

Election statement:
With thirty years Police Experience, much at senior level and forty years 
as a Reservist Army Officer, I’ve seen a bit; confronting drunken hooligans, 
investigating murders, managing a multi-million pound policing budget, 
leading thousands of staff or rebuilding Policing in Iraq.
I’ve listened to residents over the years, that’s why I will:
Take a Zero Tolerance Policing Approach
Leading a relentless focus on those who blight our lives: Anti-Social Louts, 
Burglars and those dealing Drugs to our young. We will seize the profits of 
their crime to pay for:
Visible street policing; I’ll use my experience to save on office roles, 
paying for officers on the street.
Putting victims at the centre of the Criminal Justice system;
I’ll ensure that victims have a quality service from reporting a crime to giving 
evidence. The professionals in the Courts and Police work for you, sometimes 
they forget that.
Giving you the opportunity to have a greater say in how your 
streets are policed;
I’ll set up local policing boards to bring officers closer to neighbourhoods. 
You will be able to participate and have your views heard.
Protecting your local policing;
I’ll work with Police Chiefs improving the morale and ethos of service of 
your officers. I’ll do this by supporting them against unreasonable criticism 
and ensuring their efforts are valued. We cannot expect officers to take on 
criminals unless we back them.
Uncompromising in the standards you expect from your police;
With support comes an expectation that your police deliver a quality service. 
I will expect the chiefs to inspire their staff and unlock their passion to deliver 
a professional, courteous and positive approach. You pay for it; you have a 
right to expect it.
This statement prepared by Kevin Hurley Candidate/Agent: 
Zero Tolerance Policing, PO Box 479, Esher, KT10 1EN
Contact: www.Kevinhurley4pcc.co.uk

Stephen William Bett, Police and Crime Commissioner, Norfolk

Force area:

Stephen William Bett

Election statement:
Stephen Bett – The Independent Voice
My Pledges:
Keeping Norfolk safe; keeping party politics out of policing; securing the 
financial future; and being firmly focused on what our community needs 
are what I will deliver.
Keep Norfolk safe as one of the lowest crime counties in the country
Ensure that Police fight serious and organised crime and support 
vulnerable people, including our elderly and disabled.  Priority crimes 
include drug dealing, sexual offences, domestic violence, hate 
crime and anti-social behaviour.
Protect the frontline in the face of cuts
Protect local policing from privatisation – achieving the savings we need 
by collaborating with other police and public services, and with the 
voluntary sector. 
Ensure the Constabulary works smarter – using targeting and prevention 
to reduce demand, working with young people to stay clear of crime; and 
using restorative justice to achieve long-lasting solutions
Listen to communities and victims
Reach out to minority communities and the disengaged to ensure 
policing is fair and equitable
Be a strong, independent voice, robustly challenging the Chief 
Constable to deliver what the public need
Reject party politics and work with other Independents to provide 
a national voice.
Why Me?
I am the candidate with the most experience of Policing.   I have been on
the Police Authority for 16 years, the last six as Chairman. Under my 
chairmanship Norfolk has become one of safest counties in England. 
We have delivered large savings whilst increasing efficiency and 
Prepared by James Morgan of The Old County Court, King’s Lynn, 
PE30 5EJ, as electoral agent for Stephen Bett

Alan Hardwick, Police and Crime Commissioner, Lincolnshire

_JMR1653 - A Hardwick
Force area:

Alan Hardwick

Election statement:

