Showing posts with label to. Show all posts
Showing posts with label to. Show all posts

Thursday, September 22, 2022

Orbis Mill Street Oakham Rutland to close and reopen as the Angler Pub

Orbis Mill Street Oakham Rutland to close and reopen as the Angler Pub

Saturday, August 27, 2022

Walk to Cold Overton Leicestershire and Back to Oakham Rutland

Walk to Cold Overton Leicestershire and Back to Oakham Rutland 

Tuesday, August 02, 2022

Tesco returns to Humberstone Gate Leicester Tesco Express

Tesco returns to Humberstone Gate Leicester  

Tesco Express

Tesco returns to Humberstone Gate Leicester, in part of the former Lewis's Department Store, not to be confused with John Lewis

Friday, May 13, 2022

Colemans of Oakham to close after the Coleman Group struggled to return to pre-Covid levels of sales.

Colemans of Oakham to close  

The family firm was founded in Higham Ferrers in 1969

Colemans, which has eight branches in three East Midlands counties, has not gone into liquidation.

One branch of the Coleman Group, Colemans of Oundle, will remain open where the firm also offers their picture framing and print services.

The Oundle Bookshop, which is part of the Coleman Group, will also remain open.

The Oakham branch opened in 2010 after the closure of Unwins / Threshers 

Oakham High Street

Colemans helped celebrate the Queens 90th Birthday in 2016

Wednesday, May 11, 2022

Cllr Adam Lowe bullied and Misled Oakham Town Council members into paying unlawful £68,830.80 payment made to a contractor.

Covid 2019 has delayed this audit finding.

In 2019 I objected to a payment of £68,830.80 made to Cowman Road Surfacing Contractors, 
invoice dated 31 July 2018, paid in September 2018. 

because Oakham Town Council did not comply with central government procurement rules for this level of spending or with  European procurement laws and that little effort was made by the Council to seek value for money. 

At the Council meeting on 14 June 2017 it was agreed in principle to repair/widen the path and obtain three quotations. (Cutts Close Path)

The Council has informed the auditors that it wrote to five County Councils asking for recommended and approved contractors, inviting them to quote for the works. As a result of this exercise, only one response was received, from Martin Cowman Ltd. (no of evidence this was ever shown to members of the council or provided when I requested to see it as a Councillor)

At the Council meeting on 8 August 2017, the matter was discussed and as only one response had been 
received, it was agreed to seek tenders again, this time advertising in the press, on noticeboards and 
on the website. No further tenders were received and at the Council meeting on 8 November 2017 it 
was resolved to award the contract to Martin Cowman Ltd. (this part is true, but then what contractor looks at the council notice board or even the Rutland Times)

The invoice for the works was presented for  payment approval at the Council meeting on 8 August 2018 and was in accordance with the original 
quotation. Payment was not approved at this meeting but was deferred until the specification and path 
had been re-examined. (at this point the majority of members were unhappy with the process of awarding this contract and I pointed out to members that rules had been ignored)

At the Council meeting on 12 September 2018 the Chairman Adam Lowe gave a presentation on the subject and it was resolved to pay the invoice. (Cllr Adam Lowe misled  members accused me of lying and bullied members into agreeing to reverse there decision not to pay the invoice, a video recording of this presentation of false information can be found on youtube and a link was provided to the auditor)

The external auditor has concluded that Oakham Town Council failed to follow rules and regulations AS A RESULT THE PAYMENT MAY BE UNLAWFUL an auditor can not say the payment is unlawful, their full conclusion shown below means the payment made was unlawful and fortunately for Cllr Adam Lowe they are not taking Oakham Town Council to the High Court. The same happened when the previous Mayor was found to have made a unlawful payment without the Town Councils knowledge. That Mayor did the decent thing and resigned and repaid the couple of hundred pounds he unlawfully spent.

Cllr Adam Lowe has always bullied people to get what he wants and it needs to end. I have messaged him to seek a comment or an apology for how he treated me when he insisted the council would not be making an unlawful payment. He has ignored my message.

