Showing posts with label as. Show all posts
Showing posts with label as. Show all posts

Thursday, September 22, 2022

Orbis Mill Street Oakham Rutland to close and reopen as the Angler Pub

Orbis Mill Street Oakham Rutland to close and reopen as the Angler Pub

Tuesday, May 31, 2022

Mr Pickford Pharmacy Now Trading as Pickfords Pharmacy Oakham Rutland

Mr Pickford Pharmacy Now Trading as Pickfords Pharmacy Oakham Rutland 

Wednesday, April 20, 2022

Pera Business Park Tower and The Hunting Lodge - previously known as Staveley Lodge Melton Mowbray Leicestershire

Pera Business Park Tower and The Hunting Lodge - previously known as Staveley Lodge Melton Mowbray Leicestershire.

Cafe Mezz 

Thursday, March 31, 2022

Friday 1st April 2022 is the 25th anniversary of Rutland regaining its status as an independent county, as well as the formation of Rutland County Council as a unitary authority.

Friday 1st April 2022 is the 25th anniversary of Rutland regaining its status as an independent county, as well as the formation of Rutland County Council as a unitary authority. 

Rutland was a district of Leicestershire from 1974 until 1997, regaining its independent status only after a long-running campaign by local councillors, residents and communities. 

“As well as being a huge milestone for the county, this anniversary is a chance to pause and think about the things we value most about living in Rutland. We have a lot to be thankful for – particularly after the past two years and everything we’ve experienced because of the pandemic. It’s also timely that 2022 is also the year in which Council agreed to endorse and adopt the community’s new shared vision for Rutland. This is something we can all work towards over the next 30 years and then look back on what all we have achieved together – maintaining our independence while continuing to work closely with our friends and neighbours.”

Councillor Jeff Dale, Chairman of Rutland County Council

Oakham Library is hosting a display illustrating Rutland’s battle for independence, covering the campaigns from the 1960s to Independence Day on 1st April 1997, together with a selection of local history books telling the stories of England’s smallest County. Oakham Library is open from 9.00am to 5.00pm Monday – Friday and 9.00am to 1.00pm on Saturday.

The full picture of our wonderful County can be explored in the displays at Rutland County Museum, which covers everything from fossils to Romans to the present day. Further details about the various collections on display at Rutland County Museum can be found online at: rutlandcountymuseum.org.uk. The Museum is open from 10.00am to 4.00pm on Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday with no booking required.

Friday, March 11, 2022

As the Green Party Celebrates Its Rutland County Council Election Win, Uppingham Ward Councillor Miranda Jones, Green Party Resigns

As the Green Party Celebrates Its Rutland County Council Election Win, Uppingham Ward Councillor Miranda Jones, Green Party Resigns. 

Rutland and Stamford Sound report she is moving to Scotland 

Sunday, November 07, 2021

Oakham Town Council To Consider Appointing Cllr Adam Lowe as Oakham Town Crier.

Oakham Town Council To Consider Appointing Cllr Adam Lowe as Oakham Town Crier.

Town Crier Camden Lock London 2013 

Meeting of Oakham Town Council on Wednesday 10 November 2021 at 6.30 p.m Agenda

Oakham Town Council

Rol House, Long Row, Oakham, Rutland, LE15 6NL 

 01572 723627        



TO:  All members of the Town Council

In accordance with the requirements of the Local government Act 1972, you are hereby summoned to attend a meeting of Oakham Town Council on Wednesday 10 November 2021 at 6.30 p.m.  The meeting will be held at the offices of the Town Council, Rol House, Long Row, Oakham, LE15 6LN

Karen Bell

Locum Clerk to the Council

03 November 2021                 


Public Notice of the meeting has been given in accordance with schedule 12, Para 10(2) of the Local Government Act 1972. The Meeting is open to the press and public. Members of the public attending this meeting are advised that it may be filmed and recorded.