For the first time, you can decide how our county is policed. Yours is the most 
important voice, and with me as your Police and Crime Commissioner, your voice 
will be heard. Together we will replace outdated bureaucracy with a new and dynamic 
democratic accountability. In other words, you will take control. Your experiences 
and concerns will influence policing priorities, to help decide where money and 
manpower can do most good.  No-one knowsLincolnshire better than you. 
Taxpayers’ money – your money – spent on anything that does not benefit the 
public is wasted. There will be no decisions behind closed doors and – in my 
case at least – absolutely no political agendas. Politics and policing don’t mix. 
Your force will not be run like a local authority department. I am financing my 
own campaign, so there are no outside influences. My loyalty is to the people 
of Lincolnshire. I make no unrealistic, undeliverable promises. My priorities are
 to protect and strengthen neighbourhood policing; increase officer numbers; 
continue challenging Government cuts that unfairly penaliseLincolnshire; keep 
police stations open; enhance support for victims of crime and witnesses, and 
encourage more active and visible support from communities and volunteers. 
As a television journalist for many years, I have first-hand experience of policing 
in many parts of theUK. Working for the Police Authority for the past four years 
has given me a privileged insight intoLincolnshire policing. This is essential .
Before you can start to improve something, you need a thorough knowledge of 
how it works. Elect me as your Police and Crime Commissioner and we can 
start to deliver those improvements from day one.
Prepared by Alan Hardwick, acting as his own election agent, of 
1,Meadow Court,Low Road , Grayingham, Gainsborough,Lincolnshire,DN21 4GE

Matthew Grove, Police and Crime Commissioner, Humberside

Matthew Grove
The Conservative Party Candidate
Force area:

Matthew Grove

Election statement:
I have one priority – to cut crime. I will challenge head on the cycle of re-offending, supporting tougher community sentences so justice is seen to be done and will always put victims ahead of criminals.
I will free our police officers from unnecessary bureaucracy and targets so they can fight crime not fill forms. I will recruit more Special Constables to be deployed directly in to our communities and look to maintain numbers of PCSOs.
We must take the fight to the criminals, not just deal with the aftermath. We know who the habitual criminals are. We must target them instead of allowing them to target the innocent.
For those whose drunken, anti-social behaviour blights our streets at night I will be looking to charge them for the cost of the police time spent dealing with them. 
I will support effective rehabilitation and the fantastic work of those who help offenders re-join society. Continuing a life of crime can no longer be the easy option. We should help offenders who want to turn their lives around and not tolerate those who choose to make other people’s lives a misery.
Preventing crime and re-offending works when all the related services join together alongside our communities, so that offenders don’t fall through the gaps that can exist.  I will ensure there are no hiding places for criminals.  I will protect investment in projects which have a proven success rate but will not waste money on rewarding criminals.
I will be the Police and Crime Commissioner for the whole area, a strong, local, independent-minded voice serving all residents and working closely with the public, chief constable, police officers and other organisations to make our neighbourhoods safer.
Prepared by my election agent Robert Waltham 32 Main Street Normanby DN15 9HS.
Candidate’s Contact Details
Matthew Grove, Beck House, East Lambwath Road, Withernwick, East Yorkshire, HU11 4TL; Telephone: 01964 529222; Email: info@matthewgrove.org.uk; Website: www.matthewgrove.org.uk; Twitter: @mgrove4pcc; Facebook: Matthew Grove for Humberside Police & Crime Commissioner.

John Dwyer, Police and Crime Commissioner, Cheshire

john dwyer photo
GB_Conservative and Unionist Party_47
The Conservative Party Candidate
Force area:

John Dwyer

Election statement:
The introduction of the post of Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC) will mean that, 
for the first time, you will be able to hold someone to account for policing in Cheshire.  
Your new PCC will set the priorities for policing and determine the budget.  
My background is policing and public service.  I am a former Assistant 
Chief Constable in Cheshire and was a Cabinet Member on Crewe and 
Nantwich Borough Council.  I have run my own business and I’m a 
trustee of a number of local charities.
My vision for Cheshire has been set out in my manifesto “Making Cheshire an
 even better place to live” which you can read at www.johndwyer.org.uk
My priorities include:
Enhancing frontline policing to enable officers to further drive down crime
Increasing the Special Constabulary to 1000, with a Special in every town
and village
Demanding a zero tolerance approach towards yobbish behaviour to
punish the small minority who blight our lives
Introducing a sentencing unit that will monitor punishments on behalf of
victims of crime and, where necessary, campaign for tougher sanctions
Making rural crime a particular focus for police activity
Building fresh partnerships with a strong focus on drugs and alcohol abuse
Introducing the post of Youth Ambassador
Building and enhancing the most important partnership of all – the one
between public and the police
Cheshire is already a fantastic place to live.  But we must not rest on our laurels.  
Success lies in freeing police officers to do what they do best – policing.  
I believe a vote for me is a vote for unrivalled experience and 
determination to make Cheshire an even better place to live.  
It would be an honour to receive your support.
Contact details:
Tel: 01270 625144
E-mail:  john@johndwyer.org.uk
Website:  www.johndwyer.org.uk
Address:  c/o Crewe and Nantwich Conservatives, Churchyardside, 
Nantwich, CW5 5DE
Prepared by Simon Eardley, Conservative Office, Churchyardside, 
Nantwich CW5 5DE.

Sir Graham Bright, Police and Crime Commissioner, Cambridgeshire

GB at Mic GOOD
The Conservative Party Candidate
Force area:

Sir Graham Bright

Election statement:
Sir Graham BRIGHT
CONSERVATIVE Candidate for Cambridgeshire and 
– on YOUR side – experience counts.
I bring decades of public service experience, as a former 
MP and councillor.   
I now offer my experience and knowledge to help steer the Cambridgeshire 
Police through the challenges ahead.
I’ll bring policing in Cambridgeshire and Peterborough closer to all of us who live here, 
making the police genuinely accountable to the local communities they serve.
Meeting local needs. I will make sure that the police focus on the individual
needs of each community, whether road safety initiatives or tackling house
burglaries, anti-social behaviour, attacks on business premises or rural crime
such as farm thefts.
Value for money. Effective and value for money policing with no extra burden
on our Council Tax.
Co-operation with neighbouring forces. I will ensure improved efficiencies
and cost reductions by more co-operation with neighbouring forces, including
combating organised crime which often crosses force borders.
An influential voice. I will be visible and vocal in the public debate about
crime and policing, fighting for what really matters to the people of
Cambridgeshire – less crime and more effective policing.
Partnership and co-operation. I will champion local initiatives between
the police, the county council, district and parish councils, the voluntary
sector and all those working to reduce crime and build safer communities.
Prompt and professional policing. I will give priority to front line and
visible policing and ensure the police respond quickly and professionally –
including a better and faster response to all phone calls, not just 999.
Personally accountable. I pledge to be approachable and personally
accountable to the public, whom I will serve without fear or favour.

Prepared by Stephen Frost 153 St Neots Road, Hardwick, 
Cambridge, CB23 7QJ

    Contact Details:               www.Graham4Cambs.org

Sue Mountstevens, Police and Crime Commissioner, Avon & Somerset

Force area:
Avon & Somerset

Sue Mountstevens

Election statement:
I will reduce crime and protect residents and the police from political 
interference. Policing is a tough job without it being kicked about like a 
political football. There is no political party from London telling me what our 
priorities should be. It is for you, the resident, to make that decision.
You have a right to be safe and feel safe in your community. I will listen to 
residents’ needs and ensure that they are heard at every level within the police.
I’m a true local, spent my whole life here. I care about our community
I was part of Mountstevens Bakeries, employing hundreds of staff across 
the region. A magistrate for 15 years and on the Police Authority, 
I know what it’s like to run a large and complex organisation. I thoroughly 
understand the criminal justice system.
I will make Officers and PCSO’s more visible.
I will be a fierce advocate for victims and will work with all agencies
to provide support, making victim-focussed policing a reality
I will ensure that offenders are dealt with robustly through the legal system
And I will never forget that it is your money. I will ensure that every pound
is spent efficiently, effectively and wisely.
I will work with the police and local partners to prevent crime, to fight crime, to 
focus on persistent offenders so that your homes and streets are safer.
You tell me your concerns are anti-social behaviour, burglary and violent crimes, 
especially against women and girls. These will be my priorities. You will see 
the difference.
Only I have the experience, the commitment and the freedom to deliver the 
right policing for you and your families.  And no party politics!
Prepared by Electoral Agent C Ladkin, PO Box 3133, Bristol BS8 9GT

Matthew Ellis, Police and Crime Commissioner, Staffordshire

Conservative Colour emblem
The Conservative Party Candidate
Force area:

Matthew Ellis

Election statement:
The role of Police & Crime Commissioner is about new ideas, fresh thinking and 
bringing the public’s view to make policing in Staffordshire and Stoke-on-Trent 
more visible, responsive and accountable to local people.
It’s about freeing police officers from burdensome bureaucracy to do what they 
were trained for – catching criminals, cutting crime and making Staffordshire safer. 
In these difficult times it’s about achieving more policing with fewer resources so 
that crime keeps falling. Is that possible? Yes, it absolutely is!
My background building a business from scratch, strong public service ethos and 
recent responsibility for a £300 million budget at Staffordshire County Council has 
given me the experience and insight needed to be an effective PCC. With so many 
organisations involved in community safety, supporting victims and the wider criminal 
justice system, my experience building complex coalitions across sensitive public 
services would be important to developing a more joined up, effective system.
There are those who simply want to use this election to oppose shrinking budgets 
but I’m focused on Staffordshire’s future and making the most of the money available 
by tackling issues that matter to you.
My priorities include:
Using technology to let police officers be police officers, not stuck behind
Moving resources from detecting crime to preventing it
Treating victims of crime as people, not just a crime number
Tougher policing of prolific offenders if they can’t or won’t reform
Cracking down on irresponsible Licensees, anti-social drinking and
Fast and transparent justice with greater use of restorative measures
I will be a PCC for all of Staffordshire with the experience and determination to 
make sure we have effective and accountable policing across our diverse county. 
Read more at www.tellmatthew.org
Prepared by election agent Abi Brown, Unit 32 Blythe Park, Cresswell, 
Staffordshire ST11 9RD.

Alun Edward Michael, Police and Crime Commissioner, South Wales

Alun MichaelB&W
Welsh Ballot Logo
Labour Party Candidate/Ymgeisydd Plaid Lafur
Force area:
South Wales

Alun Edward Michael

Election statement:
Alun Michael promotes practical action that is “tough on crime and tough on the 
causes of crime”. He has worked consistently on policing and crime in South Wales 
for over 40 years, not just as an MP and Minister but “at the coalface” as a youth 
worker, magistrate, probation committee member, city councillor, and AM.
South Wales needs a Commissioner who is a strong, experienced, strategic
thinker who can work with senior police officers to cut crime, while having the 
authority to hold them to account. Alun has those strengths.
He gets things done. As Police Minister he introduced the 1998 Crime and 
Disorder Act, described as the best piece of criminal justice legislation for a 
generation, establishing Crime & Disorder Partnerships, Youth Offending 
Teams and Anti-Social Behaviour Orders. He drove Labour’s successful initiative 
to halve the time taken to get young offenders into court. He’s one of the authors 
of the Justice Select Committee’s major report on “Justice Reinvestment”, making 
radical recommendations for reform of the criminal justice system.
Alun promotes innovation. He’s worked internationally on Internet issues and 
recently moderated a seminar on “the Rule of Law Online” in Geneva. He’s 
supported work to tackle online child abuse, becoming the Internet Watch 
Foundation’s first “Parliamentary Champion”.
If elected he will:
Work with police to reduce crime and cut re-offending.
Put needs of victims at the heart of the system
Ensure that the police are effective, efficient and accountable.
Make it easier for the public to communicate with the police
Work with local authorities, voluntary sector and other agencies to
make communities safer.
Oppose Government cuts in police funding that already go too deep.
Prepared by Mike Payne (election agent) at Alexandra House, Swansea SA1 5ED
Contact Details:
  • Telephone: 077 8921 7990
  • Website: www.alunmichael.net
  • Twitter: @alunmichael
  • Post: c/o Mike Payne (election agent) at Alexandra House, Swansea SA1 5ED

Paddy Tipping, Police and Crime Commissioner, Nottinghamshire

photo tipping
ballot logo (labour)
The Labour Party Candidate
Force area:

Paddy Tipping

Election statement:
Nottinghamshire needs a Labour Police & Crime Commissioner to stand 
up for our communities in the fight against crime and anti-social behaviour; 
not be a cheerleader for Conservative Government cuts to the police.
Paddy Tipping has lived and worked in the voluntary, public and private sector 
in Nottinghamshire for over forty years.  He’s well known in communities around 
Nottinghamshire, and his family live here too. That means that your concerns are 
his concerns and he’ll always speak up for you with a strong voice.
Paddy believes that residents need to feel safe and secure in their homes and 
streets.  We all want a better and safer environment for our children and families.
Paddy will:
Fight for extra resources for our Police who face a budget cut imposed by
the Conservative Government of £42 million or 20%.  Already nearly 300
Police Officers have lost their jobs. You can’t cut crime by cutting Police Officers.
Improve and enhance neighbourhood policing by recruiting an extra 150
Police Officers backed by 100 more PCSOs. We need a regular uniformed
presence on our streets.
Work with local Councils and others to cut anti-social behaviour by 50%.
He’ll clamp down on yobbish behaviour.
Make sure that the victims of crime are treated as people, not cases, and
properly fund Victim Support.
Give extra priority and resources to domestic violence and crimes against women.
Be fair and honest; protect Council taxpayers money and he won’t take a
pay rise if elected to office.
Paddy Tipping will be the People’s Commissioner.  He will be a strong and 
effective leader of Nottinghamshire Police, while always listening to you and the 
communities he is elected to serve.
This statement prepared by Nicola Heaton, Agent, at 23 Barrett Lane, 
Attenborough, Notts NG9 6AD
Contact details:
Email: paddy4pcc@gmail.com
Website: www. paddy4pcc.co.uk

Adam Brian Keats Simmonds, Police and Crime Commissioner, Northamptonshire

Conservative Colour emblem
Conservative Party Candidate
Force area:

Adam Brian Keats Simmonds

Election statement:
Adam Simmonds, Northamptonshire
I am married with a young son. Working with Northamptonshire’s biggest employer 
I managed multi-million pound budgets and drove efficiency. I have worked closely 
with Police, Fire and Ambulance services. I want to combine my passion and 
experience to make Northamptonshire the Safest Place in England.
I will represent you and your family fearlessly and tirelessly with an independence 
of outlook and judgment, never giving way to vested interests. I am a Christian 
with strong working relationships with other faith groups, and a local charity 
volunteer helping disadvantaged people.
If I earn your vote, I will:
Put more Police on our streets by cutting red-tape and form-filling.
Better support and equip the Police.
Give more powers to PCSOs and re-launch the vital role of Specials.
Put victims of crime first reducing violent crime by 40% (that’s 4,000 fewer
victims in 5 years).
Reclaim town centres, villages and estates through zero tolerance for
street drinking, drug use and anti-social behavior.
Improve response times.
Break the cycle of reoffending through a better criminal justice system.
Recognise and better protect the special needs of rural communities.
Give budgets to communities, involving them more in their own protection.
Put Northamptonshire on the map to become the Safest Place in 
England to live, grow and do business.
Every individual, young and old, deserves respect, safety and justice; I will speak 
up for everyone.
As an elected Police and Crime Commissioner, the buck will stop with me. I will 
be accountable to you.
Making Northamptonshire the Safest Place in England is a movement not just 
a campaign.  I want Northamptonshire made safer and I believe I can make 
this happen.