The auditors say I have a right to appeal their decision not to apply for a declaration under section 28(3) of the Local Audit and Accountability Act 2014. Should I wish to do so, I must issue mu appeal with the High Court, I have told Oakham Town Council I may exercise my right to appeal if Cllr Adam Lowe remains office, I don't want to take this action because the costs would have to be paid by Oakham Town Council. It could also make the members who approved the payment liable for this expenditure. I strongly believe if Adam Lowe remains a member of Oakham Town Council nothing is going to change and they will continue to ignore laws and rules that they should follow.

Oakham Town Council is aware that I am raising a conduct complaint with Rutland County Council regarding Cllr Adam Lowes bullying and dishonest conduct during the time he was attempting to secure this unlawful payment. 

Auditors Conclusion: It is our view that OTC did not follow the provisions of the Public Contracts Regulations 2015 and thereby their own Financial Regulations in respect of this contract, as the contract was not advertised on the government’s “Contracts Finder” website. As a result the payment may be unlawful; however, the Council has informed us of the tendering processes that it followed (as detailed above) in an attempt to obtain best value for money. Despite these attempts, only one quotation was received and, in accordance with Section 11.1.f. of the Financial Regulations, the Council made the decision to proceed with the works with the only contractor who had tendered. In our view, this was not an unreasonable decision in the circumstances; however, we are minded to raise this non-compliance with laws and regulations in our external auditor report for 2018/19. Please note that there is no right of appeal against a decision not to issue a public interest report in respect of any of the objections. With regard to objections 3 and 4, you have a right to appeal our decision not to apply for a declaration under section 28(3) of the Local Audit and Accountability Act 2014. Should you wish to do so, you must issue your appeal with the High Court within the period of 21 days beginning with the day after you receive this statement of written reasons. Yours sincerely PKF Littlejohn LLP

Wednesday, April 27, 2022

Phillip Dyke Pleads Guilty to further charges of sexual abuse whilst he taught at Hailey Hall School, Hertford.

I was not originally going to post this. I have changed my mind, because I have learnt it is not good to keep things hidden inside. 

On Tuesday 26th April 2022 I was meant to be giving evidence at St Albans Crown Court against my old art teacher, he was calling me a liar. 

Previously pleading not guilty to three charges. 

For almost three years Phillip Dyke subjected me to sexual and physical abuse at Hailey Hall School, Hertfordshire. I was 12 When the abuse started, he would have been in his early 20s. 

Yesterday at St Albans Crown Court he changed his plea to Guilty. When the police phoned me and told me the news I was both happy and sad. 

I was also very happy for the other man, who was also due to give his evidence against Mr Dyke, yesterday afternoon.

Mr Dyke will be sentenced for what he did to me and the other person at Wood Green Court on the 23rd June 2022.

For many years, I have been wanting those in authority to believe what I was saying, finally after the hard work of Bev, a dedicated detective at Hertfordshire Police, she believed me and listened to me for a very long time. 

Although I was preparing myself to give evidence. I can't put in words at how relieved I am now I don't have to do it due to Mr Dyke finally admitting what he did.

Mr Dyke was convicted of similar and worse offences back in 2013 he was sent to prison for 8 years for abusing 6 boys. At that time he pleaded not guilty and put those men through the ordeal of a trial.


In 2013 the police in Hertfordshire were aware of me and showed little interest in what happened to me. Possibly due to the case I was fighting at the time and won when certain Oakham Town Councillors and member of staff at Rutland County Council wrongly accused me of harassment.


At the time many of those Councillors were calling me what Mr Dyke is, that was all started by then Cllr Joyce Lucas BEM. she started spreading that false information to anyone who would listen to her,  she  also told local young people who used to call me that when I walked through the town. She went on to also tell people who worked with me at Tesco.  Occasionally some people still comment when I pass them.  It happened only this Saturday. I wish those people would understand how hurtful it is to hear that comment.