1. APOLOGIES AND REASONS FOR ABSENCE:  To receive and approve apologies for absences 

2. DECLARATION OF MEMBERS’ INTERESTS AND APPLICATIONS FOR DISPENSATION:  Reminder to Members to disclose either a Pecuniary Interest or Other Interest in any item on the agenda.  The clerk cannot advise members on this. Members are personally responsible for declaring an interest. Members are respectfully advised to read the Code of Conduct for more information. Councillors are also responsible for ensuring that their Registers of Interests are up to date (within 28 days of any changes)

3. DEPUTATIONS FROM MEMBERS OF THE PUBLIC:  An opportunity for members of the public to speak in accordance with Standing Orders 1 (d)- 1(i)


     4.1 To confirm the accuracy of the minutes of the meeting held on 13 October   2021 Attached

      4.2 To receive an update on any matters arising not included elsewhere on the  agenda

5.   FINANCE COMMITTEE HELD ON 13 OCTOBER 2021:  The minutes from the 

      meeting are to be received and noted.  Questions can be asked of the Committee

      Chairman Attached


      minutes from the meeting are to be received and noted.  Questions can be asked 

      of the Committee Chairman Attached


To answer questions previously notified to the Clerk under Standing Order 9 





11.1 ABF The Soldiers Charity – Invitation to Christmas Curry Luncheon, and /  or donation request

11.2 One Way Out Escape Rooms - Space share Proposal

11.3 4 Oakham – Request received for OTC to contribute towards cost of 



  12.1 2020-2021 Conclusion of External Audit 2020/21:  To receive new  information

  12.2 Payments for Approval:   To follow

  12.3 Bank Reconciliation at 31 October 2021:   To follow

  12.4 2022-2023 Budget:  To receive information 

13. OAKHAM SKATEPARK PROJECT:  To consider Report Number TC 01/11/2021 


14. OAKHAM TOWN CRIER:  To consider Report Number TC 02/11/2021


15.  CUTTS CLOSE SHELTER:  To consider Report number TC 03/11/2021



      To consider Report Number TC/04/11/2021 Attached

17.  RUTLAND PRIDE 2022:  To consider Report Number TC/05/11/2021 Attached 

18.  REVIEW OF STANDING ORDERS:  To consider the following motion which has 

       been submitted by Cllr. Orchard

“that Standing orders be reviewed monthly, equally divided across the year

(nominally 2 per councillor, per month) to allow for a more focused  opportunity  for councillors to review and offer updates”

19.  ARMED FORCES COVENANT:  To receive information

20. MATTERS FOR FUTURE DISCUSSION:  To receive information


22. DATE AND TIME OF NEXT MEETING:  08 December 2021 @ 6.30 p.m. 


a)  The meeting is open to the press & public. 

b)  The Town Council allows a short period of time at meetings of the Full Council  when residents can put questions to the council. At other times, the public are not  able to take part in the proceedings except at the discretion of the Chairman who  may at a convenient time in the transaction of business adjourn the meeting and  suspend standing orders to allow any member of the public to address the meeting  and ask questions requiring answers of a factual nature 

c)  Mobile phones are to be turned off during the meeting

Meeting Documents

Thursday, September 09, 2021

Showaddywaddy Band Member Mr David Graham co-opted as Councillor for Oakham Town Council Oakham South ward

Showaddywaddy Band Member Mr David Graham co-opted as Councillor for Oakham Town Council Oakham South ward 

David Graham is the owner of DG Music and The Piano Cafe South Street Oakham Rutland. He is also a former Oakham School Music Teacher and past member of Showaddywaddy. He is rejoining the band as saxophonist and guitarist for more than 100 gigs the tour starts this month and runs until the band's 50th anniversary in 2023. I wonder how this will affect his commitment to serve Oakham residents and his attendance? 



Saturday, August 28, 2021

Sunflower Cutting £10 for as much as you can carry, this weekend at The Rutland Vineyard Barrowden Road Ketton PE9 3RJ For Rutland Sailability Wonderful view of Collyweston and Wildflower Meadow

Sunflower Cutting £10 for as much as you can carry, this weekend at The Rutland Vineyard Barrowden Road Ketton PE9 3RJ For Rutland Sailability Wonderful view of Collyweston and Wildflower Meadow

A wonderful afternoon out and helping to raise funds for a good cause. If I forget I fell over hurt my knees and ripped my trousers.

The only thing that annoyed me was some people who had enjoyed the sunflower picking and a ice cream. Felt it was perfectly acceptable to dispose of the plastic container, in the farmers field.

Sunflower Cutting £10 for as much as you can carry, this weekend at The Rutland Vineyard Barrowden Road Ketton PE9 3RJ For Rutland Salability

The Rutland Vineyard Barrowden Road Ketton  PE9 3RJ