Prepared by Agent, Kathryn Buckle (78 St. George’s Avenue, 
Northampton, NN2 6JF). 

Clive Loader, Police and Crime Commissioner, Leicestershire and Rutland

Clive Loader
Con Colour
The Conservative Party Candidate
Force area:

Clive Loader

Election statement:
Sir Clive Loader is a former Air Chief Marshal and Commander-in-Chief in the 
Royal Air Force, where he commanded over 31,500 personnel and ran a budget 
of over £2.6Bn. Clive and his wife Alison have had a home in our Police Area 
for over twenty years. Clive said:
“I strongly believe that people should have their voice heard about how well 
their Police Force is performing. Crime rates are unacceptably high. I am 
determined to help make our streets safer and much more family friendly.”
If elected I WILL:
Listen to, and act on behalf of, all the residents of Leicester, Leicestershire
and Rutland. I will be a PCC for all.
Agree priorities and targets with the Chief Constable (according to the
expectations and concerns of all our communities) and help him and the
Police Force to deliver them.
Be prepared to use all means, including innovative solutions, to reduce
crime and create efficiencies.
Create an improved support structure for the victims of crime, including
visits and feedback on the detection of their crime and the punishment awarded.
Do everything possible to protect the most vulnerable in our society,
including working across agencies to address difficulties created by
problem families.
On November 15th, please ask yourself which candidate has the credibility 
and experience to:
 Hold the Chief of Police to account.
Drive the necessary efficiencies through to allow maximum numbers of
uniformed police on the beat.
Listen to each and every voice so that all views are reflected in our Policing Plan.

I hope you will agree that I am that candidate. Please vote for me.

For my detailed manifesto go to: clive4leicspcc.com
Prepared by agent Lesley Bowles on behalf of Sir Clive Loader both of
24 Nelson St. Market Harborough LE16 9AY
Contact details:-
Tel: 01572 737429
Mob: 07876 757055
E-mail: clive4leicspcc@gmail.com
Web: clive4leicspcc.com

Ann Barnes, Police and Crime Commissioner, Kent

ANN BARNES Photo for Election Address
Force area:

Ann Barnes

Election statement:
Do you want a Party Politician with political masters in Westminster 
controlling our Police?
However well meaning, Party candidates could come under pressure 
from party bosses.
In Policing, trust is everything. Could you trust a Political activist to fight 
further Government cuts? Even people loyal to a particular Party are 
setting that aside in this election. They want a Commissioner who can be 
trusted to put Kent first, not one expected to ‘toe the Party line’.
This powerful, demanding job needs someone who can hit the ground running. 
With my years of experience locally and nationally in Policing and Criminal 
Justice, as Chair of Kent Police Authority, Deputy Chair of National APA, 
magistrate for 27 years, many commentators say no other candidate can 
match my track record:
  •  31% reduction in Crime : 43,000 fewer victims
  • Champion of visible Community Policing –Kent’s first priority.
  • Record levels of victim satisfaction
  • £30m efficiency savings, national recognition of Value for Money for taxpayers
  • Adviser on strategic national issues to Home Office, HMIC, ACPO etc.
My Pledges:
  • Total focus on cutting crime, catching criminal: no distraction of a Political career.
  • No privatisation of core Police services.
  • Fight further Government cuts to Police funding, defend Community Policing
  • Total involvement of communities: Local Policing Boards, Youth Commissioner, 
  • Outreach policing, open meetings etc.
  • Commitment to be the most accessible Commissioner inUK
 A ‘no nonsense’, principled woman, I never make promises I don’t keep. 
I am not a Politician and am beholden only to you.
You can always trust me to put you first.
Promoted by Steve Salt, Greatfield House,Ivychurch Road, 
BRENZETT,Kent,TN29 0EE for Ann Barnes, Shilston House, 
North Lyminge,Kent,CT18 8EE