There are a number of different agencies who are able to offer independent help and support to victims of sexual offences in Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland

Wednesday, April 20, 2022

Fun Fair Oakham Rutland Cutts Close 27th May to 2nd May 2022

Fun Fair Oakham Rutland Cutts Close 27th May to 2nd May 2022

Sunday, November 07, 2021

Oakham Town Council To Consider Appointing Cllr Adam Lowe as Oakham Town Crier.

Oakham Town Council To Consider Appointing Cllr Adam Lowe as Oakham Town Crier.

Town Crier Camden Lock London 2013 

Meeting of Oakham Town Council on Wednesday 10 November 2021 at 6.30 p.m Agenda

Oakham Town Council

Rol House, Long Row, Oakham, Rutland, LE15 6NL 

 01572 723627        



TO:  All members of the Town Council

In accordance with the requirements of the Local government Act 1972, you are hereby summoned to attend a meeting of Oakham Town Council on Wednesday 10 November 2021 at 6.30 p.m.  The meeting will be held at the offices of the Town Council, Rol House, Long Row, Oakham, LE15 6LN

Karen Bell

Locum Clerk to the Council

03 November 2021                 


Public Notice of the meeting has been given in accordance with schedule 12, Para 10(2) of the Local Government Act 1972. The Meeting is open to the press and public. Members of the public attending this meeting are advised that it may be filmed and recorded.


1. APOLOGIES AND REASONS FOR ABSENCE:  To receive and approve apologies for absences 

2. DECLARATION OF MEMBERS’ INTERESTS AND APPLICATIONS FOR DISPENSATION:  Reminder to Members to disclose either a Pecuniary Interest or Other Interest in any item on the agenda.  The clerk cannot advise members on this. Members are personally responsible for declaring an interest. Members are respectfully advised to read the Code of Conduct for more information. Councillors are also responsible for ensuring that their Registers of Interests are up to date (within 28 days of any changes)

3. DEPUTATIONS FROM MEMBERS OF THE PUBLIC:  An opportunity for members of the public to speak in accordance with Standing Orders 1 (d)- 1(i)


     4.1 To confirm the accuracy of the minutes of the meeting held on 13 October   2021 Attached

      4.2 To receive an update on any matters arising not included elsewhere on the  agenda

5.   FINANCE COMMITTEE HELD ON 13 OCTOBER 2021:  The minutes from the 

      meeting are to be received and noted.  Questions can be asked of the Committee

      Chairman Attached


      minutes from the meeting are to be received and noted.  Questions can be asked 

      of the Committee Chairman Attached


To answer questions previously notified to the Clerk under Standing Order 9 





11.1 ABF The Soldiers Charity – Invitation to Christmas Curry Luncheon, and /  or donation request

11.2 One Way Out Escape Rooms - Space share Proposal

11.3 4 Oakham – Request received for OTC to contribute towards cost of 



  12.1 2020-2021 Conclusion of External Audit 2020/21:  To receive new  information

  12.2 Payments for Approval:   To follow

  12.3 Bank Reconciliation at 31 October 2021:   To follow

  12.4 2022-2023 Budget:  To receive information 

13. OAKHAM SKATEPARK PROJECT:  To consider Report Number TC 01/11/2021 


14. OAKHAM TOWN CRIER:  To consider Report Number TC 02/11/2021


15.  CUTTS CLOSE SHELTER:  To consider Report number TC 03/11/2021



      To consider Report Number TC/04/11/2021 Attached

17.  RUTLAND PRIDE 2022:  To consider Report Number TC/05/11/2021 Attached 

18.  REVIEW OF STANDING ORDERS:  To consider the following motion which has 

       been submitted by Cllr. Orchard

“that Standing orders be reviewed monthly, equally divided across the year

(nominally 2 per councillor, per month) to allow for a more focused  opportunity  for councillors to review and offer updates”

19.  ARMED FORCES COVENANT:  To receive information

20. MATTERS FOR FUTURE DISCUSSION:  To receive information


22. DATE AND TIME OF NEXT MEETING:  08 December 2021 @ 6.30 p.m. 


a)  The meeting is open to the press & public. 

b)  The Town Council allows a short period of time at meetings of the Full Council  when residents can put questions to the council. At other times, the public are not  able to take part in the proceedings except at the discretion of the Chairman who  may at a convenient time in the transaction of business adjourn the meeting and  suspend standing orders to allow any member of the public to address the meeting  and ask questions requiring answers of a factual nature 

c)  Mobile phones are to be turned off during the meeting

Meeting Documents

Wednesday, November 03, 2021

Pod Point have partnered with Tesco & Volkswagen to deliver Free EV charging at Oakham's Superstore

Pod Point have partnered with Tesco & Volkswagen to deliver Free EV charging at Oakham's Superstore

There are four charging bays in the car park they 7kW fast chargers and free to use.

