Showing posts with label whilst he. Show all posts
Showing posts with label whilst he. Show all posts

Wednesday, April 27, 2022

Phillip Dyke Pleads Guilty to further charges of sexual abuse whilst he taught at Hailey Hall School, Hertford.

I was not originally going to post this. I have changed my mind, because I have learnt it is not good to keep things hidden inside. 

On Tuesday 26th April 2022 I was meant to be giving evidence at St Albans Crown Court against my old art teacher, he was calling me a liar. 

Previously pleading not guilty to three charges. 

For almost three years Phillip Dyke subjected me to sexual and physical abuse at Hailey Hall School, Hertfordshire. I was 12 When the abuse started, he would have been in his early 20s. 

Yesterday at St Albans Crown Court he changed his plea to Guilty. When the police phoned me and told me the news I was both happy and sad. 

I was also very happy for the other man, who was also due to give his evidence against Mr Dyke, yesterday afternoon.

Mr Dyke will be sentenced for what he did to me and the other person at Wood Green Court on the 23rd June 2022.

For many years, I have been wanting those in authority to believe what I was saying, finally after the hard work of Bev, a dedicated detective at Hertfordshire Police, she believed me and listened to me for a very long time. 

Although I was preparing myself to give evidence. I can't put in words at how relieved I am now I don't have to do it due to Mr Dyke finally admitting what he did.

Mr Dyke was convicted of similar and worse offences back in 2013 he was sent to prison for 8 years for abusing 6 boys. At that time he pleaded not guilty and put those men through the ordeal of a trial.


In 2013 the police in Hertfordshire were aware of me and showed little interest in what happened to me. Possibly due to the case I was fighting at the time and won when certain Oakham Town Councillors and member of staff at Rutland County Council wrongly accused me of harassment.


At the time many of those Councillors were calling me what Mr Dyke is, that was all started by then Cllr Joyce Lucas BEM. she started spreading that false information to anyone who would listen to her,  she  also told local young people who used to call me that when I walked through the town. She went on to also tell people who worked with me at Tesco.  Occasionally some people still comment when I pass them.  It happened only this Saturday. I wish those people would understand how hurtful it is to hear that comment.

There are a number of different agencies who are able to offer independent help and support to victims of sexual offences in Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland