Friday, November 16, 2012

Matthew Grove, Police and Crime Commissioner, Humberside

Matthew Grove
The Conservative Party Candidate
Force area:

Matthew Grove

Election statement:
I have one priority – to cut crime. I will challenge head on the cycle of re-offending, supporting tougher community sentences so justice is seen to be done and will always put victims ahead of criminals.
I will free our police officers from unnecessary bureaucracy and targets so they can fight crime not fill forms. I will recruit more Special Constables to be deployed directly in to our communities and look to maintain numbers of PCSOs.
We must take the fight to the criminals, not just deal with the aftermath. We know who the habitual criminals are. We must target them instead of allowing them to target the innocent.
For those whose drunken, anti-social behaviour blights our streets at night I will be looking to charge them for the cost of the police time spent dealing with them. 
I will support effective rehabilitation and the fantastic work of those who help offenders re-join society. Continuing a life of crime can no longer be the easy option. We should help offenders who want to turn their lives around and not tolerate those who choose to make other people’s lives a misery.
Preventing crime and re-offending works when all the related services join together alongside our communities, so that offenders don’t fall through the gaps that can exist.  I will ensure there are no hiding places for criminals.  I will protect investment in projects which have a proven success rate but will not waste money on rewarding criminals.
I will be the Police and Crime Commissioner for the whole area, a strong, local, independent-minded voice serving all residents and working closely with the public, chief constable, police officers and other organisations to make our neighbourhoods safer.
Prepared by my election agent Robert Waltham 32 Main Street Normanby DN15 9HS.
Candidate’s Contact Details
Matthew Grove, Beck House, East Lambwath Road, Withernwick, East Yorkshire, HU11 4TL; Telephone: 01964 529222; Email: info@matthewgrove.org.uk; Website: www.matthewgrove.org.uk; Twitter: @mgrove4pcc; Facebook: Matthew Grove for Humberside Police & Crime Commissioner.