Tesco Superstore - Oakham

2 named Pod Point charge points at Tesco Superstore - Oakham, Rutland.


Connector A Available Type 2 socket

Connector B Charging Type 2 socket


Connector A Available Type 2 socket

Connector B Charging Type 2 socket


96 South Street


LE15 6BQ

Tuesday, November 02, 2021

Armistice Day. This year’s act of Remembrance in the grounds of Oakham Castle Thursday 11 November 2021

Members of the public are being invited to observe this year’s act of Remembrance in the grounds of Oakham Castle on Thursday 11 November 2021, just before 11am to commemorate Armistice Day.

Tuesday, August 24, 2021

Prink coming soon to 23 High St, Oakham LE15 6AH

Prink coming soon to 23 High St, Oakham LE15 6AH



Saturday, August 21, 2021

Former Solicitor Paul Browne (LibDem) Elected to Rutland County Council Once Battled Kenneth Clarke (Conservative) for the Rushcliffe Parliamentary Seat

Former owner of Paul Browne Solicitors (now owned by Hegarty LLP Solicitors South Street Oakham) was elected as the forth Libdem Rutland County Councillor this Thursday (19th August 2021)

Cllr Browne moved to Oakham South from a lovely property in Brooke


He now lives on the recently built Spinney Hill Estate. 

He and family members are directors of Colbro Properties Ltd 


Cllr Browne was born in 1947, he was educated at Clareden FE College now known as Nottingham College.

Cllr Browne was Chairman Beeston & Stapleford LDA  during the 1970s That district was disbanded in 1974.

Cllr stood for General election in 1970: For Rushcliffe

Party         Candidate         Votes   

Conservative Kenneth Clarke 30,966

Labour         Antony Gardner 24,798

Liberal         Paul M Browne 4,180

Sunday, August 01, 2021

Paul Browne Lib Dem Candidate Letter delivered to selected Oakham Residents for the Oakham South Rutland County Council By-Election 2021

Paul Browne Lib Dem Candidate Letter delivered to selected Oakham Residents for the Oakham South Rutland County Council By-Election 2021

Below is a copy of the letter, delivered by a good looking Lib Dem today.

I am no longer on the local mailing list since Cllr Gale Waler should have retired.

Although I remain on the National list. 

The content of the letter is not that different from the leaflet delivered the other week.

The candidate still thinks as a Councillor you can decide what opens up in our vacant shops. If he is elected he has a lot to learn. He mentions a town full of charity shops and politicians. 

Opticians reminds me of the time, when I was a town councillor and attempted to support that opinion, first I was verbally attacked in the street by a drunk friend of the landlords son, then Rutland County Councils planning wrote to me and quoted European law, that basically states no one could object to the change of use. I do often wonder why, The County Council is required to even consider or consult on any application these days, when European law is quoted and central government has taken away most local planning restrictions.

It would seem Mr Browne who claims to have been a expert in land and property law does not know the council cant tell landlords who they can let their property to. 

The other point in his letter is a council can't sort out Oakham Medical Practice issues. Our MP can and although she is a Conservative she is trying and certainly helped me sort an issue.

I once used the services of Paul Browne solicitors to be fair to him I was duped into using one of his legal executives who was absolute crap and to this date over ten years later the issue has never been resolved. So he certainly won't be getting my vote.

Friday, July 23, 2021

Walking to Media City Manchester Via City Streets and Canal Paths

Walking to Media City Manchester Via City Streets and Canal Paths