Friday, November 16, 2012

Alan Hardwick, Police and Crime Commissioner, Lincolnshire

_JMR1653 - A Hardwick
Force area:

Alan Hardwick

Election statement:

For the first time, you can decide how our county is policed. Yours is the most 
important voice, and with me as your Police and Crime Commissioner, your voice 
will be heard. Together we will replace outdated bureaucracy with a new and dynamic 
democratic accountability. In other words, you will take control. Your experiences 
and concerns will influence policing priorities, to help decide where money and 
manpower can do most good.  No-one knowsLincolnshire better than you. 
Taxpayers’ money – your money – spent on anything that does not benefit the 
public is wasted. There will be no decisions behind closed doors and – in my 
case at least – absolutely no political agendas. Politics and policing don’t mix. 
Your force will not be run like a local authority department. I am financing my 
own campaign, so there are no outside influences. My loyalty is to the people 
of Lincolnshire. I make no unrealistic, undeliverable promises. My priorities are
 to protect and strengthen neighbourhood policing; increase officer numbers; 
continue challenging Government cuts that unfairly penaliseLincolnshire; keep 
police stations open; enhance support for victims of crime and witnesses, and 
encourage more active and visible support from communities and volunteers. 
As a television journalist for many years, I have first-hand experience of policing 
in many parts of theUK. Working for the Police Authority for the past four years 
has given me a privileged insight intoLincolnshire policing. This is essential .
Before you can start to improve something, you need a thorough knowledge of 
how it works. Elect me as your Police and Crime Commissioner and we can 
start to deliver those improvements from day one.
Prepared by Alan Hardwick, acting as his own election agent, of 
1,Meadow Court,Low Road , Grayingham, Gainsborough,Lincolnshire,DN21 4GE