Showing posts with label open. Show all posts
Showing posts with label open. Show all posts

Friday, November 19, 2021

NHS Covid Clinic Open on Oakham High Street Oakham Rutland

 NHS Covid Clinic Open on Oakham High Street Oakham Rutland

Thursday, August 19, 2021

Polls are open until 10pm for the Oakham South Rutland County Council by-election.

Polls are open until 10pm for the Oakham South County Council by-election. 

Polling Station: Rutland County Library Oakham Rutland

In line with Electoral Commission and Government guidance on Covid-19 , face masks are recommended when voting. Hand sanitiser and single-use pencils for marking ballots will also be provided.

Friday, June 11, 2021

Oakham Castle and Castle Cottage Cafe Open Oakham Rutland

Oakham Castle and Castle Cottage Cafe Open Oakham Rutland

Thursday, May 06, 2021

Oakham South Polling Station at Rutland County Library for the police and crime commissioner elections if you want to vote polling stations are open until 10pm

Oakham South Polling Station at Rutland County Library for the police and crime commissioner elections if you want to vote polling stations are open until 10pm

The funny Conservative has been campaigning hard.

The Labour and Liberal Democrat candidates appear to have forgotten Rutland not even a leaflet.

I googled both of them and found they are both Leicestershire Councillors so no surprise it appears they forgot Rutland.

Wednesday, May 05, 2021

Obsessions Pop Up Clearance Store Open Crown Walk Oakham Rutland

Obsessions Pop Up Clearance Store Open Crown Walk Oakham Rutland

Friday, April 09, 2021

Plans for Bar to open in Former Hambeltons Fine Foods Gaol Street Oakham Rutland

Plans for Bar to open in Former Hambeltons Fine Foods Gaol Street Oakham Rutland

The last time a bar opened in this street it did not go well, lets hope this turns out better.

Monday, April 05, 2021

Stamford Equilibrium to open second Clarins salon in Mill Street, Oakham, Rutland

Stamford Equilibrium to open second Clarins salon in Mill Street, Oakham